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4000-265-Hocutt, Keith and Joelle

We will be assisting the church planting efforts of the local Ecuadorian church through discipleship and music/drama ministry in the city of Loja and throughout the province. Although officially there is religious freedom in Ecuador, family and religious leaders make it very difficult on new believers often disowning them and asking the community to boycott their businesses . Traditions are exalted above biblical accuracy.

Please pray for people to be moved to partner with us to see transformed lives in Ecuador and for discipleship opportunities while we share our story with others. Pray for the ministry that has already begun in Loja, for God to be glorified and people’s eyes to be opened.

About us:
We grew up following the traditions of the church thinking we had saving faith. We realized much later in life that following tradition is not saving faith in Jesus Christ, but belief in the finished work of Christ on the cross and making Him Lord of our life is and that decision has changed us forever.
We met while following our passion for theatre/drama and now God has called us to follow our passion for Him using the skills and experiences of our past to glorify Him in Loja, the cultural and music capital of Ecuador. After years of serving our local community through small group bible study, women’s ministry, children’s ministry, music and drama ministries, we will now serve the people of Ecuador similarly. Our hope is to see all people have true saving faith in Jesus breaking the chains of sin, shame, hopelessness and becoming disciples who make disciples among their own people and throughout the world.
“Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11

Ecuador, Americas
