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ITES in Dakar, Senegal 2024
Circle of Light: The Story of Adama Diouf Features

Circle of Light: The Story of Adama Diouf

Alice Statler served in Senegal with her husband, Ed. She is a WorldVenture Alumnus and living in Sierra Vista, Arizona. She shares the incredible testimony of Adama Diouf. Related Links: Building a Church Legacy in Senegal  A Pentacostal Celebration in Senegal  Sierra Vista Baptist Church: A Family Legacy  Foundations: A Church Building  A Beacon of Hope: The Inspiring History of a Beach Camp in Senegal  Senegal Global Workers  Transcription: I'd like to tell you about a good friend of ours, Adama Diouf. He was born into a Muslim family and among the Serer tribe, and in the Serer tribe…
February 7, 2025
Does the Holy Spirit of Christ Reside in This Church? Church Relations

Does the Holy Spirit of Christ Reside in This Church?

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations As we continue to answer the question, “Does the Holy Spirit of Christ reside in this church?” we remind ourselves of the three distinct characteristics which display the Holy Spirit’s presence in a church from our previous blog, and add three more characteristics in our current blog. From Acts 2:42-47:  From part 1: When the Holy Spirit shows up in a church, there is Biblical Instruction (Acts 2:42). “They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching.” When the Holy Spirit shows up at church, there is a loving community (Acts 2:42, 44-45). "They devoted themselves to…
January 31, 2025
A Japanese Christian Shares His Perspective Features

A Japanese Christian Shares His Perspective

WorldVenture::In Review (Special Edition) featured Greg and Asa Swenson from Japan with guest, Kosuke Yoshimura. Kosuke is a Japanese believer who grew up in a Christian home and is House of Grace's main worship leader. Related Links:  Learn about Greg and Asa Swenson here.  Follow House of Grace on Facebook. As you watch this, feel free on Facebook or YouTube to leave comments or ask questions.
January 24, 2025
When The Holy Spirit Shows Up at Church Features

When The Holy Spirit Shows Up at Church

Part One by Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Verse Reference: Acts 2:42-47 The term “church shopping” is a familiar one in today's American culture. To church shop means to go look for a church like you might look for a turkey to purchase from the grocery store. Usually, it means searching several different places for a particular church that will meet your particular needs. When going church shopping, people look for things like... The style of music in the worship service. The kind of children’s programming. Does this church have a growing and active middle/high school ministry? Is there a Groups’…
January 15, 2025
WorldVenture and Joshua Project: Praying For The Unreached in India Joshua Project

WorldVenture and Joshua Project: Praying For The Unreached in India

If you missed yesterday's livestream, you can view the recording here. We featured Alex Ott of Leaders in Missions. Watch and pray with us for the unreached in India. Links Mentioned in the Livestream: Leaders in Missions  Pray for the unreached in India  Books Mentioned: People Vision by Leonard Bartlotti Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby  Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders 
January 8, 2025
Incarnation – Fathom The Unfathomable Uncategorized

Incarnation – Fathom The Unfathomable

Hope was heard in a baby's cry when the Creator entered His creation. Of all the mysterious activities of God, the incarnation of Jesus, when the second Person of the Trinity took on flesh and bone to live among us as one of us, is one of the greatest surprises ever foretold. That the Messiah would one day rescue Israel was a dimly lit beacon of hope guiding the people of God through many dark days. But, that God Himself would be born a baby to a virgin, and the Messiah would die as a sacrifice for sin—our sin?! Unfathomable!…
December 12, 2024
Hardships in The Mission Field AskAMissionary

Hardships in The Mission Field

Noami is a student at a university, and she asked, "What are some of the hardships with going into the mission field?" Our Global Worker who is active in Asia and Europe answered her question: If you would like to submit your own question, click here.    Other Articles: Cross-Cultural Missionaries For Christ  Using Modern Tools to Share The Gospel  Pawl's Story From Poland  Stay Focused! 
November 19, 2024
Praying For the IIavan in Sri Lanka Joshua Project

Praying For the IIavan in Sri Lanka

Joshua Project's, Keith Carey and WorldVenture's, Gordon Ellison come together to pray for the unreached in Sri Lanka. In this episode, we featured Bryan Padgett, Director of Mobilization and Mentorship. You'll also learn about living a missional lifestyle and about our Director of Mobilization and Mentorship. Links Mentioned: Learn about Perspectives. Find a class near you or take a class online.  Learn about the people group we are praying for in this recording.  To talk to someone about serving overseas, click here to complete a form first.  Church Relations: Why It Matters (Featuring Quincy Thompson), watch recording.  3 Ways…
November 6, 2024
Cross-Cultural Missionaries For Christ Church Relations

Cross-Cultural Missionaries For Christ

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become…
October 30, 2024
Meet a Mozambican Artist! Features

Meet a Mozambican Artist!

Opal: The Outrageous Ostrich is a children's book written by Lynne Schmidt and illustrated by Mozambican artist, Abdullah Abdurremane. In this special edition of WorldVenture::In Review, you get to meet Abdullah and Lynne with Rodger interpreting. This book is ideal for schools, homeschoolers, and children's ministries. Opal: The Outrageous Ostrich shares about real people and an imaginary Ostrich seeking to find belonging, community, and to be more colorful. While reading the book, the children get a glimpse into Mozambican culture and learn some new words in a different language. Lynne provides a glossary in the back so you can teach…
October 25, 2024
Church Relations: Why It Matters Church Relations

Church Relations: Why It Matters

Quincy Thompson and Rich Peterson talk about the purpose of Church Relations. If you missed today's livestream, you can still view the recording. Comments are turned off. If you have questions, email them directly. Links Mentioned: Via Nation, click here.  Perspectives, click here.  More about Church Relations (and contact info) here.  Carey Nieuwhof  Never Too Old For Mission by Rich Peterson 3 Ways to Increase Your Sending Capacity by Quincy Thompson    
October 23, 2024
Using Modern Tools to Share the Gospel Features

Using Modern Tools to Share the Gospel

By Nikole Hahn “Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” – 1 Timothy 3:14-15 NIV Three years ago, *Steve joined a Sunday morning Life Group led by 1Bo. Steve was going through the aftermath of a vicious divorce and shared his story with the group. Bo got Steve’s cell number and email address and began sending him weekly Bible studies.…
October 16, 2024
WorldVenture::In Review – Hungary Features

WorldVenture::In Review – Hungary

Yesterday, we livestreamed Jenn Kelley (Hungary). Learn about what the Kelleys do, about Hungary, and how you can pray for them. Links Mentioned: Read more about Jenn and Dave Kelley here. Visit their website here.  "Go, Dog, Go" by PD Eastman  Quotes From the Livestream: To get to know the area you live and work in, take Jenn's advice! "Dave and I like to check out the different coffee shops around Budapest. There's some really great ones and we are working our way through a list of the top 25 that we found on a tourist website. So, we…
October 12, 2024
3 Ways to Increase Your Sending Capacity Church Relations

3 Ways to Increase Your Sending Capacity

by Quincy Thompson  I have forgotten more than I can remember as a pastoral leadership student in college. Still, one quote that stands out to this day is from Rick Warren, who said, “The greatness of a church is not in her seating capacity but in her sending capacity.” Ever since I saw that on my professor’s slide in class, I haven’t forgotten it. “Sending capacity” sounds great and packs a punch, but what is it, and how can we increase it? Look no further because we are going to unpack it all right here. In the simplest terms, sending…
October 9, 2024
Learn How We Fight Trafficking Features

Learn How We Fight Trafficking

WorldVenture::In Review featured Brian and Melissa Leak who serve in Anti-Trafficking. Watch this recorded version of our livestream to see what the church can do to get involved. Links Mentioned: Learn more about Melissa and Brian here.  Check out their web page and get some resources!  Ask to get their newsletter: The Freedom Fight. Click here.  Pure Desire Ministries. Click here.  European Freedom Network. Click here. Quotes From the Livestream: Brian: "I grew up going to church in the South. I grew up in Alabama Bible Belt, and it was quite a cultural thing for me. It wasn't…
October 5, 2024
Teen Marriages and Teen Pregnancies Features

Teen Marriages and Teen Pregnancies

By 4000-008 I had always heard that daughters of teen pregnancies are at a greater risk for having teen pregnancies themselves, and that this can perpetuate for generations. This statistic has come to life for me in our time here and seeing the society and the inequalities, intergenerational poverty, rate of divorce, and domestic/familial abuse. My friend *Zahara has painted quite the picture for me and has given voice to her life of tragedy, pressure, and burden. Her mom was 12 when she married and 14 when she had her, sadly she passed away a year later. Zahara gained a…
October 3, 2024
Prayer Gathering: Praying For the Yazidi in Germany Joshua Project

Prayer Gathering: Praying For the Yazidi in Germany

If you missed our prayer time yesterday, you can view the recording here. Links mentioned: Unreached of the Day Learn more about Keith Carey here.  Learn more about Gordon Ellison here.  In the comment section of this blog, after watching this episode, write out your thoughts and a prayer for this people group.   
October 2, 2024
Special Edition: Pawel’s Story From Poland Features

Special Edition: Pawel’s Story From Poland

WorldVenture::In Review is an unscripted conversation on missions. This week's livestream was a special edition, featuring Pawel from Lubin, Poland. He's a teen leader at his church. Bruce and Linda Thomas share about their ministries. Links Mentioned: Lubin Church in Poland Learn about Bruce and Linda Thomas here. 
September 27, 2024
Praying Through Conflict Features

Praying Through Conflict

By Nikole Hahn  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6 NIV Disunity is challenging in ministry, especially cross-culturally. Tension can come from different ways of doing things, working in a different culture, pressure, stress, personalities, or lack of sleep. In the anxiety of dealing with an unpleasant situation, it’s easy to pick up the phone and talk about it with a close friend. Even more so, have it weigh heavily on your mind for days, irritated that it happened or trying to figure…
September 26, 2024
WorldVenture::In Review – The Posts in Ireland Features

WorldVenture::In Review – The Posts in Ireland

If you missed today's livestream, you can still view the recording! Links Mentioned: Galway City Baptist Church Project (click here) Thrive Devotional. (Click here)  Learn about the Posts. (Click here) Quotes from the livestream: Jason: "I took a missions course with Mark Young, who's President Denver Seminary now, and he kind of became a mentor, but he really started to kind of open up our thinking and about the need outside of the U.S. for churches." Jason: "We were trying to meet people. We're trying to share the gospel as often as we could in order to get a…
September 20, 2024
The Gospel Need in Europe Features

The Gospel Need in Europe

By Kirk and Sandlin Poth (Ireland)  The command to be salt and light is the basis for the key idea of High Potency + Close Proximity + Clear Communication = Maximum Impact. To have maximum impact in the lives of those around us, we need to excel in these three areas. We must have high potency. If our lives don’t reflect Christ, we won’t have an impact. We must also have close proximity to non-Christians. After all, what good is salt if it never leaves the saltshaker? The key component to being the light of the world is clear communication.…
September 16, 2024
Sierra Vista Baptist Church: A Family Legacy in Ministry Features

Sierra Vista Baptist Church: A Family Legacy in Ministry

If you missed yesterday's livestream featuring WorldVenture Alumni, Alice Statler and Pastor of Sierra Vista Baptist Church, Matt Statler (her son) on their family legacy in ministry, here is the recording and related links.   Links mentioned in this livestream: Quotes from the livestream: Alice: "And we would get the packets of missionary letters. And I would find my mother almost every morning reading those missionary letters. And then she started sharing them with me. And it usually was our family that had the missionaries come to eat dinner with us after they spoke. So, it…
September 12, 2024
10 Biblical Truths About Spiritual Gifts Church Relations

10 Biblical Truths About Spiritual Gifts

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Biblical Passages: 1 Corinthians 12; 1 Peter 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:11-12; Romans 12:6-8 Definition: A Spiritual gift is ANY ability that is GIVEN and EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit and used in ANY ministry (service) of the church (Wayne Grudem). 10 Truths: Spiritual gifts are not for the elite – they are for everybody in the church Spiritual gifts are not ego-driven – they are God-given Spiritual gifts are not self-propelled – they are Holy Spirit empowered Spiritual gifts are not for selfish consumption – they are for mutual edification. Spiritual gifts are not limited to…
September 12, 2024
Challenged by Wildflowers Features

Challenged by Wildflowers

By Grace Sandeno I passed a field of wildflowers on my morning walk and was captivated by how they seemed to eagerly wait for the new day. They aligned facing east and looked like they were straining to catch that first glimpse of the sun’s light.  They knew what was coming was good, yet they waited patiently, far more patiently than the photographer (me). I was challenged by their enthusiasm, their expectation that what would come would bring promise and growth. I also realized that the first hard frost would kill their growth, for this year at least. As I…
September 10, 2024
The Gospel Need in Japan Features

The Gospel Need in Japan

By Gary Chang  Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Heb 11:1) Our church pulpit ministry has followed Abraham's life in the last several months. Indeed, most Christians know about his story; we all know he is our father of faith. Nevertheless, as we slowly go through every instance of his life, the ups and downs, successes and failures, we learn that God's grace and faithfulness toward him ultimately kept him on the right path. We can all quickly judge the weaknesses and lies he made so that he can preserve his…
September 7, 2024
Stay Focused! Features

Stay Focused!

By Tim and Stephanie Shewey  The Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20) are one of my life verses.  It’s what spurred me to want to become a missionary. God commanded us to make disciples.  I said, “Yes, Lord,” then devoted the rest of my life to fulfill this mission.  At Launch (a training and time of refreshment at WorldVenture), we learned about so many important things to help us plan and prepare for a life of ministry.  But what has been resonating the most in my mind lately from that training is, “Make disciples…stay focused on making disciples.” In one of our lessons, we learned…
September 5, 2024
Prayer Gathering: Khalka Mongol in Mongolia Joshua Project

Prayer Gathering: Khalka Mongol in Mongolia

If you missed our livestream today with Joshua Project, you missed a treat! Duane from Joshua Project has just returned from Mongolia. We featured him in this episode. Links: Learn more about these episodes here.  Learn about Keith Carey.  Learn about Gordon Ellison.  Read more about today's people group here.  Follow Joshua Project on Facebook, Instagram, or X.  
September 3, 2024
New Resource From Church Relations Church Relations

New Resource From Church Relations

Rich Peterson offers up a downloadable Church Leadership Covenant.  After more than our fair share of issues pertaining to poor leadership in one church I pastored, we created a Church Leadership Covenant that the Pastors, Elders, and Church Staff members were asked to sign on an annual basis. Perhaps your leadership team could benefit from the following? Download printable PDF Document or copy and paste words below.  ________________________ Before the Lord and together with my fellow (name of church) Leaders, and with the intent to strengthen our church, I sincerely enter the following covenant: A COVENANT OF TEAM UNITY I now…
August 29, 2024
One Woman Makes All The Difference! Features

One Woman Makes All The Difference!

By Nikole Hahn A remote village in Rwanda chose to go without beans—their only source of protein—to stockpile enough cash to send a family to an unreached Muslim people group in North Africa. This love for people they don't know began with just one woman. Nick Pirolo taught a missiology class at the Christian Leadership Institute in Rwanda five years ago. It wasn't enough to give the students knowledge. Nick desired the students to experience a different culture, but was that possible in their own country? A chance for mission exposure came in the form of another organization. This organization…
August 24, 2024
Two Additional Qualities of Trustworthy Leadership Church Relations

Two Additional Qualities of Trustworthy Leadership

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations/Western Region    Trustworthy Leaders are hard on themselves and gracious to others. The trustworthy leader is going to be a self-disciplined, hard-working person. Leaders who set the bar extremely high for themselves, do not run aimlessly, do not box as one beating the air. Trustworthy leaders discipline themselves, keeping their bodies and hearts fit and under control, lest after preaching to others they themselves should be disqualified. Trustworthy leaders are hard on themselves yet gracious to others. Lots of people these days reverse this order, and they are gracious to themselves and hard on everyone…
August 11, 2024
WorldVenture::In Review – Michael and Rebekah Banks Features

WorldVenture::In Review – Michael and Rebekah Banks

Did you miss our livestream with the Banks? Watch it here: Links For Topics Mentioned: Read Romans 12 Read Matthew 28 Learn about the Banks   Quotes From the Broadcast: "MPD is ministry partner development. As Rebecca and I gear up for the field and for serving as global workers with WorldVenture, we go through this process of building ministry partners. There's a lot of different ways that people partner with us in our ministry. I really kind of sum it up in three different categories. First and foremost, we need prayer, just prayer that we would be obedient…
August 10, 2024
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Interruption as an Invitation to Prayer Features

Interruption as an Invitation to Prayer

By Brianna Brown In the beautiful country of Taiwan, the garbage trucks play music. When we lived in Taiwan, everyday experiences often became new and interesting learning opportunities—one example is the trash pickup. In America, we have our small trash cans that hold our waste. We haul that waste to larger cans often outside our homes, and we put the larger trash cans by the road once a week. City trucks (or smaller businesses as is my case in the country) rhythmically drive around and collect our trash week after week. We don’t normally give much thought to our trash…
August 9, 2024
Praying For South Korea Joshua Project

Praying For South Korea

If you missed our livestream, you can see the recording here:   Links: Talk to someone about going by completing this form.  Learn about Gordon Ellison by clicking here.  Learn about Keith Carey by clicking here.  See our prayer schedule here.    Hospitality by Kendall Beck   There’s an old adage that says, “When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.”   Maybe hospitality is not just simmering pots and the ring of the doorbell but “I heard you needed a place to live for a little while, I’m preparing our…
August 7, 2024
WorldVenture::In Review Eric and Kari Koerlin Features

WorldVenture::In Review Eric and Kari Koerlin

If you missed yesterday's livestream, you can still watch the recording here: Links For Further Information: Learn about the Korelin's here.  Talk to someone about going to Japan here.  Sign up to receive the Korelin's newsletter here.  Quotable Quotes: Kari: "I was plugged into a church as well that did a really great job and a disciplined us from a young age. So, I came to know the Lord when I was six and just kind of continue to grow into my relationship. From that point. I think I probably grew the most that I can think of in…
August 1, 2024
3 Qualities of a Trustworthy Leader Church Relations

3 Qualities of a Trustworthy Leader

By Rich Peterson  Trust impacts us 24/7, 365 days a year. It undergirds and affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, every work project, every business venture, every effort in which we are engaged. Contrary to what most people believe, trust is not some soft, illusive quality that you either have or you don’t; rather, trust is a pragmatic, tangible, actionable asset that you can create – much faster than you think possible. I am also convinced in every situation nothing is as fast as the speed of trust. And, contrary to popular belief, trust is something you can…
July 26, 2024
Travel The World: Rwanda Travel The World

Travel The World: Rwanda

If you missed today's livestream, you can view the recording here: Links Mentioned: To talk to someone about going to Rwanda, click on Learn about the Pirolos here. Learn about New Creation Ministries here.  Find resources to help you live a missional lifestyle here.  Register for our workshop on July 26, 2024 here.       
July 18, 2024
Travel The World: Poland Travel The World

Travel The World: Poland

Join us as we get different perspectives around the world. If you missed the Whites, you can view the recording here. Links Mentioned:
July 15, 2024
Kingdom Leadership Church Relations

Kingdom Leadership

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  General Eisenhower used to demonstrate the art of leadership with a simple piece of string. He’d put it on a table and say: “Pull it and it will follow you wherever you wish. Push it and it will go nowhere at all.” When the Bible speaks of leadership it rarely mentions what a leader DOES, it speaks instead of what a leader IS. What you are is as important as what you do. It was said of David that he “led the people with integrity of heart and guided them with skillful hands “(Ps. 78:72).…
July 14, 2024
The Three Vs Features

The Three Vs

By Jonathan Stone  When exploring missions, it will serve you well to consider the three Vs in order. VISION What are your core values? These are the things that make you who you are. They don’t change with a change of employment or through different seasons of life. These are the passions that motivate you to do the things you love doing. How has God SHAPEd you? What are your Spiritual Gifts? What is your Heart’s desire? What are your Abilities? What is your Personality? What Experiences has God given you? What has God called you to do? Take note…
July 13, 2024
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A Taxing Thought Features

A Taxing Thought

By Matt Shiner, A Mentor  Hello, readers! Ten-forty is an interesting number. We recognize it more readily in its numeric form, 1040. For many of us, that makes us remember that April 15 is the day our taxes are due, and tax returns need to be filed. Ah, but today, that number represents the exact number of days that Imama has been hunted by the Taliban. Think about 2 years, 10 months, and 4 days of complete uncertainty and fear. Today, the fear has subsided, but the uncertainty is ongoing. While there is light at the end of the tunnel,…
July 4, 2024
Joshua Project: Kahar People Joshua Project

Joshua Project: Kahar People

Did you miss the livestream? Here's the recording! Links Mentioned: Video featured with permission from  Learn about the Kahar people here. Learn about Gordon Ellison here. Learn about Keith Carey here. Learn about the Cables here.
July 3, 2024
What is Servant Leadership? Church Relations

What is Servant Leadership?

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  You and I do what we do as pastors, missionaries, and church leaders because we have a passion for making a difference in our world. Some of us are even passionate about making the world a different place. We see what the world should be and could be and by the grace of God would be – because we are called to be leaders in the kingdom of God. But we are increasingly ineffective in our work and call if we seek to lead according to the standards of the world and not according to the mandates…
June 26, 2024
Forgiveness: Jonathan Stone and Ken McMillan Features

Forgiveness: Jonathan Stone and Ken McMillan

Did you miss this livestream? Enjoy the recording. Do share your response to this video in the comments.   Links: Learn about Jonathan Stone here.  Video: After the Simbas: A New Song in Congo Reflection Song For Your Prayer Time Video: Why We Do It Quotes: Jonathan "People have connected with this message and found places in their life where they are needing to deal with this issue of forgiveness, whether they're the recipient or the one that needs to give it. This is something that the Bible is clear about that we need to do, but in practice…
June 13, 2024
Never Too Old for Mission Church Relations

Never Too Old for Mission

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  In a recent online event entitled, “The Changing Landscape of Mission.” Ted Esler, President of Missio Nexus suggested that the global population is growing older. While our focus on mobilizing young people to engage in cross-cultural mission remains a priority, perhaps local churches and mission organizations (like WorldVenture) need to acknowledge the importance of unleashing older people on mission. “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” (Acts 13:2-3) That’s pretty vague, don’t you think? I mean, if the work of international missions was so important, we…
June 10, 2024
n kendall senegal
A Pentecost Celebration in Senegal Features

A Pentecost Celebration in Senegal

By Nathan Kendall Did you celebrate Pentecost? It was a holiday in Senegal. The 4% minority of Catholics influence the country due to a first president who was Catholic, with ties to France, and an acceptance of other religions. Many Muslims also took the day off, and the Baptist churches that WorldVenture works with also benefit from the day. This denomination has a history of getting together on Pentecost Monday and having a big party together. People from the various churches came by car, motorcycle, and horse cart to join together at a village church.Temperatures on Pentecost Monday were around…
June 7, 2024
Healing Wounds in Ecuador Features

Healing Wounds in Ecuador

By Sam and Emma Knutson Last year, at our overnight teen leadership camp, we saw so clearly how each of the kids going through our workshops are carrying a heavy load. Though the topic was meant to be leadership and human rights, the kids began to share small pieces of their stories and to cry as they shared the tragic realities of their circumstances. Since then, we've had many similar glimpses into the fear and pain experienced by the teen leaders we're pouring into. So, when we heard from our teammate about the program "Healing the Wounds of Teenage Hearts" we jumped on it…
June 6, 2024
The Changing Landscape of Missions with Ted Esler Features

The Changing Landscape of Missions with Ted Esler

Did you miss yesterday's livestream with Ted Esler of Missio Nexus? Links: Missio Nexus: Resources, webinars, etc, Click here.  The Innovation Crisis, Click here.  Quotes From the Broadcast: "Obviously, there's a mass demobilization that happened during COVID, and I think some of that demobilization became permanent. And we're continuing to live in the fallout, fallout of that demobilization." "I'd say another effect of COVID in a positive way would be COVID caused many mission agencies, as well as globally focused churches, to ask very basic questions about: 'What are we doing here? How are we delivering on that; and…
June 5, 2024
It is Finished! Church Relations

It is Finished!

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Because of a good friend at WorldVenture, I now wear a new piece of jewelry with the word TETELESTAI engraved on a leather bracelet. TETELESTAI is the Greek word translated, “It is finished,” and is of course the last word Jesus cried from His cross. I love this word because it reminds me of the following: It is finished - We are free! The power of sin in our lives – finished! The power of immorality in our lives – finished! The power of addiction to drugs, alcohol, lust, greed, any vice, or godless behavior…
May 26, 2024
3 Habits of a Godly Mother Church Relations

3 Habits of a Godly Mother

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Read 1 Samuel 1 and 2.  A Godly Mother Prays Fervently Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11 And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut. “Oh no, sir!” she replied. “I haven’t been drinking wine or anything stronger. But I am…
May 12, 2024
Czech Jewish in Czechia: Video Joshua Project

Czech Jewish in Czechia: Video

Did you miss May's livestream? Click here to watch:   Links: The Czech Jewish in Czechia (more info) Learn about Gordon Ellison (more info)  Learn about Keith Carey (more info) See our Joshua Project page (more info) Take our survey after watching this episode (more info) Highlights of The Conversation: Keith: "Every day we prayed for an average people group, and they started doing that in 1982."  Keith: "Muslim and Jewish peoples to remain in the unreached category. So, what we have is even if you're in a place like Paraguay and Latin America or Bolivia, you're still going…
May 8, 2024
France: Afrika Pruitt Features

France: Afrika Pruitt

If you missed our livestream of WorldVenture::In Review where we interviewed, Afrika Pruitt, here's the recording: Links: Learn more about Afrika Pruitt here.  5 Ways to Reach Refugees in Your Community Afrika Pruitt: The Journey to Find Her Calling Highlights Of Our Conversation: "So, something I've been reading in my time in the world right now is I kind of did the reading through the Bible in a year, but I did it out of order because I started in the New Testament, because sometimes when I end in the New Testament, I rush through it at the end…
May 8, 2024
3 Priorities of Christian Leadership Church Relations

3 Priorities of Christian Leadership

by Rich Peterson, Church Relations  HEART A life in harmony with God. What is important to God is important to you. What breaks God’s heart, breaks your heart. When God says go there, you go there. When God says stop that in your life, you stop that in your life. When God says, this is wrong and I want you to change, you change what is wrong because you have a heart for God. You have a heart that is sensitive to the things of God. “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that…
May 5, 2024
#AskAMissionary Nicolette Hutcherson (Lebanon) AskAMissionary

#AskAMissionary Nicolette Hutcherson (Lebanon)

Another question submitted to was answered! Keep those questions coming! "What are some significant barriers that you have seen, and how have you seen God overcome them?" - Neil Links: Learn more about Nicolette Hutcherson here.  Submit your question here or see past videos. Transcription: "As we were discerning where God would have us serve, we felt a strong pull to one location. But I really struggled with the idea of living in such an unstable place. I don't consider myself brave. I'm not a risk taker. I'm kind of a scaredy cat. As my husband and I…
May 3, 2024
#AskAMissionary: Remember! AskAMissionary

#AskAMissionary: Remember!

We answered another question from you! Watch the 59 second video below:   Thank you, Neil, for sending us this question! It's a great question! Submit a question here: Jonathan ( answers this one. He also provides some extra tips here: Practical to Remember: ❤️Meditate on the Scripture you have memorized. ❤️Worship God for His attributes with others in the community. ❤️Marvel at His creation physically, putting yourself in a space with reminders everywhere about How Great our God is! ❤️And repeat! For this video, read Psalm 105:4-5
April 27, 2024
How To Get Your Congregation Excited About Missions Church Relations

How To Get Your Congregation Excited About Missions

On April 24, 2024, Rich Peterson (Church Relations) and Nikole Hahn (Digital Engagement and Disciple-Making Coordinator) gathered with people from different churches and mission teams to talk about how to better engage your congregation in missions. The time was rich with fellowship and sharing, but we have edited out the sharing and interactions to maintain confidentiality. Helpful Links: Learn about Church Relations here.  Download the Mission Guide:  Interested in serving overseas? Complete this form to talk to someone.  Learn more about Nikole Hahn. Learn about Lausanne here. Bookmark our events page for future online events: Articles: How…
April 25, 2024
Philippines: The Sheweys Features

Philippines: The Sheweys

Did you miss our live stream last week? Here is a recording, some links, and highlights from the stream! The first five minutes is a pre-stream of announcements and videos. Links Mentioned: Visit the Shewey's Ministry Page View this link for their story. Highlights From WorldVenture::In Review: Copy and paste your favorite quote with a link to the Sheweys and share to your social media.  Tim: "So I don't have a particular Bible study that I'm doing. I'm going through a Bible reading plan. But I guess what I'm learning is that it's in God's control, not in my…
April 23, 2024
grape leaves nicolette hutcherson lebanon
Grape Leaves and Frozen Kibbe Features

Grape Leaves and Frozen Kibbe

By Nicolette Hutcherson "Nicolette's poor children...they love Lebanese food, but she really can't make it for them." This was the explanation I was given as I was handed several large bags of frozen kibbe and grape leaves from Im Ibrahim. Part of me felt really guilty accepting them. As Syrian Palestinian refugees, I know this family struggles to put food on the table. But I also know that this is a clear case of "not returning a plate empty." When you visit someone here in Lebanon, you usually take a gift, most often some kind of sweet. It may or…
April 16, 2024
Total Dependence Church Relations

Total Dependence

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations Total dependence happens to everyone who earnestly strives to live for Christ. It happens especially to those who are striving to live for Christ. It happened to me the first time when, on a typical Wednesday evening before a prayer meeting in February 1990, the Chairman of Deacons announced that he had placed the church properties "for sale" on the open Real Estate market that morning. Over the following 18 months, I would personally experience this thing called dependence upon God. It happened a second time on September 28, 1997, after having preached a sermon on the…
April 14, 2024
5 Ways to Reach Refugees in Your Community Features

5 Ways to Reach Refugees in Your Community

By Afrika Pruitt Revelation paints a vivid picture of Heaven's diversity, emphasizing that people from all nations and backgrounds will be present (Revelation 7:9). As followers of Christ, we are called to share His message with people from every corner of the world. Today, with increasing globalization, refugee communities often find themselves in our very neighborhoods. Immigrant communities, just like most people, tend to stick with people of their own backgrounds, so engaging with these communities requires intentionality. Here are five ways to engage, drawing from personal experiences. Learn Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of refugee stories and backgrounds.…
April 12, 2024
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Colombia: John and Laurie Lopez Features

Colombia: John and Laurie Lopez

If you missed our livestream of John and Laurie Lopez (Colombia) on WorldVenture::In Review, here is the recording. The first five minutes is our pre-stream which includes a video and announcements. Links Of Interest: Learn more about John and Laurie (click here)  Learn about the Sheweys (click here) Register for an upcoming workshop or see what livestreams are upcoming (click here)  Want to talk to someone about going to Colombia? Click here and complete the form. The form is not a commitment to go. Quotable Quotes: Some highlighted quotes from this interview. Feel free to share the link to…
April 9, 2024
Time To Pray: High and Lifted Up Church Relations

Time To Pray: High and Lifted Up

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  Read Isaiah 6: 1-8, then pray: God we are so thankful that you are high and lifted up. We join the angels in their praise of you as “Holy, holy, holy.” Almighty God, the earth is full of your glory, and we bow before you as Sovereign Lord of All. As we bow in worship, we acknowledge that we are people full of sin and that we come from a race of sinners. We are unworthy of you, your grace, and your presence in our lives. We are ruined – take the burning coal from…
April 6, 2024
Joshua Project: Kenembu in Chad Joshua Project

Joshua Project: Kenembu in Chad

If you missed our livestream, you can view the video here: The first five minutes is a pre-stream. We feature Afrika Pruitt, announcements of upcoming events, and a video about the unreached before this program launches into praying for Kenembu in Chad. To catch our next livestream, click here to view times and dates.  Links Mentioned: Our Youtube account Learn more about Afrika Pruitt  Learn about Gordon Ellison (WorldVenture)  Learn about Keith Carey (Joshua Project)  Kenembu in Chad (Wikipedia)  Kenembu in Chad (Joshua Project)  Learn more about John White  Quotable Quotes: Copy what best resonates with you and share…
April 4, 2024
Reflecting on Exodus Features

Reflecting on Exodus

By Afrika Pruitt  Lately, the story of the Exodus has been weighing on my heart, which is odd because I've never been particularly fond of Moses. He always struck me as a bit whiny. Remember when the Lord turned his staff into a snake, performing a miracle, and Moses bolted? It's a bit embarrassing. If I were God - and thank the heavens I'm not - my response might be, "Alright, Moses, never mind. Where's Aaron when you need him? I mean, come on, Moses, will you faint when the Nile turns to blood or darkness blankets the land?" It's…
April 3, 2024
On Fasting and Ramadan Features

On Fasting and Ramadan

By The Benaissa Family  As you may know, millions worldwide, including my family of origin, are fasting this month. It has been many years since I participated in this fast with my family. We thought you might be interested in hearing about some of my memories. My experience may generate ideas on how to pray for those observing this fast, or it could spark a conversation with someone who is observing this fast. Growing up, fasting was like a competition among children in the neighborhood. The first child in any age group to fast was seen as a child of…
March 28, 2024
On Faith and Prayer: An Interview with Wycliffe/SIL Nigeria Features

On Faith and Prayer: An Interview with Wycliffe/SIL Nigeria

Janet Abai (Wycliffe/SIL Nigeria) talks about faith, prayer, her journey as a believer, and growing up in Nigeria. Plus, an exciting announcement at the end of our session! Links: Learn more about Janet Abai.  Learn about upcoming events.  Book by David Platt "Something Needs to Change" Recommended: Pray Big by Allistair Begg  Quotables to Share: Janet Abai: "So yeah, for those who do not know me, my name is Janet Abi. I am originally from West Africa. Nigeria was born and brought up in the central part of Nigeria in a small city called Joss." Janet Abai: "But my…
March 27, 2024
The Role of Artists in Missions Features

The Role of Artists in Missions

Did you miss our livestream? Here is the recording! Links: Byron on LinkedIn See more upcoming events!  Quotable Quotes: (feel free to copy and share) What is the definition of artist? "Well, in modern parlance, you know, it deals with, you know, musical arts, theater, arts, dance arts, visual arts, craft arts, textile arts, culinary arts, film, arts. We include technology, arts and these kinds of things. And then, you know, you can put that out. I think I have on one list of artistic endeavor some 70 different kinds of endeavors in the Scripture. There are 19…
March 23, 2024
Spiritual Preparations for Holy Week Church Relations

Spiritual Preparations for Holy Week

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  The Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before Easter As a “recovering Baptist,” I came late to the party regarding some of the more liturgical approaches to worship. About three decades ago, I began using the Christian Calendar in my devotional/private worship times as a way of moving through the various seasons of the year. What this means is that I am now more likely to concern myself with things like Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost than I am to concern myself with National Bird Day (Jan. 5), Houseplant Appreciation Day (Jan. 10),…
March 21, 2024
#AskAMissionary – The Role of Technology in Missions AskAMissionary

#AskAMissionary – The Role of Technology in Missions

#AskAMissionary: Where you can submit a question for consideration of a video reply. Click here to send us your question. Links: Mary Esther Penner How The Japanese Deaf Are Sharing The Gospel The Unspoken Word of God JSL Bible Transcription: In 1993, when the Japanese Sign Language Bible Translation Project started, there was an analog studio: VHS cassettes. And you had to be at home and play that cassette in your player, or you didn't know what the Bible said, and you had to fast forward rewind to try to find the verse you wanted. Then we went up…
March 16, 2024
Falling In Love, Going On Mission Features

Falling In Love, Going On Mission

WorldVenture::In Review featured Matt and Elizabeth Van Wart from Uganda  This was a live stream from February 29, 2024. Click here to watch: (Approximately One hour) Links: Learn About the Van Warts Read the story referenced in the video. Be sure to bookmark this story. We will try to post updates when possible. Upcoming Events Feel free to share your favorite quotes to your social media with the link to this blog.  Transcript Highlights: The transcript is not a complete transcript. To see and hear the stories, press play.    What was the most challenging recipe you ever had…
February 29, 2024
A Church Plant in Ireland Features

A Church Plant in Ireland

By Mandy Post "It's almost like a fresh start." I was having coffee recently with a new friend, and we were chatting about the history of Galway City Baptist Church (GCBC) and what it looks like today after sending a core group to start another church. That's when she made this comment. And I quite liked the sound of it! In the beginning, GCBC was very much a missionary led church. We WorldVenture workers began the work, created the programs, led the worship services, and made up the elder board. Over the years, that has begun to shift, and we…
February 29, 2024
Almost Killed Over Sunglasses Features

Almost Killed Over Sunglasses

In Uganda, if you steal something, you risk getting beaten, even killed. While the Van Warts entertained guests and visited the market, Matthew Van Wart and his friends left the women to continue shopping. When Matthew approached his car, he noticed the car door open. A man hopped out, closed the door, and started to walk away. “I realized we were being robbed, and I started to chase the guy. We took off running—or I should say he took off running, and I lumbered briskly after him. We rushed around a corner, and he found himself cornered with a fence…
February 28, 2024
YWAM Tragedy: Our Hope is in The Lord Church Relations

YWAM Tragedy: Our Hope is in The Lord

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  In a tragic accident in Tanzania this past weekend, eleven members of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) lost their lives when a large truck experiencing brake failure collided with and overwhelmed one of the organization’s minibuses. It is the largest loss of life in the history of YWAM. As fellow workers in the mission's enterprise, WorldVenture grieves for the families, friends, co-workers, and YWAM supporters touched by this heartbreaking calamity. The WorldVenture family also prays for God’s healing to those who continue to struggle for life, comfort to those who are experiencing pain and loss…
February 28, 2024
Single For The Savior Church Relations

Single For The Savior

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations Did the Apostle Paul really have it right when he wrote: “It is good for a person not to marry?"  On the surface that sounds a bit like some of these unflattering quotations about marriage: I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. – Rita Rudner All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that causes all the trouble.– Raymond Hill I never knew what real happiness was until I got married. And by then it was too late.…
February 20, 2024
Ministry Leaders: Building Your Self-Care Toolbox Features

Ministry Leaders: Building Your Self-Care Toolbox

By Brian Larson, MDiv, MA, LPC “Mary has chosen what is better…”  - Luke 10:42 In Luke 10, we see Jesus arriving in a village where Martha opened her home to him. Martha also had a sister named Mary, and we are told that she sat at the feet of the Lord, listening to what he said. Where was Martha? She was super busy, all spun up, and highly anxious about the preparations. Jesus said, “Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things.” (v. 41) Our worry and anxiety distract us from what is important and what we value.…
February 17, 2024
To Continue With A Knife In Your Heart Church Relations

To Continue With A Knife In Your Heart

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  We need the goodness of God the most when we’re wounded, when we’re hurting, when things are falling apart, and we’re broken. As I read through Hebrews 11 recently, I came across a list of unnamed heroes of faith. They lived in caves, were poorly clothed, thirsty and hungry, persecuted, and sawn in two. All they ever accomplished was to suffer and die. In our culture, the hero is the person who is a winner; the one who gets measurable results. But as followers of Jesus, we need to focus our faith not on results,…
February 10, 2024
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Dr. Paul Geary: Medical Missions, Indonesia, And Bethesda Hospital Features

Dr. Paul Geary: Medical Missions, Indonesia, And Bethesda Hospital

If you missed the livestream, watch it here!   Sharable Quotes: (copy and paste your favorite to social media) "And then and then that this thought began to grow as especially as I went through my career, my education, medical education. And then eventually I got internal medicine and began to see more and more what this could do and how it how it impacts people, health and illness and so on, and begin to experience it myself. How it's a powerful tool, really, to be present with people in a time of great suffering, in a time of…
February 10, 2024
A Prayer For Peace Church Relations

A Prayer For Peace

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations  There is a lot of thought about war these days. War in Ukraine, war in Gaza, and potential wars in so many other places are at the forefront of many around the world. Domestic violence continues to be an international concern. Gang wars, drive-by shootings, increased crime rates, and the inability to work through interpersonal issues – all these things (and many more) point to a lack of peace. I was surprised to read that in 3,550 years of recorded civilization, only 286 of those years have been without war. During that same period, eight…
February 3, 2024
Unloading More Than Furniture Features

Unloading More Than Furniture

By Drew Brown  When Javier stopped by to deliver the shelves he made, I thought it would be a simple transaction - 5-15 minutes tops. God had other plans for our afternoon and evening. After he brought in the two bookshelves, I settled the bill. Michele saw that his wife was traveling with him, so we offered them coffee. We discovered they lived on the Caribbean side of the country. “You drove 5 hours just to deliver this one job?” I asked, curious what would motivate someone to accept the work, given the distance. “Yes. I am actually a pastor,…
January 29, 2024
Good News or Bad News? Church Relations

Good News or Bad News?

By Rich Peterson, Church Relations My youngest daughter’s ninth birthday is a day that will live in infamy around the Peterson household. On that day (January 4, 2013) we were just coming away from a church member’s cabin in the Rocky Mountains on our way to be with our older children, their friends, and our friends from Australia at a nearby ski resort, when instead of taking the necessary sharp right turn in the road I accidently drove straight off the side of the mountain before us! So, do you want the good news or the bad news first? The…
January 27, 2024
How To Use Your Church Live Stream FeaturesThe Church on Mission

How To Use Your Church Live Stream

By Nikole Hahn You wouldn't invite people to an empty church. Likewise, you don't invite someone new to the church to an empty chat. Risking All as a Christian means seeing technology as an opportunity to make Gospel Impact in your community and beyond. While chat options are available on most social networks during a live stream and even on website streams, we will focus on Facebook for today's topic. A live stream isn't a podcast or like watching Netflix on your device, where you turn it on and focus on other things. The live stream is a two-way conversation…
January 26, 2024
A New View For The New Year! Church Relations

A New View For The New Year!

By Rich Peterson  Has the news of late got you down? Has life become so overwhelming that you have forgotten Him who is your life? Has life become so frustrating with the endless demands of family and job that you rarely experience the freedom of grace? Has life become so boring, so mundane, so routine, and so bothersome that you have lost all hope of ever accomplishing anything amazing for your God? Has life become so hard that you have lost the joy of your salvation? Has life become so predictable that you have lost all hope? Has life become…
January 12, 2024
How To Do Ministry With Your Family Features

How To Do Ministry With Your Family

From our workshop on January 10, 2024. Click here: This is an edited version of the live workshop. While the richness of the interactions online is edited out, you can still get a wealth of useful and practical insight to help your family get more involved in God's plan for the church. To view future online workshops and live streams, go to Links: See her new book! The Five-Day Devotional  
January 11, 2024
Imperfect (And Yet… ) Church Relations

Imperfect (And Yet… )

By Rich Peterson  I attended a memorial service recently for a former Worship Pastor who was engaged in active ministry in the Denver area for over 40+ years. His younger brother (a retired Senior Pastor) presented the “raw truth” about the deceased, highlighting the great impact of his ministry while never sidestepping the fact that his brother wrestled with many personal demons even into the last few weeks of his life. The comments reminded me of some things I came across while doing research about the rather obscure Old Testament character with the unusual name, Jephthah. I’m not certain who…
January 7, 2024
Joshua Project: Wolane in Ethiopia FeaturesJoshua Project

Joshua Project: Wolane in Ethiopia

We had some technical difficulties with the live stream and only streamed via Facebook. However, we have prepared the recording here:   Featuring: - Allan Starling, Global Recordings Network - Keith Carey, Joshua Project - Gordon Ellison, WorldVenture Links mentioned:
January 3, 2024
Discipleship is Devotion to Jesus Church Relations

Discipleship is Devotion to Jesus

By Rich Peterson  Devotion is an amazing quality. It enables men to lay down their lives for their country. It empowers spouses to see in their mates what no other person is able to see. Devotion is that which pushes a person to become what they would never be without it. In Acts 2:42, the Bible tells us that the new believers in Christ “devoted themselves to the apostles teaching.” The teachings of the apostles were the narratives and instructions of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, as His words and deeds were passed on to those trusted few. Through the…
December 8, 2023
Joshua Project: Prayer For The Talieng In Laos FeaturesJoshua Project

Joshua Project: Prayer For The Talieng In Laos

Click here to view video: Links: People group to pray: Joshua Project page: Keith Carey (Learn more) Gordon Ellison (Learn more) Dave Childers (Learn more) Note: We originally showed praying for the Pashtuns of the United Kingdom. We apologize for the wrong people group. Joshua Project has the Talieng for today.   
December 6, 2023
Big Ears, A Smile, And A Happy Heart! Church Relations

Big Ears, A Smile, And A Happy Heart!

By Rich Peterson When I was a little boy, I had very large ears. So large in fact that my parents took me to a plastic surgeon to see if there was anything to be done about them. He simply shared with us that my ears were “large” but that my head would eventually grow into them and all would be well. I will let you be the judge of whether or not the doctor was right – but ever since then I have been aware of the fact that I have been given two big ears – the better…
December 1, 2023
How to Walk Your Dog Church Relations

How to Walk Your Dog

By Rich Peterson As Christians, our lives have been transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. Our life is no longer our own, for we have been bought at the considerable price of Christ’s sacrificial death. We are transformed because of His love; our lives ought to bear that out daily. The Apostle Paul once wrote, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Ephesians 4:1). From another translation, we read, “Walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called.” What does a “life worthy of…
November 18, 2023
Recruiting The Next Generation Church Relations

Recruiting The Next Generation

Recruiting The Next Generation. Join us for a special broadcast to pray for a new prayer tool made especially for the next generation and for WorldVenture recruitment efforts. Come and learn about how two of our people are getting involved in the lives of the next generation. Learn what keeps the next generation from going and how you can help the next generation step into their callings. Features Quincy Thompson, Church Relations  Click here to watch this video:  
November 17, 2023
Venture Church Network: A Journey Into Disciple-Making Features

Venture Church Network: A Journey Into Disciple-Making

This is the recording from our livestream on Tuesday, October 10. Dr. David Whitaker joined us for a conversation on disciple-making! Click here to see recording: Learn more: Other Posts: Joshua Project and WorldVenture: Bengali-Speaking South Asians in Finland Missions In the City: Pastor Mark Hanke How We Mobilize Prayer Focus: Khalaj in Iran How To Be Creative With Missions When You Are Not Creative  
October 11, 2023
The Most Positive People In The World Church Relations

The Most Positive People In The World

By Rich Peterson True or False? Most people would rather be happy than sad. Most people choose gladness over sadness. Most people choose celebration over mourning. Most people prefer attending a wedding over attending a funeral. Most people prefer joy to sadness. And most people prefer to be around those who are joyful rather than hang around people who are depressed. That said, there is nothing more ridiculous than pretend joy. Nothing more preposterous than a plastic, put on, pump-yourself-up, artificial hope. Nothing worse than the TV commercial mom who becomes overwhelmingly euphoric when her liquid detergent does a number…
October 8, 2023
Joshua Project: Bengali-Speaking South Asian in Finland FeaturesJoshua Project

Joshua Project: Bengali-Speaking South Asian in Finland

Gordon Ellison (WorldVenture) and Keith Carey (Joshua Project) came together to pray with others on the Bengali-Speaking South Asian in Finland. Related Links:  Bengali-Speaking South Asian in Finland (Joshua Project) Joshua Project Unreach Page (WorldVenture) Our Online Events (WorldVenture) For Students! (WorldVenture)   If you missed the recording, click the link here to watch: We had a sound tech glitch, but you can click here to watch/listen to the music at the end and use that for your own personal prayer time.
October 4, 2023
Until Jesus Shows Up Church Relations

Until Jesus Shows Up

By Rich Peterson In a very real way, life is both meaningless and hopeless UNTIL JESUS SHOWS UP. Life, for a great many people, feels like a condemnation to live in a sunrise/sunset reality for ever and ever without purpose or end. Enslaved to get up, go to work, go to sleep, go to the grave, life is hopelessness and despair. Life, as the existential philosophers claim, is meaningless and nothing. Not only nothing, but nothing without end – no conclusion, no full stop. On and on the cycles of world history spin – no one can do a thing…
September 17, 2023
Missions in The City: Pastor Mark Hanke FeaturesThe Church on Mission

Missions in The City: Pastor Mark Hanke

How one WorldVenture partner church is changing things up in Salem, Oregon and the world! Click this link:   Salem First Baptist: Video: 45 minutes  God can use you to change the world, too. If you liked what Pastor Mark said, write down a couple of quotes and share them to your social media platforms. If this video inspired you to think differently, please let us know in the comments. Other Special Broadcasts: Justin Long: Equipping Leaders For The Great Commission  An Interview With Dan Scribner of Joshua Project Visit Our Unreached People Group Page Are you a…
September 15, 2023
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
I Need More APPs! Features

I Need More APPs!

By Grace Sandeno No, not that kind! I have too many of that kind on my phone already. What I need more of is Audacious Powerful Prayers! I recently completed a Bible study called, “Psalms: Real Help for Real Life” by Ray Ortlund. It was just what I needed since, in many ways, I’ve had a little more “real life” than I bargained for over the past few years. Out of all that poetic goodness (for those of you who don’t know this, the Psalms are Hebrew poetry), one idea kind of grabbed me by the throat and shouted at…
September 14, 2023
How We Mobilize Church Relations

How We Mobilize

If you missed the mobilization workshop and wish to learn more about how to inspire interest in missions, we have provided the recording from our time on Zoom. Click this link: For the slides: To Connect with Quincy, click here. 
September 8, 2023
Prayer Focus: Khalaj in Iran FeaturesJoshua Project

Prayer Focus: Khalaj in Iran

On September 6, 2023, Keith Carey (Joshua Project) and Gordon Ellison (WorldVenture) joined together to pray for the Unreached People Group of The Day.  People Group Focus: Khalaj in Iran Challenges:  Reaching an Unreached People Group with the gospel can be a challenging task due to various reasons. Here are some of the challenges associated with reaching an unreached people group with the gospel: Cultural and Linguistic Barriers: Unreached People Groups are often characterized by cultural and linguistic barriers, making it challenging for traditional missionary methods to reach them effectively. Religious Challenges: Animosity toward Christianity is one of the…
September 6, 2023
How To Achieve Individual and Corporate Transformation Church Relations

How To Achieve Individual and Corporate Transformation

By Rich Peterson I am finding it more difficult these days to locate Christ-followers who are maintaining the “balance” between our Christian call of individual righteousness and corporate transformation. For followers of Jesus, this dual calling can never become as one-sided as it appears to have become over the last number of years for a great many Christians (perhaps especially in the United States). The Bible tells us that God “rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity” (Ps. 9:8). The Scriptures also tell us that “righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne” (Ps. 89:14).…
September 5, 2023
Celebrate Our Great God Church Relations

Celebrate Our Great God

By Rich Peterson We went with the trumpet-playing priests – and the singers…They played and sang loudly under the direction of Jezrahiah the choir director. Many sacrifices were offered that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away (Nehemiah 12: 41-43, NLT). One of the near misses as a couple came on an evening my wife and I participated in a very charismatic worship/concert experience. I don’t even remember the artist, but I do…
August 13, 2023
Moldova: The Importance of Mentoring Features

Moldova: The Importance of Mentoring

Our WorldVenture Global Worker, Gerry Schroeder (Slavic Worship) shares this amazing update about a mentee named Pavel. This mentoring relationship began over twenty years ago. Funds were sent to manufacture a stove in Ukraine last winter.   Pavel writes about his life and ministry in Moldova:  We have now been living in Moldova for nine months. During this time, the war has greatly changed many people's values, and Christians are no exception. But we are alive, we are together, and we are safe, which is a source of great happiness.  Here, every day we meet people who have lost their homes,…
August 12, 2023
Authenticity in “Barbie Land” Church Relations

Authenticity in “Barbie Land”

By Rich Peterson There’s a line from the song entitled Stained Glass Masquerade by Casting Crowns that asks a very good question regarding the need for Christian authenticity: Are we happy plastic people Under shiny plastic steeples? The brokenhearted, the hurt, the outcast, the beggar, the world at large living in ugly pain and despair wants to know – Are we happy plastic people Under shiny plastic steeples? People today, like people of all time and people everywhere, want to know that God is real, and that this real God can make a real difference in real life. What seems…
August 5, 2023
A Refugee Story: Jackline and Fouad Features

A Refugee Story: Jackline and Fouad

By Jennifer Coon "Thank you for saving her from death for us."  That was the first sentence 17-year-old Fouad prayed, in the first time he ever prayed out loud. Fouad's 15-year-old sister, Jackline attempted to commit suicide a few months ago by jumping off a bridge a stone's throw away from my former apartment.  The setting and the story are all too familiar. Refugee family. Abusive father. Children struggling in school. Mom struggling to make ends meet. Jackline left school to provide for her family at age 14 but she found it harder and harder to hold onto hope until…
August 3, 2023
Hit The Pause Button and Celebrate! Church Relations

Hit The Pause Button and Celebrate!

By Rich Peterson (Church Relations Officer)  Read Nehemiah 12 27-43 and consider the following: The people of God in Nehemiah’s day gathered to celebrate God’s provision of the Wall and they did so through an elaborate worship service where they joined together to worship God more fully. Each week Christians celebrate God’s amazing grace offered through Jesus Christ; we don’t come together to dedicate a wall – we dedicate ourselves and we do so in worship! The first feature of effective corporate worship is the need to PAUSE. We come together for fellowship and worship because there is a need…
July 29, 2023
Loving The Creator God – Our Life’s Focus Features

Loving The Creator God – Our Life’s Focus

By Gerry Schroeder  (Originally published in Russian for Slavic Worship's Russian-speaking audience)  Take a moment and picture with me… The expanse and power of an ocean as its waves pound against the shore. Mountains majestically rising up in the distance as they disappear into the clouds. An evening sky that is slowly revealing the stars of an infinite universe. The intricate beauty of flowers moving in a gentle breeze.  When we pause to reflect on things like these, we are reminded that nature itself points us to the Great Creator God. What God has made helps us to see and…
July 13, 2023
God’s Timeline To Freedom Features

God’s Timeline To Freedom

By Matt Shiner, a mentor  It’s hard to believe that it’s been over six months since the last chapter we penned in Imama’s life. At that time, we asked the LORD to evacuate them within two weeks.  According to Evangelist Luis Palau, there are five ways that God answers prayer: Yes, I thought you’d never ask! No, I love you too much. Yes, and here is even more! Yes, but not yet. Yes, but differently from what you thought. Since the beginning of the year, Imama and her family have experienced large doses of #4 and #5. I can share…
July 5, 2023
Meet The Joshua Project Founder Features

Meet The Joshua Project Founder

Join us for an interactive time to talk about missions with Joshua Project founder, Dan Scribner. Wednesday, July 26 at 2 pm CDT Live streaming on Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, and Twitter. This is an interactive time. Bring your questions. We would love to chat with you. Visit the website:   Dan serves as the team leader of Joshua Project. Dan grew up in Connecticut and came to faith in Christ in his early teen years. He has served in Guam, Japan and Thailand with Cru. Dan and his wife Mary joined the staff of the U.S. Center for World Mission,…
June 7, 2023
“Don’t Go To The Traditional Healer” Features

“Don’t Go To The Traditional Healer”

By Jeff Frazee  Gédjuma is 40 years old. So that means that he was 15 years old when we first moved next door to him in 1999. A little over a year ago, Gédjuma had a stroke. He lost all control of his body. Later, scans revealed that it was a brain bleed. Gédjuma's left side recovered more quickly, but several months passed before he could speak or feed himself. Recently, his wife, Zerasylla, gave birth to a boy. Heidi and I went over one day to provide them with one of our pack'n'plays. We sat and talked with them,…
April 24, 2023
How To Be Creative With Missions (When You Are Not Creative) FeaturesThe Church on Mission

How To Be Creative With Missions (When You Are Not Creative)

by Nikole Hahn “… I want to hear a song so good that it makes people want to do something about the subject.” – Bono, lead singer of U2 As leaders in the body of Christ, among our goals are evangelism, discipleship, spiritual growth, and  inspiring people to action. Usually that action can be categorized in one of four action words: give, serve, pray, or go. But inspiring people often takes inspiring content. And if you’re not one of the more creative people you know, that can be a daunting challenge. And yet there is a solution to that and…
April 15, 2023
Finding The Right Hills To Die On Features

Finding The Right Hills To Die On

Book commentary by Drew Brown If you've ever been to an emergency room, you know that the first room you enter is the triage. You aren't actually treated in the triage; you are assessed for how urgent your condition is so that those with more severe symptoms - chest pain, trouble breathing - receive more prompt treatment than those with bad sinus infections. The reasoning here is pretty simple: there isn't enough time or resources to treat all cases alike, so a system of prioritization must be implemented. The sinus infections will be treated, and it will have to wait…
April 14, 2023
What If Worship Wasn’t Allowed? Features

What If Worship Wasn’t Allowed?

Story Contributed by a Global Worker in Asia Christian is married with two children, and over twenty years ago, he felt God call him to reach the people of a radically Muslim region of Asia that still practices Sharia Law. For a long time, Christians could not move to this region because they must receive government permission to do so, and they were usually denied. But about 20 years ago, a door opened for them to move after a natural disaster struck the area, and humanitarian aid was allowed in. Christian and his family moved to the area and helped…
March 28, 2023
Sowing Seeds In Europe Features

Sowing Seeds In Europe

By Beth Horn  “'A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up.  Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.” When he said this, he called out, 'Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.'”…
March 26, 2023
Ramadan Begins: Join Us In Prayer For Muslims Features

Ramadan Begins: Join Us In Prayer For Muslims

By Ralph Thompson (Global Muslim Initiatives Coordinator) “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” - Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV For almost a quarter of our planet’s population, the most important time of year is the holy month of Ramadan. Falling on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar each year, Ramadan lasts for twenty-nine or thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next. This significant month is a sacred time of deep reflection and piety for the nearly two…
March 23, 2023
“I Never Pray” Features

“I Never Pray”

By Gordon Ellison "I Never Pray." That's what he said, but I had difficulty believing him.  I was conversing about faith and the power of prayer, and he told me that he never prays.  On reflection, I wondered if that was true and how he navigated the complexities of his life without prayer. We observe that prayer is a natural response to many life situations, especially unexpected or unwelcome ones.  It is said that after the 9/11 event that was so traumatic for all, people flocked to churches and counselors requesting prayer. So why would someone say that they never…
March 14, 2023
The Chair Thief Features

The Chair Thief

By Jeanette (and Evans) Walton "Why should I turn my cheek, for someone to slap the other one?" I remember asking my Children's Sunday School teacher this very question. We were learning about the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew 5:38-42 was our focus: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’  But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.  And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.  And if anyone forces…
March 11, 2023
Upcoming Online Workshops, Courses, and Live Streams! FeaturesWorldVenture In Review

Upcoming Online Workshops, Courses, and Live Streams!

From February to April, we have different workshops, courses, and online events to help expand your knowledge, vision, and help your organizations. Featuring Tim and Sara Downs (Africa)  February 17, 2023 at 8 a.m. CST Watch it now!  An unscripted conversation on missions with new Global Workers, Tim and Sarah Downs. Bring your questions. We will be watching the chat. Streaming on Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, and YoutubeWorkshop Leader: Dr. Rick Griffith This aired on Thursday, February 23, 2023 See the 45-minute video here.  Download the handout and PowerPoint here.  Can you improve as a Bible teacher? Of course—if you only had more…
February 16, 2023
Discipleship In The Boxing Ring Features

Discipleship In The Boxing Ring

By Michael Bannon "Tell Baba Michael that I am still walking with Jesus," Swalehe said. When I remember these words, tears come to my eyes. I am surprised that this man is still walking with Jesus. Swalehe threatened more than once to leave his new-found faith. I felt like we were two bulls locking horns, one making a comment or threat and the other countering. It was discipleship in the boxing ring. I first met Swalehe on a village path. Walking that day felt like taking an energy-sapping walk in a huge sauna! After our initial greeting, Swalehe mentioned Jesus.…
January 30, 2023
February Workshops: Bible Study How-Tos Features

February Workshops: Bible Study How-Tos

Thursday, February 23, 2023 (8 a.m. to 9 a.m. MST AZ)  Can you improve as a Bible teacher? Of course—if you only had more time. The problem is that we are all busier than ever (=less time), but our audience expects visuals to be better than ever (=more quality). So, how can we design more interesting presentations with less time? The Instructor: Dr. Rick Griffith believes that we need to work hard on fewer presentations and then share these with others, so he developed as a common place to download biblical resources by many Bible teachers. It has 247,000 editable PowerPoint® slides…
January 11, 2023
Afghanistan: Being Certain of The Things We Cannot See Features

Afghanistan: Being Certain of The Things We Cannot See

By Matt Shiner, a mentor In the previous chapter of Imama’s life, we discussed plans – making them and then following God’s lead (Proverbs 16:9). That was penned in early October, and we concluded by asking the Lord to lead Imama and her family into a European country in two weeks.  Now, here we are, still waiting twelve weeks later, on the eve of 2023. These days, and every day, we rely on Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” We shared this prayer with Imama: God, I…
January 3, 2023
The Apostle John Writes to Supporters Features

The Apostle John Writes to Supporters

Hampton, a Global Worker, writes from the perspective of John, one of the disciples of Jesus. What would John have written to supporters back home? _______ It’s hard to know what to write. As you know, I wasn't even really burned when they tried to boil me alive in oil, and I praise God for this; I thought for sure that was the end. The believers who were allowed to meet with me before I was sent here to Patmos also anointed me and laid hands on me. God used this to heal the rheumatism in my left knee also,…
December 15, 2022
Mary Magdalene’s Missionary Journey Features

Mary Magdalene’s Missionary Journey

Megumi Davis, a TCK teen from Africa, writes from the perspective of Mary Magdalene, one of the disciples of Jesus. What would Mary have written to supporters back home? _____ Three days ago, we were sitting in a room together and praying when all of a sudden, these tongues of fire appeared above us, and we just started to speak in different languages that we had never spoken before! It was something I could never explain! The best part of it was that a whole bunch of people came to believe in Jesus! I am still recovering from the shock…
November 10, 2022
The Apostle Andrew Shares His Struggles To Supporters Features

The Apostle Andrew Shares His Struggles To Supporters

What would it have looked like if the Apostles wrote letters home like missionaries write letters home? This is part of a series. Today, Melanie Stark shares Andrew's perspective. ______ Dear praying friends and family~ It's been a long few years for me as I continue in my pursuit to share the Good News of Christ. I have so far traveled through Pontus, Galatia, Bethynia, as well as at Antropophages; and afterward in Scythia, where many men, women, and children have surrendered to the calling to take up the Cross of Christ and follow Him. I have had some precious…
November 3, 2022
Image by lila_getupft from Pixabay
Philip’s Letter To Bethsaida Features

Philip’s Letter To Bethsaida

What would it have looked like if the Apostles wrote letters home like missionaries write letters home?  This is part of a series.  This is a letter from the perspective of Philip, one of the disciples of Jesus. Philip Kendall writes from this perspective. Biblical references at the end of this post.  _________ To my fellow believers in Bethsaida, greetings, Introduction God has been at work in incredible ways through the power of the teacher, Jesus! I will tell you about something you probably have already heard some rumor of: how the teacher Jesus fed a vast crowd of five…
October 26, 2022
How To Use Netflix and Amazon For Missions FeaturesThe Church on Mission

How To Use Netflix and Amazon For Missions

By Nikole Hahn What do your streaming habits look like? Many good documentaries are on streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, or Disney +. Still, do you ever think about the perspective of the missionaries that live in the areas filmed? Let us help you use your streaming habits to educate your family, friends, or church members on the realities the people groups highlighted face. What’s On Netflix Right Now?  Magical Andes is a series on Netflix from 2019. The filmmaker takes us on a journey from Argentina to Columbia along the Andes Mountains with breathtaking cinematography and compelling storylines. I…
October 19, 2022
Plans Made, Plans Change, Molding Into God’s Plan Features

Plans Made, Plans Change, Molding Into God’s Plan

By Matt Shiner, a mentor Amongst Jesus’ followers, the noun sanctification is normally applied to how we, as we trust and obey the Holy Spirit, become more like Jesus. Have you ever considered whether our plans can be sanctified? “The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 This chapter of Imama’s life illustrates the validity of plans being sanctified. In the previous chapter, her family was moving from safe house to safe house to avoid the Taliban’s sweeps through the city. Each move was intended to be constantly safe until evacuation could…
October 18, 2022
Image by Joe from Pixabay
The Apostle Peter’s Letter to Supporters Features

The Apostle Peter’s Letter to Supporters

Missionaries write letters to supporters every month. What if Jesus' disciples wrote letters to supporters? What would it look like? Katrina Custer writes in the voice of Peter from Mark 10.  _____ Hello friends and family,  We made it to Jericho where the Rabbi has been active. As ever, the Pharisees seem to come out of the woodwork whenever Jesus starts preaching. You may remember when we were in Magdala, how they tested him on signs? This time the question was on divorce, and I have to confess: I love it when he puts those hypocrites in their place. Unfortunately,…
September 23, 2022
Image by Kleiton Santos from Pixabay
A New Ministry Is Helping Churches Fight Sexual Abuse! Features

A New Ministry Is Helping Churches Fight Sexual Abuse!

An Interview With Karen Shogren This originally aired live on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 on our Facebook page. Download your quick resource here.  Learn more about Karen Shogren by clicking here. Follow Levanta La Voz on Instagram English Spanish Follow Levanta La Voz on Facebook English Spanish Feel free to download the videos to share at your church or small group by clicking here. To register for her child safety courses, please email Karen at KSHOGRENLLV@GMAIL.COM. A website is coming soon for Levanta La Voz. Meanwhile, you can watch the hour long broadcast above, or choose to watch the shorter videos…
September 14, 2022
Photo by Mohammad Husaini on Unsplash
Afghanistan: The Wait Becomes Weighty Features

Afghanistan: The Wait Becomes Weighty

By Matt Shiner, a mentor Have you ever been in a long line, and finally reach the end to find there’s yet another long line? It reminds me of life in the US Army, or finally getting into an event only to find the restroom line is also a long wait! This is the life of Imama and her family.  One long wait was for the evacuation options to materialize. The better option has been officially approved, and the entire family will be evacuated together to a European country. But they have no idea when the evacuation will occur! The…
August 10, 2022
Serving On Social Media: Finding The Right People! FeaturesThe Church on Mission

Serving On Social Media: Finding The Right People!

By Nikole Hahn A great need exists for volunteers to serve on social media with our local churches and mission organizations. Many non-profits and churches can't afford a full-time social media strategist. Churches should consider volunteers willing to commit to serving online and leadership to support that work because social media presence has become culturally-central to that organization's brand or reputation. However, as with other influential roles, who you choose to invite into your digital team makes a difference. Recently, circumstances caused me to think about the make-up of a social media volunteer. James 3:1 NIV says, "Not many of you should…
August 9, 2022
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
From Indifference To Community: Building A Hybrid Church FeaturesThe Church on Mission

From Indifference To Community: Building A Hybrid Church

A Book Commentary By Nikole Hahn Few books lay the theological groundwork and ask the reader to examine their attitude about social media, such as MetaChurch by Dave Adamson. Like me, he was one of many who sought to help the Church build a digital platform when the world shut down in 2020 and left many pastors scrambling to get something up online. It's more than a how-to book on building a digital ministry to reach people and make disciples; it's helping people recognize that the internet and social media are no longer a broadcasting model but a narrow-cast model because of the one-on-one…
July 20, 2022
The Light Has Dawned Features

The Light Has Dawned

By Marilyn Escher  Fifty posters featuring Gospel (music) were plastered around the town in Senegal where Agsila lives, the daughter of the deceased translator of the Wolof Bible. I wasn’t sure it was the best publicity in a Muslim context for her June 18 concert where she would feature songs from her third album, “Bët Set Na,” ‘The Light has Dawned,’ songs with words from the New Testament that her father translated into Wolof. She assured me that the Senegalese like Gospel music. And they did! People from her village numbered more than people attending from churches in other towns…
July 14, 2022
Finding Faith By Fighting Dragons Features

Finding Faith By Fighting Dragons

By Nikole Hahn  "Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." – G.K. Chesterton A group of teenagers in Ireland began meeting at the home of WorldVenture global workers, Chris and Joi Copeland, for a role-playing game (RPG). Led by their sons, Gavin and Gage, the Copeland brothers wanted to leverage the power of story central to RPG’s to introduce biblical themes such as a Messiah-figure, redemption, and a narrative crafted in to present spiritual choices in an allegorical way. Leveraging the world-famous, sometimes controversial,…
July 10, 2022
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
An Online Course: Rust Out To Resilience Features

An Online Course: Rust Out To Resilience

A two-day online course to help you move from rust out to resilience. Our ministries, our professions, our jobs, and our callings can be exhausting. Those of us in the people professions know the emotional drain on our hearts, our minds, and our bodies. But we do not know what to do about that. The only thing we know is to push through the exhaustion, and we eventually find ourselves in a cave trapped and depleted with nowhere to go, no way out, and too exhausted to seek help. How do we keep from finding ourselves in the burnout cave, completely…
July 5, 2022
Image by kimura2 from Pixabay
Through Life and Death – Repurposed For God’s Glory Features

Through Life and Death – Repurposed For God’s Glory

A Reflection on Faith by Justin Mitchell Ken and Bola Taylor, Filipino Americans, were living the dream of jazz musicians performing in nightclubs across Asia. But, God saved Bola through an invitation to a nearby church. Similar timing yet different circumstances, Ken professed faith in Jesus through the testimony of a friend. This all took place before God would join Ken and Bola in marriage soon after. How would God repurpose these talented musicians for His purposes? After marrying, God took them to California for a season of local church ministry and careers in business and physical therapy. All the…
June 28, 2022
Viewing World Events Through Three Lenses Features

Viewing World Events Through Three Lenses

Faithful men and women in history demonstrated trust that God was still at work among and through us, no matter what was happening in the world. How we choose to view what is happening in our world will frame our attitude and either energize or discourage us. A church splits, and new churches form. A war erupts, and waves of refugees cross oceans and borders, looking for a new home. Coups and ongoing conflicts become a catalyst for change. Ministries pivot in the wake of world events, and believers are scattered, like in Acts 8:1. " On that day a…
June 24, 2022
Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
Afghanistan: Fuzzy Evacuation Options Features

Afghanistan: Fuzzy Evacuation Options

By Matt Shiner, Mentor The continuing story of Imama. Catch up with these past episodes...  A Women's Rights Activist Endangered and Left Behind The Long Wait Begins Fuzzy Evacuation Options Afghanistan: The Wait Becomes Weighty  Plans Made, Plans Change, Molding Into God's Plan Being Certain Of The Things We Can't See God's Timeline To Freedom Afghanistan: It’s been several months since the last update on Imama and her family – a realistic demonstration of the title of the previous update, “The Long Wait Begins.” While we pray, probe, and wait for opportunities to evacuate, life goes on. One member of…
June 23, 2022
The Sweetness of the Gospel Features

The Sweetness of the Gospel

Sandlin Poth is a WorldVenture global worker living in Western Ireland, where the rain constantly falls, and the sky is gray. Sunshine is a celebrated event. Sandlin, an Arizona native, does what she can to capture the essence of summer – in the form of Elderflower Syrup – to enjoy later, especially during those dark, cloudy days of winter. Kirk and Sandlin Poth serve people in Ireland through church planting, discipleship, and leadership training. They are surrounded by rolling green hills, shepherds, sheep, and the region’s famous Elderberry trees. The present darkness of post-modernism hangs like the gray clouds of winter…
June 16, 2022
“I Think I Have Lost My Way” Features

“I Think I Have Lost My Way”

By Bruce Tissell  “I think you should know that I have always been a little strange” was how John (not his real name) started the conversation with me. John is the brother of one of the seminary students who live at the seminary. John was staying a few days with his brother and really wanted to talk to me. So I shut down my lap top and started to listen. For thirty minutes John spent time telling me about growing up and his life as a young man. John grew up in the church but had drifted away from God…
June 13, 2022
Image by Mistery08 from Pixabay
Exciting and New Project Developments at Russia Worship Features

Exciting and New Project Developments at Russia Worship

With all the news about Ukraine and Russia, here’s something positive you won’t hear about on the major networks. WorldVenture’s worship ministry providing praise and worship songs to the Russian-speaking world, known as RussiaWorship, has an inspiring update. Gerry and four of his RW staff held some songwriting sessions via Zoom. And the creative effort is bearing fruit. “The purpose of these sessions was to write a song that will connect with people's current emotions and point them to God's love, hope and peace,” shares Gerry. An exciting development for English-speaking fans of worship music is some creative input from…
June 3, 2022
The Motorcycle Accident in Africa Features

The Motorcycle Accident in Africa

By a Global Worker The motorcycle whizzed past us and struck the boy. The body of the little boy in jeans and a tee-shirt flew through the air of the empty street. His little body landed perpendicular to the road several feet in front of the motorcycle. Going so fast, the driver couldn't swerve. He hit him again, pushing the boy ahead of the front wheel, the little boy on his back scraping along on the asphalt. And then, the wheel ran over his middle, his stomach, and stopped. It was very quiet. His grandmother coming towards us from her…
May 28, 2022
WorldVenture Day of Prayer Today Features

WorldVenture Day of Prayer Today

In 1943, the world was deep into World War II. Millions had died. The world economy was disrupted. Families were impacted. Bad news seemed to come day after day. Concentration camps were scattered across Europe and even the US government interned people of Japanese descent, including US citizens, in camps. The world was in upheaval almost everywhere. It was hard to see God at work. And though humanitarian work was popular, the Gospel wasn’t, not even among some ‘missionaries.’ Many were questioning the divinity of Jesus and the authority of the Bible. It was a dark time. And yet, in…
May 24, 2022
Jacob’s Struggles Features

Jacob’s Struggles

A suicide bomber took out 13 Marines just half an hour before Jacob arrived at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. By then, hundreds of Afghans waited by the airport, desperate to catch flights out of the country in fear of the Taliban. Jacob, a new believer (read his original story here), waited with his teenage sons and caught the second to the last flight out of Kabul last August. “It could have been years to get them out of Afghanistan,” wrote our Global Worker. “God was watching out for us,” said Jacob. He is thankful his sons are with him now. His…
May 20, 2022
How to Practically Help Refugees FeaturesM Outreach

How to Practically Help Refugees

Practical Help With Resources! This originally aired live on Thursday, May 5, 2022, on our Facebook page. Ministry Among Immigrants and Resources (downloadable PDF) Learn more about Bobby and Brianna Brown by clicking here Learn more about Larry Stucky by clicking here Learn more about Mark Harris by clicking here  Recommended reading: When Helping Hurts  Feel free to download the videos to share at your church or small group by clicking here. 
May 12, 2022
God is My Strength to Endure Features

God is My Strength to Endure

By Mandy Post “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” - Romans 5:3-4 At the time of writing this, we have lived in our host country over 18 years. This is where we’ve spent most of our married life, raised our family, and worked. And the longer we live here, the more normal it feels. But it wasn’t always like that. Our first 10 years here, I struggled with wanting to give up and leave. I cried, begged, and pleaded with the Lord to let…
May 11, 2022
The Apprentice Features

The Apprentice

By Jeff Frazee Discipling young men is no walk in the park. Your emotions run high at that age. The desire to be with and like your peers is consuming. Communicating your thoughts and plans seems almost impossible. Your ability to master yourself and carry out the things you intend to do is, at best, only partially formed. Sambou, 17 years old, is in the thick of this stage of life. As a high school dropout, there is no current he can float along with, and it seems to make him all the more susceptible to the influence of other…
May 10, 2022
Afghanistan: Longing For Connection Features

Afghanistan: Longing For Connection

By a Global Worker in a European Country K is a bright, well-educated, twenty-something Afghan who lived in Kabul and worked for an aid agency, doing development projects all around the country. His academically oriented family had benefitted from the freedoms of the last 20 years - two of his sisters are doctors. K had been accepted to do an MBA at a European university starting last September but was still at home because the semester was going to be online. In August, K's world fell apart. He watched from his office window as Afghan soldiers were ordered by their…
May 3, 2022
Discipleship in Ghana Features

Discipleship in Ghana

By Jeanette Walton God is so amazing, and His plans are perfect. We have continued financially and physically supporting Brother Jacob as the Hope Community Church Campus minister. However, Jacob has finally been posted as a nurse in Yagaba (a town in the Mamprugu district about two hours away from Navrongo). We are sad to see him go, but we are excited that he will be working in the Mamprusi land. The Mamprusi people are an unreached people group near our area. Members of HCC have been praying for this people group for 1.5 years. In God's sovereignty, Jacob has…
May 2, 2022
Gracious Hand of God Features

Gracious Hand of God

By Debbie Dodd Do you see the gracious hand of God in your life? I’m immersing myself in the book of Ezra/Nehemiah this semester and that phrase is scattered throughout. Ezra notices the “gracious hand of God” in very ordinary life events.  It doesn’t take a burning bush, parting of the sea, or miraculous multiplying of bread for him to see God’s fingerprints. Instead, he can see God’s hand in... a government letter (of all places!) encouraging them to build the Temple and learn God’s truth a safe journey travelling with about 5000 people and millions of dollars without a…
May 1, 2022
From Participant to Volunteer Features

From Participant to Volunteer

Celebrating #NationalVolunteerMonth this month with an English translation of an original article written by Emma Knutson in Spanish for the organization she helps. Read the Spanish version here.  Alina Valverde was only 15 years only when she learned about Paz y Esperanza. Living in a low-income community in Guayaquil, Ecuador, she told us,“Paz y Esperanza came to my school to give some workshops about intrafamilial violence, which was interesting to me as I wanted to learn about it.” Although she said that all of her friends cared more about the food provided than the topic, Alina learned a lot from…
April 23, 2022
Escape From Ukraine FeaturesUkraine

Escape From Ukraine

By Nikole Hahn The Journey of Valentina and Chili "They're not going to mess with an old lady," declared Valentina. "I've been running for eight years since my evacuation from the east , and I don't want to continue to run."  Like many Ukrainians, Valentina refused to leave her home, even with the threat of an invasion from Russia. Her story, a refugee’s journey through Ukraine and across Europe, is an inspiring tail, I mean, tale of faith and the comfort of a family dog named ‘Chili.’ Eight years ago, Valentina's refugee journey left her stranded in Luhansk, Ukraine, while her…
April 19, 2022
The Long Wait Begins Features

The Long Wait Begins

By Matt Shiner, Mentor During World War II, many Jews found Survival in Hiding. My friend, Imama, is now experiencing the same drama and fear. After she and her brother escaped the Taliban’s clutches in the hotel, they went to a friend’s home. There, they were joined by Imama’s husband, and at that point, her brother left to go home to their family. In this culture, a woman should not go out alone, but she should always be accompanied by a male family member. To avoid attracting attention, she would request her brother’s help whenever her husband was away. Shortly…
April 3, 2022
When Missions and Marriage Come Together FeaturesBBrowns

When Missions and Marriage Come Together

From biblical accounts to modern-day missionaries, many marriages have been profoundly impacted by the unique calling of God that leads people into missions. The richness of the developing relationship, with all its risks and the struggle of grappling with the questions as a team, builds layers in the marriage. For some, missions conversations began before the vows; for others, they happened at mid-point in marriage. You've followed Bobby and Brianna Brown through the last two online events (How to Walk Faithfully Forward and Difficult Transitions). They met at fifteen and sixteen years old while on a three-month international mission trip.…
April 2, 2022
Raising a Mug in Solidarity FeaturesUkraine

Raising a Mug in Solidarity

By Beth Meverden What do a retirement center, a Christian school, a guy who shaves his head every year, and a local brewery all have in common? Each one has found a creative way to raise funds to help support Ukrainian refugees. The response to WorldVenture's call to prayer for Ukrainian refugees has been very moving. WorldVenture has heard from hundreds of individuals and churches who are praying and taking the next step to give to relief efforts. WorldVenture has even heard from a few businesses. It reminds me of what Paul said to the Philippians about their financial gifts…
March 18, 2022
Cyclone Gombe Features

Cyclone Gombe

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, Facebook went live to share the damage from Cyclone Gombe. Below is the edited version with additional content. Prayer requests are towards the end.We woke up on March 11 to news of Cyclone Gombe hitting the Mozambican coast. The people of Mozambique, including Rickshaws, experienced torrential wind and rain with wind up to 165 km per hour. Mozambique experienced great damage and flooding. At least six WorldVenture properties were destroyed, and many families are in need of assistance. This short-term special project seeks to repair the extensive damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Gombe. This will…
March 16, 2022
The Last Forty-Eight Hours FeaturesUkraine

The Last Forty-Eight Hours

Donna and Mark McDonnel are WorldVenture global workers to Ukraine temporarily evacuated to Poland. And they just spent 48-hours straight helping Ukrainian refugees. Because sometimes, that’s what it means to serve. Living with our Poland team, the McDonnels are sheltering in Wroclaw, Poland. Our WorldVenture Poland Team member, Joel Burnell, intended to whisk them away for a day to get some fresh air and a break from the war news. “You never know what the cost of helping those in need might be,” said Joel. Donna received a call from her friend and Arabic-language teacher, a Jordanian man teaching in…
March 5, 2022
4 Ways to Process Emotions Online According to 2 Kings FeaturesThe Church on Mission

4 Ways to Process Emotions Online According to 2 Kings

“Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” – Proverbs 2:11 Read 2 Kings 18 by clicking here When we read the Bible, we can apply it to all aspects of life. That includes our online lives, especially how and when we process emotions or post reactions online. Whether the cause of those emotions are political, mental health, geopolitical events, loss of people we love, or difficult relationships, we can find ways to change how those emotions are expressed online with other people. And King Hezekiah’s difficult interaction with the Assyrian field commander, the Rabshakeh, in 2 Kings 18…
March 4, 2022
An Accident Creates a Family Connection Features

An Accident Creates a Family Connection

By Marilyn Escher  Nineteen years ago, I hit a boy named Aliou while on my way to church in Dakar. The street was busy, and Aliou ran out from between two cars without looking. In Dakar, if you hit a person, it’s always your fault, and if Aliou’s father, Sidi, had not forgiven me, the police would have locked me up to protect me from the family’s retaliation. Even though Sidi lost his other twin son a few months before the accident, he forgave me for injuring Aliou. This is how I entered their life. Aliou's tendon was broken; to…
March 3, 2022
PRAY FOR UKRAINE FeaturesUkraine


Please join us as we pray over the conflict in Ukraine. WorldVenture has an ongoing disciple-making presence in Ukraine and had a past presence in Russia for many years. We love both of these countries and their great peoples. Our hearts broke as we previously evacuated our US colleagues in Ukraine and our hearts are broken again with the attacks by the Russian military. But like so many followers of Jesus in the region, we trust in the Lord. We’re inspired by the beacon of hope that Ukrainian churches and church leaders are providing. We join them in their public…
February 24, 2022
Accidental Evangelism Features

Accidental Evangelism

By Global Worker 4000-780 The waitress approached our table late, distracted, and distressed. "Excuse me, I'm sorry that I'm late. My dad is presently dying, so it has been a hard week." She took our order and was gone. As we ate together, we were all made sober over the revelation we had just heard. It was evident that this was a divine engagement. Finally, toward the end of the meal, I spoke up, "I don't want to encroach on your personal life, but I have been thinking about what you said concerning your dad this whole time over our dinner. This is…
February 24, 2022
Sowing Seeds Features

Sowing Seeds

By Justin and Jennifer Decker During class this week, our Thai language teacher shared a story with us about her family. It really left an impression on us, and we wanted to share it with you as well. She grew up in a small village around five hours outside of Bangkok. Her grandparents were the first in her family to become Christians because of a missionary family that moved into their village many years ago. They shared about Jesus often but the people in the village were resistant to any kind of change. What made the difference was the way…
February 23, 2022
From The Depths of Despair Features

From The Depths of Despair

By David and Kenda Jerome “…A time to tear down and a time to build up…” Ecclesiastes 3:3 (New American Standard Bible) Songwriter Rueben Morgan wrote these lyrics for his praise and worship song Hear Our Praises, “From the mountain to the valley, hear our praises rise to You.” One could interpret these words to mean we are to praise our God whether we are experiencing abundant happiness (from the mountain) or suffering great sorrow (to the valley). It is easy to praise God when things are going well. Psalms 13:6 says, “I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he…
February 21, 2022
A Women’s Rights Activist Endangered and Left Behind Features

A Women’s Rights Activist Endangered and Left Behind

By Matt Shiner, a mentor Imama was born under a Taliban government that denied Afghani females an education after the elementary grades.  During the years she was a schoolgirl, American soldiers arrived, and the new government provided her a path of continuing education to become all God has planned.  While achieving a law degree, she became an avid women’s rights activist, specifically for the fundamental rights that were denied to the women of Afghan culture. She worked in the US Embassy and helped embellish the legal community. I met Imama five years ago when she attended Leadership Development training.  She…
February 12, 2022
Faithfully Walking Forward: The Story of the Brown Family FeaturesBBrowns

Faithfully Walking Forward: The Story of the Brown Family

If you’d like to hear more of the Brown’s story in their own words, join us for a special LIVE STREAMING event on Thursday, February 24th at 7pm (Central Time). Click here to learn more! If you’ve ever had the world turned upside-down on you and wondered “how do I faithfully follow God and walk forward now?” this story is for you. This is the story of the Brown family – Bobby, Brianna, Killian, Titus, Leo and Layla – and how God brings beauty from ashes. Even before they said “I DO” at their wedding, the idea of serving together…
February 8, 2022
Video & Prayer Guide: Generations South America Features

Video & Prayer Guide: Generations South America

Generations: South America Video Length: 60 minutes (the additional 21 minutes were questions from the Q and A) Download the prayer guide (opportunities listed) by clicking here...   Panelists (click on the names to learn more): Brianna Wheeler Bruce Tissell Ken and Luci Davis Curt Kregness Richard and Mirian Sturz Jim and Corinne Thorp                
February 5, 2022
Generations: South America Upcoming Press Releases

Generations: South America Upcoming

If you liked Generations: Japan, you’ll love Generations: South America. We are featuring the countries of Bolivia and Brazil. Join us online on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. MST for an hour of down-to-earth conversations about how God grows people through the different seasons of missionary life. From a Global Apprentice to the career missionary on the field, you’ll learn first-hand about the people, the culture, and the way God works through joys and heartaches to engage the world for gospel impact. Q&A to follow. Featured Panelists: Global Apprentice Brianna Wheeler (Bolivia) Career Missionaries Bruce…
January 22, 2022
Video and Handout: How the Japanese Deaf are Sharing the Gospel Features

Video and Handout: How the Japanese Deaf are Sharing the Gospel

On Friday, January 14, 2022, Peter Persson prayed for and interviewed Mark Penner (United Bible Societies), Mary Esther Penner (WorldVenture), and Pastor Matsumoto of Yamagata Christian Deaf Church in Japan on Facebook Live on How the Japanese Deaf are Sharing the Gospel. We also featured JSL translator from Canada, Justina. Video Length: 60 minutes. Download the Prayer Guide by Clicking Here Explore the JSL website Follow the JSL Facebook Page Pictured above: This is a screenshot of a JSL Jesus Film. In the video and prayer guide, this image will help you understand JSL translation. Most Deaf interpreters (certified,…
January 21, 2022
5 Habits to Change on Your Social Media to Transform Your Heart & Community Press ReleasesThe Church on Mission

5 Habits to Change on Your Social Media to Transform Your Heart & Community

An online workshop via Zoom to help you start 2022 with better habits and help your community at the same time. While Social Media can be a negative experience for some, as Christians, we can use social media to help us walk closer to the Lord and transform our community, too. Saturday, January 15, 2022, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. MST AZ  Register at this link (click here). This workshop is taught by Nikole Hahn (click here to learn more) and is free.   Other Articles by Nikole Hahn: 3 Lessons About Social Media From John 8 Virtual Prayer for…
January 7, 2022
Live Event: How a Group of Japanese Deaf are Sharing The Gospel Press Releases

Live Event: How a Group of Japanese Deaf are Sharing The Gospel

Peter Persson, Director of Global Prayer Initiatives, will lead us in an interview with Mark Penner (Global Worker with United Bible Societies) and Mary Penner (Global Worker with WorldVenture) as we discuss and pray for the Japanese Deaf. You’ll learn about the need for Bible Translation, how they are engaging the Deaf for Gospel impact, and learn their prayer needs. You'll also meet Pastor Eiji Matsumoto as our special guest. Join us on Friday evening, January 14, at 5 pm PST/6 pm MST on our Facebook page. Featured Guests: Mark Penner recently joined the United Bible Societies as a project…
January 6, 2022
Children: A Gift From The Lord Features

Children: A Gift From The Lord

By Stephanie Folden Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3a). . . There is something that innately draws us to children. Certainly, some of us feel this more acutely than others, and still, even the most hardened soul can often be softened by the smile of a young child.  Children are meant to be protected, valued, cared for, and loved. They are to be guided in the basic understandings of life and especially in the spiritual aspects. This isn't just a task that has been given to parents; it is a responsibility for all of us.   Regarding raising…
January 1, 2022
Teaching to The Camera Features

Teaching to The Camera

By Caleb Hutcherson About a week ago, I shared a quick post on social media (Instagram and Facebook) about having hit the major milestone of uploading 100 videos to my Youtube channel for the courses I teach. Most of the videos aren't public. The videos are mostly small "chunks" of teaching or instructions that I embed in courses delivered within ABTS's online learning platform. I wanted to describe in a bit more detail this new (for me) mode of ministry that I've been learning. But I want to do that by talking about one its problems. One of the biggest…
December 26, 2021
How Cinnamon Bread Became a Tradition in Pakistan Features

How Cinnamon Bread Became a Tradition in Pakistan

By Nikole Hahn Global Workers in South Asia share a Christmas recipe with you. I've tested this recipe and added a few notes. Please watch the video to hear the story of how Cinnamon Bread became a tradition in Pakistan. May it bless your kitchen this season! Video Length: 1 minute   Cinnamon Bread If you live at high altitude, you can click here to make adjustments. Baking time, temperatures, and ingredients might need to be adjusted if you live above 3,000-foot elevation. Ingredients:  1 cup sugar 1 1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons cinnamon (I like to dump my…
December 19, 2021
The Journey of Over 2K Bibles to Mexico Features

The Journey of Over 2K Bibles to Mexico

By Nikole Hahn And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation." – Mark 16:15 In a world filled with bad news, here’s a story of faith, dedication, prayer, courage, hope... and over 2,000 Spanish Bibles! And a special partnership between the pastor of a small rural church and a WorldVenture partner church making a gospel impact in Mexico. The journey of the Bibles to Mexico and the partnership between the two churches began with Pastor Jason Hamilton at Skull Valley Bible Church. Creating a Network Jason Hamilton began pastoring at Skull…
December 6, 2021
Psalm 77: Reflections of Lament Features

Psalm 77: Reflections of Lament

By A Global Worker in Eurasia  Read Psalm 77 LAMENT CRIES OUT (1-2) Asaph is seeking God desperately. He is pursuing the Lord intently and without a break. Though painful, his cries are still an expression of faith because he is sharing his pain. To cry out is better than silence or denial. LAMENT STRUGGLES (3-6) Asaph is burdened. His soul refuses to be comforted. He says that his grief had rendered him both speechless and sleepless. But worse still, when he remembers his past, today feels more painful and leads him to doubt either God's presence or goodness. LAMENT…
November 25, 2021
An Asami Hug Features

An Asami Hug

By Cheryl Hill This year as COVID-19 raged here in Japan, the doors to one of the facilities for the intellectually disabled where the three of us volunteer closed to us for the duration. We knew God was not locked out of that facility, so we ramped up our prayers for those dear friends in that facility, praying for them by name and praying for the staff in this challenging time. After some time, we decided to take in home-baked cakes, so they knew we had not forgotten them. The first time we did this, we called from the parking…
November 24, 2021
He Saw Little Hope in His Situation Features

He Saw Little Hope in His Situation

By Lisa Yunker Over a year ago, a friend from church asked if I could visit a young man named Ly Seng who worked at his social enterprise and recently had surgery for his spine. Following the surgery, he was unable to feel or move his legs at all. I went to see him, and the situation felt overwhelming. Ly Seng was lying down on a mat on the floor in a dark, tiny house. I assessed his legs, and he really had no feeling or muscle activity whatsoever. He was quiet, despondent. His mother looked worn and worried. I…
November 19, 2021
Where is My Home? Features

Where is My Home?

By Gary Chang  People often ask me where I come from. I grew up in Taiwan. My nationality was New Zealand, and now I live in Japan, but the country where I have lived the longest (among all the places I have lived in) is the United States. Thankfully, I was finally naturalized in September (2021) and became a US citizen. Some people asked why I became a US citizen. One of the primary reasons is for the sake of a long-term mission. After becoming American citizens, we can enter and leave the United States freely. We are no longer…
November 18, 2021
Befriending Refugees in The City FeaturesM Outreach

Befriending Refugees in The City

By Nikole Hahn Newly appointed Global Workers, like Lan, serve in various places through local organizations or churches while building a financial team. Lan is heading to Asia to care for orphans, and while she waits on the Lord’s timing, she finds places in her community that need her compassion. Currently, Lan volunteers with a local organization that teaches her how to befriend new refugee families. In one particular instance, an Afghan family recently arrived at the center. We shall call the husband, Abdul. “ used to work with the military in Afghanistan. He was in the right place at…
November 4, 2021
An Imam Encourages His People to Read The Bible FeaturesM Outreach

An Imam Encourages His People to Read The Bible

By Tom from Africa God is doing some interesting things in this part of the world because recently Pastor Mamadou has been relating to me that one of the more important imams in the country has been openly encouraging his people to read the Bible to discover what it says. If you understand the history of Christianity and Islam and how they view Mohamed and the Koran, this is quite an eye opener. So, how does that relate to the work here? It is the backdrop to the wonderful opportunity that God provided recently to Pastor Mamadou who had the…
October 29, 2021
Take 5 For MuKo Features

Take 5 For MuKo

By Kevin and Kaori Laverman During the pandemic, we started the work in MuKo where it was possible: PRAYER. It goes great with walking and doesn't mind viruses. I've used up a lot of shoe leather (soles for souls!) walking our new area, observing people and possibilities, sometimes chatting, and always stopping to pray in key spots. I know prayer walking changes things. It has the added benefit of shrinking one's waistline and strengthening one's vision! There's a number of routes I walk. Often it's a more fixed route. Sometimes it's just a "Holy-Spirit-guide-my-steps-where-you-want" route. Always I return home with…
October 28, 2021
New Leaders Moving WorldVenture Forward Press Releases

New Leaders Moving WorldVenture Forward

  WorldVenture President, Jeff Denlinger, announced the hiring of Soraya Marin to the role of Vice President of Operations/Chief Operations Officer (VPO/COO), anchoring WorldVenture’s Global Operations. Ms. Marin starts January 1, 2022. “We are turning a significant leadership and ministry corner with Soraya joining our team,” Denlinger shared with the WorldVenture Leadership Community. “Soraya’s prior corporate world experiences and her heart for people have been instrumental in her missionary service in Spain. This leadership role requires the VPO/COO to listen well to the needs of individuals and teams within WorldVenture as well as our external partners while at the same…
October 13, 2021
15-Second Testimony: Evangelism Training That Works Features

15-Second Testimony: Evangelism Training That Works

James Riggins, an Appointee/Global Worker to the Philippines, invites you to join him in Evangelism training on Tuesday, October 26 at 7 pm CST by Zoom. We will open up fifteen minutes early for fellowship.  He will spend the hour equipping you with how you can share your story in a way that opens your audience up to hear more! Please click on this link to register.  James spends his time mobilizing believers to minister in the United States while also providing distance training to places he cannot travel yet. Learn more by clicking here.  Related trainings by Zoom and…
October 4, 2021
A Conversation About Children’s Ministry Features

A Conversation About Children’s Ministry

What is the difference between children’s ministry in the United States and children’s ministry among North African families in Europe? Katy Hubbard, Children's Ministry Director at Palmcroft Anthem in Arizona, and Chelsi Johnson, our Global Worker, held a conversation via Facebook Live on September 2, 2021, on the differences between children's ministry in the United States as compared to North African Families in Europe. About our guest:  Katy Hubbard was born in San Diego but grew up in Arizona. Her family moved to Phoenix, AZ, and began attending Palmcroft Church. Katy started to attend kids ministry at Palmcroft Church back…
September 24, 2021
Book Recommendations on Understanding Refugees FeaturesM Outreach

Book Recommendations on Understanding Refugees

Are you looking for some good reading material to understand the plight of the refugee? Our colleagues recommend these books... Why God Calls Us to Dangerous Places by Kate McCord "Soon after 9/11, Kate McCord left the corporate world and followed God to Afghanistan—sometimes into the reach of death. Alive but not unscathed, she has suffered the loss of many things: comfort, safety, even dear friends and fellow sojourners." Learn more In The Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord "Riveting and fast paced, In the Land of Blue Burqas depicts sharing the love and truth of Christ with women living…
September 21, 2021
How to Befriend Refugees FeaturesM Outreach

How to Befriend Refugees

From a worker in Europe When refugees first arrive in the US, a resettlement agency helps them with housing, health needs, education, and other practical issues. The adults have English classes provided for them for about three months. However, no adult can learn a new language in three months! They need lots of practice, much more than can take place in the classroom.  One of the best things you can do is to be an informal but intentional conversation partner. Language learners often are too shy and too lacking in confidence to impose their English struggles on others. It is…
September 20, 2021
How to Rediscover Trust Features

How to Rediscover Trust

By Debbie Dodd Where do you turn… …When your child gets sick? …When your paycheck doesn't last until the end of the month? …When the stock market takes a downturn? …When you see the world hurtling in distressing and troubling directions? …When all that's associated with COVID overwhelms you? Those are the contemporary expressions of the questions that the prophet Isaiah asks. In his day, the characters' names were different, but they were faced with the same fundamental question—the question that confronts each of us. In whom or what do you trust? And God says there is only one correct…
September 17, 2021
Escape From The Taliban Features

Escape From The Taliban

From a Worker in a European Country S was only 22 when we first met, but she already lived a lifetime of loss and trouble, both in her home country and here in the UK. She somehow came to the UK at sixteen. The Taliban tried to take her to be someone’s wife. Her mother managed to protect her on that occasion before getting her out of the country. S urgently needed to get the coveted Indefinite Leave to Remain status, in order to feel secure from the threat of forced marriage. S was in danger of a forced marriage…
September 8, 2021
Afghanistan: Suspense and Shock Features

Afghanistan: Suspense and Shock

From a worker in Europe Last Thursday, my colleagues and I offered an afternoon of help for those Afghans living here who wanted to notify the European government about their endangered relatives back home in Afghanistan. The room was full of Afghans, more than 70 of them, mostly men from 30 to 50-years-old. They had come to this European country for refuge between 5 and 20 years ago, and are now, for the most part, citizens, workers, and homeowners. All are anxious for family members in the home country. The best we could do for them is to help them…
September 7, 2021
Seasons of Waiting Features

Seasons of Waiting

By Ty Hoad  God exists eternally, which means that He, as C.S. Lewis says in Mere Christianity, “…is not in Time.” Lewis goes on to explain, “If you picture time as a straight line along which we have to travel, then you must picture God as the whole page on which the line is drawn. We come to the parts one by one: we have to leave behind A before we get to B, and cannot reach C until we leave B behind. God, from above or outside or all around, contains the whole line, and sees it all.” My…
September 3, 2021
Afghanistan: Bad Dreams Features

Afghanistan: Bad Dreams

This story is from a Global Worker in a European country who teaches refugees the local language.  E is a 16-year-old Afghan boy who came to this country alone two months ago.  He is normally cheerful and is trying hard to learn. One day we were alone in the classroom during a break and I started a conversation: Me: You look tired today, E. E:  (shaking his head)  No good sleep. Me: Why? E: (waving his hands around his head, grimacing) Me: Bad dreams? E: (nodding, grimly staring at the floor)  I see father, brother… It’s evident he is remembering…
September 2, 2021
Living Extraordinary Lives Features

Living Extraordinary Lives

By Ginny Jensen The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni was a novel from my book club that I would not have chosen to read on my own. The book had many lessons embedded in it. So as not to spoil your reading experience, I will not give you the whole story line. The book is about Sam’s life journey to acceptance of a physical trait. This trait had cost him much in being bullied and marginalized. Even as an adult, he hid to make himself acceptable to the world. In the process of this journey, Sam struggled…
August 27, 2021
Afghanistan Prayer Guide Features

Afghanistan Prayer Guide

Afghanistan: 70 people groups* 67 unreached people groups (95.7%)* 39,627,000 people* Main Religion: Islam (99.8%)* Evangelical Annual Growth Rate: 0.0%* (This cannot be measured as there are no above ground churches. We hear that there is a growing underground church).   Scriptures to pray for the people in Afghanistan: Worship of our Almighty God: O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty. He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most…
August 26, 2021
Afghanistan: Jacob’s Story Features

Afghanistan: Jacob’s Story

By a Colleague ‘Jacob’ arrived from Afghanistan in the late 1990’s.  While serving the United Kingdom (UK), he was shot and injured. He received immediate asylum. Jacob had no peace and could not sleep through the night.  Before helping the United States (US) and the UK in Afghanistan, he had seen terrible things and done terrible things.  He had been a fighter and had even killed an Afghan that had become Christian. Through a ‘Divine Appointment’, we met, and began to meet regularly.  I shared with Jacob the love of Christ. I told him how he could receive the peace…
August 19, 2021
40 Days Among Unreached Peoples Features

40 Days Among Unreached Peoples

*Steve, a Pathfinder, recently spent 40-days among unreached people groups in Asia. He is now back in the United States and adjusting to life at home, but not without deep reflection on his time spent overseas. A Pathfinder is a 4-week to 1-year volunteer program focused on growing the kingdom of God, both in the life of a Pathfinder and in the locations where they serve. Steve didn’t know the language of that country. This didn’t stop him from heeding the call to go to this part of Asia. “I often had to rely on translators or on miming when I was interacting…
August 15, 2021
Rediscovering Vision at 30,000 Feet Features

Rediscovering Vision at 30,000 Feet

By Nikole Hahn  When I've read about pioneers, I might have imagined their life differently, like Thor Heyerdahl, who was forced to prove that "ancient people could have made long sea voyages, creating contacts between societies." The data he compiled wasn't enough. Thor had to do the hard work to prove his theory by raising the funding, going to Peru, finding the proper logs to cut down, floating them down the river, and taking much risk. In 1947, he built a raft and sailed 5,000 miles with a small crew to live and prove his theory. He didn't even know how…
August 14, 2021
Celebrate Small Surprises and Disappointments Features

Celebrate Small Surprises and Disappointments

By Bruce Tissell   (Brazil) The Seminary where I am the director was getting ready to open classes the first week of August. The month of July had been spent repairing items and making sure that everything was working for when classes opened on August 2, 2021.   I had a company come in and clean all of the air-conditioning units and make sure they were working fine. While a group of about five workers were working on the 16 air-conditioning units, I was kept busy with the workers who wanted another door open or needed to receive permission to…
August 12, 2021
Jake’s Questions FeaturesM Outreach

Jake’s Questions

By James Riggins  When invited to help with a team coming to Houston, I try to be as involved as possible. Sometimes, this is lecturing or modeling, and other times it’s observing and looking for an opportunity to speak life into someone. When a team of college students from Mississippi State University (MSU) came to town, I played both parts. During lunches, dinners, running errands, and in between the lectures, I got to know *Jake. I usually start by attempting to get to know as many of the team members as possible. In this case, Jake was the first one…
August 11, 2021
n hahn pic of church in yosemite
3 Lessons About Social Media From John 8 FeaturesThe Church on Mission

3 Lessons About Social Media From John 8

By Nikole Hahn Jesus stood amid a gathering crowd, teaching, when “the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees” dragged a woman caught in the act of adultery to the front of the group (John 8:1-11). What happens next is an excellent example to follow on Social Media. The teachers and Pharisees had a hidden agenda. They said, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” Like gnats, they pestered Jesus for an answer. Jesus paused, bending down to write something on the ground, before standing again. Note…
August 6, 2021
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Abraham Joseph: Acts 8:26-40 Features

Abraham Joseph: Acts 8:26-40

Abraham and Laura Joseph are on Home Assignment from the Philippines. Recently, Abraham spoke at Fellowship Bible in Waco, Texas. Abraham at Fellowship "My Scripture passage was Acts 8:26-40, the story of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch through the ministry of Philip the deacon-evangelist." Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come…
August 5, 2021
How God Sent Us to Jordan Features

How God Sent Us to Jordan

By Rick Griffith Forty years ago this month Susan and I set foot on Singapore soil for the first time. We arrived as singles in August 1981 for two weeks of evangelistic concerts (as we did for 12 countries of Asia in our Cru music team appropriately called "The Crossroads”).  I recalled thinking, "If there is any nation that does NOT need us as long-term missionaries, it is Singapore! The church is established, vibrant, and growing. We are much more needed elsewhere." In 1983, we returned to the USA for seven years of theological education, and, to our surprise, we…
August 4, 2021
Commemorating A Faithful Missionary to The Philippines News

Commemorating A Faithful Missionary to The Philippines

(Denver, CO) - WorldVenture sadly announces that Carla Chanco, long-time missionary to the Philippines, died Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Carla was born in California, raised in Oregon, and pursued academic studies and a career in secretarial work. She felt a strong call to missions in 1983 that led her to use her administrative and evangelistic gifts to make disciples in the Philippines. It was during that time that she met the Rev. Rene Chanco. They were married in 1987 and have two children.  Carla served faithfully with her husband, Rene Chanco, in the Philippines for more than three decades. Appointed…
July 30, 2021
Finding Nemo in Your Journey Features

Finding Nemo in Your Journey

By Linda Gawthrop When I was a child, I loved Sunday School. I often sat at the edge of my seat as the teachers shared stories from God's Word. You know them… Joseph being sold into slavery and becoming second to Pharaoh Noah, the ark, and the great flood David and Goliath. Daniel in the lion's den The three Hebrews who were thrown into the fiery furnace Esther saving her people Peter released from prison by the angel I was in awe of their lives, of the miracles, where they saved the day or were rescued at the last minute.…
July 23, 2021
How to Pray for Children of Promise Features

How to Pray for Children of Promise

In the wake of the Coup in Myanmar, Rick and Diana Wilson shared a pressing need to WorldVenture social media in mid-March: “Our ministry coworkers know many that are desperate for food right now and we would like to help as many as possible.  It costs $150 a month for a family of 10 people.” That need has heightened with recent events! Their training building is a multi-purpose building. It not only serves as a training and activity center for the nearby children’s home, but it has become a temporary shelter due to villages and homes being destroyed. Two nearby…
July 16, 2021
Video: Deep Roots Features

Video: Deep Roots

By Jeff Frazee We rode out on a motorcycle and we went straight to the chief's house. We greeted the people in his courtyard and told them we were there to speak to the chief. Two young men went over to sit by the chief. I extended my hand in greeting to him. He just looked at me. Apparently, you don't shake the chief's hand in this village. The two young men were there as intermediaries. It is very common to not speak to the chief directly, always through an intermediary. Shortly, an older man, about my age, showed up.…
July 12, 2021
God Speaks Features

God Speaks

By Esther Penney God's Word is given away in different forms. While I know that at some point, it will bear fruit, I don't often get to see it. One particular day encouraged me to keep giving it out as opportunities presented themselves. As an Easter gift, we gave our guard, Mike, a MegaVoice player. MegaVoice creates audio Bibles. This particular one contains the New Testament in Wolof and Yoonu Njuub (the Way of Righteousness). Every morning before Mike leaves, I hear him playing it while he rakes up the leaves and sweeps the sidewalks. Shortly after gifting Mike the MegaVoice…
July 8, 2021
Generations: Japan Video Features

Generations: Japan Video

Generations, Episode One, "Generations: Japan."  On June 8, 2021, "Generations: Japan" aired live on Zoom as an online event. It was about generations speaking to other generations about living life as missionaries and about the culture of Japan. This episode was recorded. It is one hour long. Download the prayer guide for Japan.   Panel:  Jack Claunch (appointee) Alissa Bauer (appointee) Kevin Laverman (church planter) Ken Taylor (field leader) Cheryl and Leon Hill  (retired in June) Kathy and Lou Loutrel, Grace Church of Mahomet, Illinois (church prayer partners, friends, and supporters) Articles of Interest:  The Impact of 311 Tokyo…
June 19, 2021
Image by Fabián Ponce García from Pixabay
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick Features

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

By David Caucutt "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." President Theodore Roosevelt For exercise I have been walking down by the river near our house. It is a pretty popular spot where people walk and run. One of the things I used to have before deploying was a wooden staff that I prepared myself from a sapling. As I have walked down by the river, I have seen lots of trees that would work well, but of course I cannot cut them. However, even though it may be a small thing, I have prayed that,…
June 9, 2021
High Places and Habits Features

High Places and Habits

By Ginny Jensen  For those that have been reading the Bible through this year, your reading plan may have recently had you in the books of Kings and Chronicles. The kings were described as “did evil in the sight of the Lord”, or “did right in the eyes of the Lord”. Sometimes, there would be additional descriptions indicating that the king did right in the eyes of the Lord, but did not completely turn away from the idol worship.  In 2 Kings 14, Amaziah began his reign in Judah. Verses 3-4 (ESV) describes him: “And he did what was right…
May 28, 2021
Africa: Your Prayers Have Children Features

Africa: Your Prayers Have Children

By Esther Penney "Your prayers have children," remarked Ellen. I wasn't quite sure what that expression meant. "A year ago, you prayed for my heart condition."  "Now, I remember!" I smiled, recalling that day a year ago. The doctor prescribed medication for Ellen's heart condition. She struggled with symptoms and found no relief. We prayed for Ellen's health in Jesus' name. Afterward, she went to see the doctor. Now, she no longer needs any medication and is entirely symptom-free! She gives thanks to Jesus' power. But, what did she mean by, "Your prayers have children?" Ellen explained that each time I prayed for…
May 26, 2021
Girls Empowerment Curriculum: The Love Test Features

Girls Empowerment Curriculum: The Love Test

By Adrienne Livingston  One activity we have in our Girls Empowerment Curriculum is called the “Love Test”, which is based on a scriptural list of the attributes of love. We ask the girl to substitute the word “love” for our friend, girlfriend, boyfriend or other person’s name in each of the definitions of love. Definition of Love based off of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love... Is patient Is kind Does not envy Is not proud Does not dishonor others Is not self-seeking Is not easily angered Keeps no record of wrongs (forgives easily) Doesn’t rejoice in evil Protects Trusts Hopes Perseveres…
May 19, 2021
Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay
Singapore: Yap Chang Yen Features

Singapore: Yap Chang Yen

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV Yap Chang Yen is a Singaporean hipster in his early 40s. Fascinated with US culture, he spent most of his years buying and selling popular American rock band memorabilia in his store in Singapore’s main shopping district. He thought little of Jesus unless it could help him make another buck. But in October 2020, at the urging of a 30-year-old Singaporean Christian woman named Rena, Chang started attending Crossroads International Church (CIC) where Dr Rick Griffith…
May 13, 2021
Generations: Japan Event Features

Generations: Japan Event

Join us online on  June 8, 2021 at 5 p.m. MDT for an hour of down-to-earth conversations about how God grows people through the different seasons of missionary life. From an appointee raising support, to the career missionary on the field, to the retiree’s unique experience, you’ll learn first-hand about the people, the culture, and the way God works through joys and heartaches to engage the world for gospel impact. Q&A to follow. Featured Panel:  Alissa Bauer - Appointee Jack Claunch - Appointee Ken Taylor- Field Leader Leon and Cheryl Hill - Retiring soon with 37 years of experience Kevin…
May 3, 2021
Samuel’s Bleeding Features

Samuel’s Bleeding

Samuel's childhood in Sésènne, a neighborhood of Diourbel, Senegal, was steeped in traditional African religion. It is the home of several priestesses who conduct the traditional exorcism dances ("ndëpp" in Wolof). This is the type of dance that gave birth to voodoo-ism. Samuel suffered from deadly nosebleeds that no traditional or modern medicine could cure. Massamba is a pastor in this African country. During Kids' Club in Sésènne, the pastor and his wife noticed how sickly Samuel looked.  The pastor's wife offered to pray for him. Samuel agreed, and that day he felt better. As he continued to participate in…
April 30, 2021
How to Trust Jesus When Everyone Has Let You Down Features

How to Trust Jesus When Everyone Has Let You Down

By Brian and Melissa  (serving in anti-sex trafficking in Europe) I (Melissa) had some unexpected reflection time a few weeks ago when I walked along a hiking path that, unbeknownst to me, would lead me through the stations of the cross. The trail was quite steep and there were covered alters with pictures depicting varying aspects of Jesus's journey to the cross. At the top of the hill was a larger alter where Christ's crucifixion was depicted. At first, it looked like the trail ended there, but around the corner the trail led down the hill, and after one more…
April 19, 2021
Live Tour and Prayer Walk of Mozambique FeaturesM Outreach

Live Tour and Prayer Walk of Mozambique

On Friday, April 9, 2021, Rodger Schmidt gave us a live tour and prayer walk of Mozambique via Facebook Live. We have provided the edited version of the live for your viewing here as well as two other videos of Juma and Robson's testimonies on our Youtube account. Why not subscribe to our Youtube to get notified of new video uploads?  In this video, Rodger and his friends take us on a historical tour of Mozambique which includes its history, the rich culture of the people, and why Mozambique is in the news. This video is about 50 minutes in…
April 17, 2021
The Paris of South America Features

The Paris of South America

By Jim Thorp Buenos Aires has been referred to as the "Paris of South America," and there is truth to the comparison. I have visited both cities and can see some similarities to the look, feel, and culture of Buenos Aires and Paris. There are significant differences, but Buenos Aires is a beautiful city with rich music, dance, architecture, and food culture. One other important similarity is the need for the Gospel to reach all levels of society. The European flavor of culture in the city gives a feel of secularism, leading many to be unconcerned about God's existence or…
April 14, 2021
A Piece of Heaven in Brazil Features

A Piece of Heaven in Brazil

Ninety-minutes from the main Day Center in Itu, São Paulo is Camp California (managed by Restoration Ministries). It is a gorgeous piece of property with lush green ground cover, beautiful flowers, and some fruit trees. It is often described by the children who come as a “piece of heaven.” Restoration Ministries uses the camp all year round for children, youth, and adults who come from the slums. This January, Brazil experienced a significant increase in extreme poverty."Today, the country has more people in poverty than before the pandemic and the beginning of the last decade, in 2011," wrote a reporter…
April 12, 2021
The Courage of a South Sudanese Refugee Features

The Courage of a South Sudanese Refugee

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” - Romans 10:15 Dominic Living Wawa, a Fall 2019 graduate from the Western Uganda Baptist Theological College (WUBTC), works with others to spark a discipleship movement in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. Dominic is a South Sudanese refugee waiting out civil war to return home to share the Gospel with his people. He shares his story with us. "I was born in a village called Lapajo, Morobo Country, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan. My mother…
April 9, 2021
What Are My Next Steps In Following Jesus? Features

What Are My Next Steps In Following Jesus?

Answering the question "what are my next steps in following Jesus" is unique to every individual follower of Jesus. But there are specific steps you can take. The famous command from Jesus about what it means to become his disciples offers three categories of steps that we should look to as we answer the question. The New Living Translation render's Jesus words in Matthew 16:24 this way: “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me." Other translations follow similar phrase patterns. Another way to describe…
April 4, 2021
Online Prayer Event: April 17 Features

Online Prayer Event: April 17

You are invited to an online Zoom prayer event on how to deepen your prayer life for heart transformations. Peter Persson, Director of Global Prayer Initiatives, leads this online Zoom event on Saturday, April 17, 2021 from 4 to 5 p.m. MST AZ. This event is limited to the first 50 people who sign up here. Apprentices of Jesus Christ have the desire to grow in their prayer lives. We want God’s “will to be done on earth as it is done in heaven” and we intuitively know that prayer is the key for that to happen. But are our prayers for God’s…
April 3, 2021
Have You Read Psalm 22 This Easter? Features

Have You Read Psalm 22 This Easter?

By Ginny Jensen We are familiar with the Easter story; maybe too familiar. During Lent this year, I chose to read John Stevenson’s “Christ on the Cross”. The book is written in old language making it harder to read, but also making the imagery more real. Stevenson walks through Psalm 22 verse-by-verse providing a vivid portrayal of the realities of the cross. Those that were present that day had experienced His love during His earthly ministry. They were among the crowds that mocked, ridiculed, and taunted Him. They did not believe even as they saw Scripture being fulfilled regarding the…
March 28, 2021
How to Create a Personal Retreat Features

How to Create a Personal Retreat

By Ginny Jensen (printable instructions available at the end) The following is a guide to creating a personal retreat. Specific times have not been given to accommodate your length of retreat time. However, it would be helpful to allow at least a half a day for your retreat. Prepare yourself for a time of just you and the Lord. Make your surroundings comfortable, quiet, and without interruption.  Plan for the time to be lived in solitude and silence. “Go away and trust God with what happens in your soul.” (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, pg 79, IVP, 2015)…
March 24, 2021
We Meet Under a Tree Features

We Meet Under a Tree

By Tatiane Barros Mozambique, Africa Our group meets under a tree. The tree stands within a goat and chicken farm, started as a business for missions venture by our colleagues. Our group meets under the tree every Saturday morning for Bible Study. When our colleagues first began the group, they started studying Genesis. That first year that our family arrived in Mozambique, our small group experienced a witch doctor's conversion. After his funeral, our group became known as "Family" to the community. When we began studying the teachings on helping widows, we met Pipi. "Pipi" means grandmother in the Makhua language. Pipi…
March 18, 2021
Virtual Prayer for The Technologically Challenged FeaturesThe Church on Mission

Virtual Prayer for The Technologically Challenged

“hurchgoers, even those who have stopped regularly attending worship services during the pandemic, want support from a church community. Practicing Christians across the U.S. are seeking “prayer and emotional support”… – Barna, July 2020 Face-to-face prayer, phone call prayer, and virtual prayer share the same ingredients—consistency, compassion, and patience. The difference between them are the tools we use to convey the “prayer and emotional support” that practicing Christians are seeking today. In fact, on a spectrum of interaction where face-to-face prayer is most personal, virtual prayer is a step above a phone call because we can see each other on…
March 11, 2021
Pancakes and Discipleship: Bolivia Features

Pancakes and Discipleship: Bolivia

Video Length: 2 minutes Learn about the Atkins: Click here. Learn about the Transition Home: Click here. Buttermilk pancakes This recipe made for high elevation. Bolivia is at 8500 ft. The recipe in the video is made for sea level. Recipe adapted for 8500 ft. above sea level. For sea level, increase baking powder and baking soda to one teaspoon each.  Ingredients 2 cups (241g) flour 3 tablespoons (35g) sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda  1/2 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs 2 cups (454g) buttermilk 4 tablespoons (28g) melted butter or 2 tablespoons (25g) vegetable oil…
March 9, 2021
The Phone Call Features

The Phone Call

By Esther Penney Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. - Matthew 16:24 God draws people to himself in some wild ways. One morning in 2017, a woman named *Aja left several unclear messages on the answering machine saying she was trying to find us. Not convinced that she was calling the right number, I called her back. *Aja was looking for our organization in Senegal. Suspicious, I wanted to know why she was looking for us and wondered if she had the right…
March 5, 2021
Image by Kojo Blebu from Pixabay
Virtual Prayer Walk – Ghana, Africa Features

Virtual Prayer Walk – Ghana, Africa

While this went live via Facebook on Saturday, February 27, 2021, you can still ask questions. Go to this link on Youtube to leave a comment or on Facebook. If you are a church wishing to share this with your congregation, you can download the video from here. Learn more about The Waltons here. Header Image by Kojo Blebu from Pixabay 
March 2, 2021
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
How to Create Authentically Christian Schools Features

How to Create Authentically Christian Schools

By Katrina Custer A general consensus exists that education is a significant linchpin in the effort to influence the next generation of leaders, whether for good or bad. Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It feels bold to call any school a “weapon,” even more so when it comes to Christian schools, but I don’t think President Mandela is wrong in his assertion that education is a battle against ignorance and even poverty. Study after study shows a correlation between the average years of schooling and a nation’s…
February 24, 2021
Tunnel Vision Features

Tunnel Vision

By Ginny Jensen All year we have been making adjustments because of the pandemic. I have often heard the frustration of making these adjustments. Some changes involved technology, travel plans, and even ministry focus. It reminds me of a time in my life where I had tunnel vision. I was happily doing what I thought the Lord intended for me. In reality, I was comfortable where I was and had forgotten to ask and listen to Him. I had tunnel vision. Even when it seemed my world came crashing around me, I still struggled to get out of the tunnel. It…
February 12, 2021
Grasshoppers Versus Giants Features

Grasshoppers Versus Giants

By Debbie Dodd  Where do you look when you are afraid? When you’re scared, what are you focused on? I just finished teaching Deuteronomy to seminary students. One of my favorite passages in the book is where Moses challenges the Israelites with this same question. In chapter 1, Moses is rehearsing God’s history of grace with his people as a basis of encouraging them to obey him in the future faithfully. He reminds them of why they are at the Canaan border a second time, instead of already settled in the land. Thirty-eight years earlier, their parents had stood on the edge of…
February 11, 2021
david caucutt
How to Rejoice in Challenging Circumstances Features

How to Rejoice in Challenging Circumstances

by David Caucutt Ecuador, Americas During 2020, our theme was thankfulness. As we enter into 2021, our focus will be on joy in Christ. This theme has been challenging for me. I'm not going to pretend that I have all the answers and am always rejoicing. It is hard to imagine that joy is possible when you are throwing up, when God feels far away, or when people you love are hurting, and you can't be there. But Philippians 4:4 commands us to "rejoice in the Lord always." So, somehow, it is always possible for a Christian to have joy. But, what kind of joy am I…
February 8, 2021
Bringing Light to Myanmar Features

Bringing Light to Myanmar

The recent military coup in Myanmar, following their November elections and a failed challenge of election fraud by the military in that country's Supreme Court, echoes a violent coup in that nation in 1988. "Until two years ago, Myanmar, also known as Burma, was ruled by the longest-running military dictatorship in the world," NPR reported. "A disagreement in a tea shop between university students and people linked to the government eventually grew into a student-led movement calling for democracy in the summer of 1988." The protests led to martial law and banned public demonstrations. Violence followed with about 3,000 people shot, 3,000 Burmese sent…
February 5, 2021
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
A Reminder From Jeremiah Features

A Reminder From Jeremiah

by 4000-780 LAMENTATIONS 3:19-26 I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly…
January 29, 2021
New Program Offered: Karen Shogren Features

New Program Offered: Karen Shogren

By Karen Shogren Next week, we are beginning an entirely new program called Certificate with an Emphasis in the Prevention and Intervention of Sexual Violence.  We are offering the training that Christian leaders need: What to say What to do, And how to do it in your church context. Our Bible-centered, Spanish-language program consists of 9 courses, beginning February 6 and ending Dec 4.  There are no pre-requisites to enroll in this program Each course is 4 weeks long, meeting once a week on Saturday mornings from 8-11am Costa Rica time. You can expect about 6 hours of homework each…
January 27, 2021
How to Make Taco Soup Features

How to Make Taco Soup

Mandy and Jason Post from Ireland share stories of student ministry in this 3 minute video. Recipe below. Taco Soup Ingredients:  2 tbsp. olive oil one large onion chopped 2-3 cloves garlic minced 2-3 sliced or chopped chilies 2 pounds ground beef 2 cans of corn (or 2 cups frozen corn) 2 cans of beans, drained and rinsed (kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans) 2 cans stewed or chopped tomatoes 1 16 oz can tomato sauce 2 packages taco seasoning (or add your own seasonings to taste: salt, cumin, chili powder, paprika) corn tortilla chips sliced or cubed avocado,…
January 26, 2021
The 4 Phases of Mentoring Features

The 4 Phases of Mentoring

The 4 Phases of Mentoring was a Facebook Live for #NationalMentoringMonth on January 14, 2021. Featured are Gerry Schroeder from, Andre, and Larry. It's worth setting aside 24 minutes to listen to the stories as Gerry shares about the phases of mentoring. Please do share your thoughts and this blog on your social media.  
January 16, 2021
Dr. Leonard Tuggy News

Dr. Leonard Tuggy

It is with sadness as well as joy that we learned Dr. Leonard Tuggy passed away Thursday January 7, 2021 and was received into the arms of the Savior who he loved and served. Dr. Leonard Tuggy and his wife Jeannette were appointed with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society in 1956 to serve in the Philippines. Dr. Tuggy’s central ministries over the years in the Philippines had been evangelism, church planting, teaching, and leadership development. During their first term, he developed lessons on basic Christian beliefs for new believers. He also worked with a young but growing church in…
January 9, 2021
From Bad to Great Features

From Bad to Great

By Bruce Tissell The more I tried to get things done, the less I could do with offices, schools, and government services greatly restricted. To top things off, I was trying to put together a list of teachers for the next semester's classes. On the one hand, things were going well as a couple of teachers had just returned from teaching at one of the extension courses and had done a fantastic job. Students were taught, teachers could get through the required material, and everyone seemed happy and excited about what had happened. On the other hand, I received a…
December 30, 2020
Christmas and The Government Features

Christmas and The Government

A Delicate Balancing Act by Dr. Rick Griffith Who best submits to authority? With rare exceptions, those who most willingly submit to authority are committed Christians. After all, once we submit to Jesus, submission to others has fewer challenges. Go to just about any modern society, and typically you will find that faithful believers are those who cause the least trouble for their political leaders. But this submission has its limits. God himself instituted government (Rom 13:1-5), but believers must choose between two conflicting authorities when the government goes too far. The Jewish Sanhedrin committed such an overreach, commanding the…
December 28, 2020
Photo by Aaron Burden from StockSnap
Spiritual Formation: Begin 2021 Right! Features

Spiritual Formation: Begin 2021 Right!

By Peter Persson In WorldVenture's Facebook group, we have been working our way through the Bible this year. What a journey it has been! To climb into a plane and fly over the landscape of the Bible has been very eye-opening for us as we have observed how God, with great skill and grace, has worked through frail man to accomplish His will on earth. Spending time daily in God's Word is a spiritual discipline that yields fruit for a lifetime! But, what might be another spiritual discipline to practice in 2021, quite possibly for the first time? Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) says, "Blessed is…
December 27, 2020
The Shepherd Features

The Shepherd

by G. Simon (Luke 2:6-20)         Thoughts? Copy the link and share that with your comments to social media. Don’t forget to tag us @WorldVenture. We like to share your comments if we know about it. You can use the hashtag #WVSimpleChristmas. Do you have questions about Jesus? Click here and message us. Do you need prayer? Click here to add a prayer or to pray for others. We are exploring a #WVSimpleChristmas together. You can download resources and the devotional here.  A note on the author: This person works with refugees in Europe.   
December 24, 2020
How to Do Egg Art Features

How to Do Egg Art

By Jennifer Luebben Egg art has been a passion of mine for roughly a decade. It is so symbolic. From Christ coming down from heaven to Earth to the empty tomb, the egg is a beautiful tool and story teller. One of my favorite traditions about this art is the incorporation of prayer. Traditionally, the artist will pray for the entire time they are decorating the egg. In this case, over ten hours were spent in prayer for WorldVenture missionaries and partners, and the church. The story is told in the egg. This is how we prayed. Starting from the…
December 22, 2020
jenda ballard user generated content
Orientation Features


By Beth Horn I am not much of a collector, but nativity sets are one item I like to collect. I like sets with multiple pieces because it is fun to arrange and rearrange all the characters and pieces. I learned from being in plays in high school that the placement of characters on a stage communicates much about their importance. To place Jesus in the center of the action whether in the foreground or background, to place the others in positions of worship, to include animals in the stable or place them outside. They all prepare for the coming…
December 18, 2020
How a Dictionary is Helping People in India Features

How a Dictionary is Helping People in India

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12 ESV Themshang Horam is a graduate of Singapore Bible College. He served at Crossroads International Church in Singapore, where Dr. Rick Griffith pastors. After graduation, Themshang returned to Manipur, India, and became the Education Secretary to the entire Tangkhul Baptist Churches Association (TBCA) in Manipur State. The Tangkhuls have had the Gospel for 100 years, but theological education has been slow…
December 17, 2020
Expecting Emmanuel Features

Expecting Emmanuel

By Beth Horn In Call the Midwife’s 2012 Christmas special, Sister Evangelina and Nurse Lee assist an older woman, Mrs. Jenkins, living in dire poverty. She is alone, living in an abandoned building, and the filth is almost tangible through the screen. While Sister Evangelina burns the outer garments to curb infestation, Nurse Lee must use Vaseline to remove Mrs. Jenkins' shoes because they are stuck to her skin. Once the shoes are off, we briefly see open sores, toenails so long they are curling, and infection that has caused the big toe to swell twice its size and change…
December 16, 2020
Grieving Parents Find Faith and Purpose FeaturesM Outreach

Grieving Parents Find Faith and Purpose

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” – Psalm 54:4 Esther first met Brenda Allen in Guinea, West Africa while attending the local University and became her yard mate. Brenda and a local pastor’s wife discipled Esther. Esther would teach children in the local language at Sunday School as well as lead Bible clubs after school. During that time, Esther became engaged to Philip. Philip was an intern at a local campus ministry. His dream was to become a pastor. Brenda’s local church sent him to a seminary in another part of the country.…
December 11, 2020
The Date of Christmas Features

The Date of Christmas

By Dr. Rick Griffith  Did Baby Jesus arrive on December 25? Would shepherds watch sheep in open fields in a cold, late December? And would magi travel in the dead of winter? Old Testament precedent may help here. God could have brought Israel out of Egypt anytime, but he chose the month of Nisan (March-April) for the Exodus. Leviticus 23 shows that Passover has the Feast of Unleavened Bread on its heels, quickly followed by Firstfruits. But why? This season of Israel’s first three feasts begins the grain harvest, ending 40 days later with Pentecost. The nation observed the Feast…
December 10, 2020
Christmas For The Unexpected Features

Christmas For The Unexpected

By Dr. Rick Griffith Were the magi from Mesopotamia (Assyria, Babylonia, or Persia)?  After all, they came "from the east" (Matt 2:1), and these nations lay northeast of Israel.  Babylonians were also stargazers, and magi "saw his star in the east" (Matt 2:2 NIV). But how about Arab magi from the Arabian Peninsula southeast of Israel? Biblically speaking, "east" was not faraway Mesopotamia but closer to Israel.  Job lived in Uz as "the greatest of the people of the east" (Job 1:3).  Uz lay either northeast near Syria or southeast with Edomites near Arabia. Descendants of Ishmael's son Kedar (Gen.…
December 7, 2020
God of Shepherds Features

God of Shepherds

By Sam Knutson It’s a special honor to visit a newborn baby and its parents, even more so to be the first ones to see the swaddled little bundle of joy. It speaks volumes of your relationship when the parents invite you to see a child. So, what does it say about the first people to see baby Jesus? It wasn’t kings or Wise Men at first. No, the Father gave the greatest birth announcement of all time to shepherds. So, the first visitors to behold God made flesh had just rushed over after being out in the fields with…
December 4, 2020
For His Joy Features

For His Joy

Pulling Together as a Family in Christ By Donna McDonnel One of the things that have been hardest about this year, if I'm honest, is the way that I have seen the people around me divide. Maybe that doesn't sound right in English, but what I mean is, it has felt like this has been a time of dividing, division.  Are you in this group?  Are you in that one?  Do you believe this?  How can you believe that? It doesn't even seem to matter where I am physically located. Everywhere I turn, division.  Family members trying to be careful…
December 1, 2020
Noel in Cote d’Ivoire Features

Noel in Cote d’Ivoire

By Angelika Ragsdale (A journal entry written some years ago which has relevance now)  At the bus station in Adjamé, Abidjan, waiting for the next bus back to Bouaké after depositing my documents to get my Ivorian residence card, I open my Bible to Luke 2. As I read about Joseph leaving Nazareth to go to Bethlehem (his birth town) to get registered, because the Roman government at the time issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world, it dawns on me, that it wasn’t just the people of Israel being on the move…
November 27, 2020
Jonah: The Heart of God For the Nations Features

Jonah: The Heart of God For the Nations

By Brody Philips  And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?" — The LORD (Jonah 4:11) Such a provocative question with such profound implications. By now, almost all of us have heard the story of Jonah: a reluctant prophet sent by God to preach a message to Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian empire — the same Assyria that would soon take the nation of Israel into captivity. Jonah refused to go to Nineveh, and in…
November 18, 2020
Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay
Our Heart in Response to God’s Call Features

Our Heart in Response to God’s Call

By Evans Walton Our hearts need to be fertile when we respond to God’s calling. A heart that is fertile is willing to submit to the direction of God, recognize the grace of God, and be willing to share God's grace with others. The book of Jonah primarily focuses on a gentile city called Nineveh which was infamous for its cruelty. The prophet missionary was sent to warn the people of Nineveh about God’s coming judgment. MacArthur writes, one of the book’s intents was to, “shame Israel by the fact that a pagan city repented at the preaching of a…
November 3, 2020
How to Form a Digital Team FeaturesThe Church on Mission

How to Form a Digital Team

The Church on Mission is a series of blogs and videos to help your ministry or church thrive in the digital age and make disciples locally and internationally. This is the first video of the series in three parts. Introduction (1 minute) The Template (3 minutes) Review & Strategy (3 minutes) Resources: PowerPoints: Sample Report Form: You can view how to use this report by clicking here to go to List of Digital Resources: Indigitous: Engaging and Unleashing Believers into Digital Missions. Good source to learn about digital missions. Church Communications: Church conferences and blog posts on how to…
November 2, 2020
Photo by Candace McDaniel from StockSnap
God’s Unusual Intervention in The Book of Jonah Features

God’s Unusual Intervention in The Book of Jonah

By Philip Kendall  Throughout the book of Jonah, God demonstrates again and again that his way of working in the world can be, and often is, fundamentally different than we’d either like or even expect. “‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD” (New International Version, Isaiah 55:8). God does not restrict himself to reaching out to those we reach out to, blessing us in ways we see as blessings, or even giving us objectives that we would like to achieve. Instead, He does what He knows is best. God reaches out to…
October 25, 2020
Photo by Matt Bango from StockSnap Photo
What to Do When the Post Office Fails Features

What to Do When the Post Office Fails

Stories from the field and practical advice on supporting your missionaries with prayer and mail By Nikole Hahn Our small group decided to partner with the missionaries our church supported through writing letters and prayer. Working at a church, and with some of these missionaries from the different organizations, gave me insight into the practicality of letter writing. While the commercial open rate for an emailed newsletter can range from 20% to 30% on average, regular mail is making a comeback. In the past, we went to email because our mail boxes were full of junk. Like a pendulum swinging…
October 23, 2020
What Mask Are You Wearing? Features

What Mask Are You Wearing?

By Ginny Jensen Ginny serves WorldVenture appointees and international workers by encouraging and equipping them to fulfill God’s global redemptive purposes and by assisting each person to finish well with Him. Masks have become a fashion statement and a point of conflict. In the past, masks were commonplace in other parts of the world. In the United States, we associated them with burglars, Mardi-Gras, or Halloween. By definition, masks protect, disguise, or entertain.  A masque is a form of entertainment where the performers wear masks. Often, life is a masque. We mask our true feelings or present a façade that…
October 9, 2020
A New Pane of Glass, A Pair of Shoes, and Jesus Features

A New Pane of Glass, A Pair of Shoes, and Jesus

By Nicolette Hutcherson Beirut, Lebanon He was sitting outside the church gate with his shoeshine kit, watching the people coming and going.  One of our volunteers noticed him and called me over to help.  I invited him in and asked if there was anything specific he needed. "Shoes," he shyly replied, "size 38."  I took him over to our section of men's shoes - we didn't have a lot - and showed him a few pairs of tennis shoes in his size.  He hesitated and then pointed to a pair of fake leather business man looking shoes - not something…
October 7, 2020
Japan: A Bible Cafe Media

Japan: A Bible Cafe

Japan, known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”, while prosperous materially, is a nation steeped in spiritual darkness and despair, and remains largely unreached. Since our deployment to Japan in 2009, we have had the privilege of serving alongside both missionary colleagues as well as Japanese church leaders to build up the church and shine the light of the Gospel of Christ among the Japanese people. - Greg and Asa Swenson      
October 6, 2020
The Return Key Features

The Return Key

By Dr. Rick Griffith After we checked out of our Bangkok hotel, a family checked in at the same counter. Turns out, they were missionaries, and the wife was a counselor in nearby Chiang Mai. When I noted that I am a professor at Singapore Bible College, she replied, "Oh, our only Thai counselor was hoping to attend SBC in a few months, but she can't afford it since her husband is also a seminary student and they have a young daughter." "Really?" I responded. "Our church in Texas has funds to invest in Asian families attending SBC!" Fast forward…
October 5, 2020
Reset: We Just Started The New Testament Features

Reset: We Just Started The New Testament

Reset: (verb) to set again or anew. Fall is often the symbol of change. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 Reset is a mindset we should embrace these days. Perhaps we could start that through a new spiritual habit of reading the Bible each day?  Peter Persson, Director of Global Prayer Initiatives, started a Reading the Bible in a Year plan in January through our Facebook group. He recently began the New Testament. It's not too late to dig into the New Testament…
October 3, 2020
Foundations: A Church Building and Community Center Media

Foundations: A Church Building and Community Center

And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. – Luke 14:23 Church Building and Community Center in Senegal (Click Here to View Project Information) They still need about $200,000 in gifts. Articles and Blogs: Building a Church Legacy in Senegal     
October 2, 2020
How Social Media Can Help You Live Deeply Features

How Social Media Can Help You Live Deeply

By Nikole Hahn The mocking voices of social media drive that anger and grief more deeply into a person’s heart with each refresh of the newsfeed. Even what we post online is what we saturate our hearts with, and so, if what we post is angry, grieving, or mocking, we hear that voice, too, deeply in our souls. If social media can infect us this way, what would happen if we altered how we posted? Would that change how we lived each day? In thinking of this, the word repent comes to mind. The word repent means, “to change one’s…
October 1, 2020
Image by Fabricio Macedo FGMsp from Pixabay
Marilee Morden: Leadership Training and Church Development in Brazil Media

Marilee Morden: Leadership Training and Church Development in Brazil

About Marilee Morden The leadership training course (modular seminary) was originally designed to train lay leaders from the small, interior churches in Northeastern Brazil. Since the course began in 1992 over 200 have graduated and many have been ordained to the ministry. This has been an important way Marilee has found to help extend God's kingdom in ways and places she would never be able to personally. Click here to view her profile and learn more.   Header Image by Fabricio Macedo FGMsp from Pixabay   Related Articles:  Learn about Bruce Tissell.  Explore our free downloadable resources to help…
September 30, 2020
A Reset in Chaotic Days Features

A Reset in Chaotic Days

By Jeff Denlinger, President of WorldVenture Many years ago, in other tumultuous, chaotic, and dark days, the prophet Habakkuk bemoaned these words to God: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you ‘Violence!’ and you will not save? Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted.” (Hab 1:2-4 ESV) In reply to…
September 28, 2020
Bridge Revisited 2020: Virtual Event Happening Now! Press Releases

Bridge Revisited 2020: Virtual Event Happening Now!

What is Bridge?  Bridge is, Building Relationships Intentionally with the Diaspora for Global-Gospel Expansion. This is an event hosted at Crossover Bible Fellowship by WorldVenture missionaries, Lloyd and Jan'et Chinn. The theme is African Diaspora. September 24 - 26, 2020: It is happening right now!  You can join from anywhere around the world. Live sessions happen Saturday, September 26, and you must be registered to join. Click here to register. Quotable for Social Media Feel free to copy and paste the quotes below to put into your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts.  "Africans in Diaspora … should not feel…
September 25, 2020
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
Imprisoned Like Paul Features

Imprisoned Like Paul

…But the word of God is not bound! - 2 Timothy 2:9b Marilyn Escher is a "retired" WorldVenture worker, still on the job as a Global Resource Specialist, working to finish up the translation of the Bible into Wolof. Wolof is spoken by 5 million ethnic Wolofs in Senegal. Because of her age (77), mission leadership recommended she evacuate from the field temporarily. She had 24 hours notice before the borders closed. Twelve hours to pack during the night hours and four days to get from Senegal to COVID-free Fort Bragg, California where her brother is pastor of Grace Community…
September 25, 2020
Alexandra: A Story of Recovery and Redemption Features

Alexandra: A Story of Recovery and Redemption

By Ireni Mota And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 Alexandra was born in an upscale neighborhood of São Paulo. Her problems were no different than our own. Alexandra had good parents. As an adolescence, she desired to know the favela side of the city (a shack or shanty town) and the slum lifestyle. This interest occurred soon after her father’s death. Alexandra became “Piriri”, a respected drug dealer in the community. Rarely ever do drug dealers not get involved with their…
September 23, 2020
An Unexpected Blessing Features

An Unexpected Blessing

Bruce Tissell’s story of innovation during Brazil’s COVID-19 shut down is an inspiration for all of us as we find creative ways to stay in business, do ministry, and make disciples in this unexpected time. Bruce is the Director at Baptist Seminary in Teresina, Brazil. North Brazil was hearing about and watching this new thing called the Corona Virus or Covid-19 in early 2020.  No one really paid much attention to it as it was something in other parts of the world, or in the Southern part of Brazil (this is like another world to us in North Brazil). In…
September 12, 2020
Sherri Schneidermann-Kone: A Tribute Press Releases

Sherri Schneidermann-Kone: A Tribute

Sherri Schneidermann-Kone was appointed with CBFMS January 28, 1987 to minister at the Baptist Mission Hospital in Ferkessedougou, Cote d’Ivoire as a nurse. At her appointment, Sherri made this statement: “What motivates a person to leave the comforts of home and go to a country thousands of miles away where everything is unfamiliar and strange for the purpose of being a missionary? The answer is found in a song. The words to the song, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross sums up the reason.” said Sherri. “After all that Christ has done for me, my only loving response can be,…
September 8, 2020
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from StockSnap
In The Garden Features

In The Garden

By Ginny Jensen One of my dad’s favorite hymns was “In the Garden” by C. Austin Miles. As a youngster, I didn’t fully understand the imagery of the song but I loved it because he loved it. Now I look at those words and I see the image of quiet time with the Lord. The beauty of the chorus brings peace as I meditate on it. “And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own, and the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.” Quiet time,…
September 3, 2020
The Blessing Features

The Blessing

Written by a Colleague  We have been so moved by this blessing being sung by God's people in different languages from different countries. We think you will be blessed, too. Choose a video from this sampling taken from 100 virtual choirs singing blessing over their city, country and the whole world in this time of global uncertainty. It is more than just singing a song—it is matching good news with good deeds: 100 churches in NYC sing and serve together 121 churches in Canada work and pray together 100 churches in France unite and help each other 177 churches in Singapore with 772 singers 300…
August 14, 2020
Remembering Anne Laine Press Releases

Remembering Anne Laine

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His faithful servants   (Psalm 116:15)  Anne Foster Laine, global worker with WorldVenture serving in Uganda, died in her sleep on Friday morning, August 7, 2020 in Mesa, AZ. She was 51.  “Anne had a deep love for the people of Uganda,” said Africa Director, Lloyd Chinn. “Anne had a relentless resolve to push through the uncomfortableness of a different culture in order to change lives.”  Anne Laine was born on June 13, 1969. She was raised in Virginia Beach, VA in a Christian home and accepted the Lord as a young teenager. After what she described as a time of…
August 13, 2020
Being Formed Features

Being Formed

By Ginny Jensen Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. – Philippians 1:18b-19 Early in my faith journey, I clearly understood the choice between following the world and following Christ. What I had difficulty reconciling was how I would be transformed to be like Him. I struggled with verses like Philippians 1 and 2 which seemed so contradictory. In chapter one, Paul petitions God to complete the work… in the lives of his…
August 13, 2020
5 Ways to Share Your Faith Online FeaturesThe Church on Mission

5 Ways to Share Your Faith Online

By Nikole Hahn Paul spent his time in prison writing letters. Even when Paul himself couldn’t minister in person, God used his words to traverse obstacles, distance, and time. Paul’s words continue to make an impact, in large part because they were fixed in time to a timeless medium. Luke’s “Acts of the Apostles” is similar. According to the introduction in Bible Study Tools of the Book of Acts, it was written “To depict the triumph of Christianity in the face of bitter persecution.” Fixed in time, but timeless! Written in one place, but unconfined by time and space. Many…
August 10, 2020
2 Ways to Help Beirut News

2 Ways to Help Beirut

The Beirut explosion on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 left 300,000 people homeless, 135 people dead, 5,000 wounded, and according to USA Today, up to 15 billion dollars in damages. While Lebanese neighbors scour the city for missing relatives, we pray. As the Red Cross warns that death toll numbers could rise, we pray. As our colleagues in Beirut lament, we pray. Our colleague writes, “We sleep. We wake. Shocked and numb. It seems it was an accident, they say. A horrible accident. Only Hiroshima and Nagasaki more powerful. Can’t scream, can’t cry. Work. We can work. Grab my daughter and…
August 6, 2020
How the Pals Inspired Others to Go Features

How the Pals Inspired Others to Go

By Dougg Custer, VP Mobilization Ministries “I do not know how things will turn out for us.  As a husband, I feel obligated to lead our family toward obedience, whatever the end may be–whether it is life or death or discomfort or disappointment.  It is clear that the Lord Jesus calls us not to an easy life, however he calls us.  He bids us to take up our cross–just as he did–to suffer and die.  Perhaps we will toil for years to raise support and never make it overseas.  Perhaps we will go and utterly ‘fail’ as missionaries from all…
July 31, 2020
Resting Murder Face: Principles of Necessary Conflict Features

Resting Murder Face: Principles of Necessary Conflict

A week-long series on leadership and conflict resolution By Rodger Schmidt Change is hard work. It is uncomfortable and many leaders tend to hang on to what worked in the past even if it is outdated or no longer effective. For businesses to grow, the entire organization must be consistently analyzed, discussed, negotiated, and fine-tuned. Conflict is the backdoor to reinvention and innovation.  “No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the patch tears away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the wine is destroyed, and…
July 17, 2020
Resting Murder Face: Why is Conflict Necessary? Features

Resting Murder Face: Why is Conflict Necessary?

A week-long series on leadership and conflict resolution By Rodger Schmidt  Many leaders avoid conflict at all costs. However, the most innovative solutions often are born out of conflict. The workplace is a dynamic environment, always needing to grow, change, find solutions, transition, and upgrade. Conflict is a regular element of everyday work life. If leaders manage conflict well, it will produce growth and leadership capacity in themselves and others (and the more enjoyable will be the experience of others in the workplace).   Why is Conflict Necessary?  Conflict encourages the leader to consider new ideas. If the participants truly hear one another’s perspectives and ideas, it helps to mold and clarify concepts; either making the leader clearer…
July 16, 2020
Resting Murder Face: Conflict is Inevitable Features

Resting Murder Face: Conflict is Inevitable

A week-long series on leadership and conflict resolution By Rodger Schmidt When two or more people interact for a long enough period, conflict happens. It is inevitable. Dr. Silcox claims unresolved conflict preys on peoples’ minds and distracts them from their most important tasks. Individuals in ongoing conflict rarely contribute well to the organization’s mission and strategy. Therefore, Individuals may simply be going through the motions, or undermining the organization in some way. The following questions and related principles are helpful to consider while managing the inevitable reality of conflict: Are there perceived inequities in how people are treated? Inequities…
July 15, 2020
Image by Stéphane CHADOURNE from Pixabay
Resting Murder Face: Introduction Features

Resting Murder Face: Introduction

A week-long series on leadership and conflict resolution By Rodger Schmidt  If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. - Matthew 18:15 Managing conflict is not only inevitable but a necessary process if leaders hope to foster community, mature themselves, and lead others well. It is essential if we are to achieve all the Father has prepared for us in the mission of God around the world. I have invested years navigating conflict rooted in personality differences—Family of origin blind…
July 14, 2020
Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic in Italy Features

Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic in Italy

How a Coronavirus Canceled Plans For Two Colleagues by Emily Roth  After 42 years of ministry in Italy, Doug and Dee Valenzuela were preparing for their biggest project yet to take place on the last weekend of May. It would have been a three-day event drawing thousands of people to hear the gospel and receive salvation in Jesus Christ. The event, called Christian Alive 2020, could have been the capstone of their work in the city of Naples and its surrounding area before they would retire at the end of the year. But, the event was canceled. Instead, they celebrated…
June 8, 2020
Life With Charlie Features

Life With Charlie

By Ginny Jensen Charlie is my little lap dog. He is now old and losing his sight. He is still the most loyal, cuddly pet I have ever had. Through the years, there have been many challenges with him. He was a rescue and came with many issues. In watching Charlie, I have seen parallels to my relationship with God. After doing something wrong, Charlie comes sheepishly to me for forgiveness only to turn around and do it again. Sounds like me. How about you? When Charlie escapes the yard and runs free, it is beautiful to watch him. Yet,…
June 6, 2020
Building a Church Legacy in Senegal Features

Building a Church Legacy in Senegal

Senegal Broke Ground This Weekend on a New Church By Colleagues in Africa On Saturday, May 30, 2020, we broke ground for a permanent place of worship. The story behind the ceremony for a new church building began years ago.  After decades of missionary work, there are only about 100 Wolof believers. Out of those 100 believers, less than a third attend church on a regular basis. This breaks our hearts. When we spoke to some of them, they shared several reasons for not attending. “It doesn’t feel sacred.” They desire a formal place of worship. “It doesn’t feel Senegalese.”…
June 1, 2020
How COVID19 Changed Language Learning For Me Features

How COVID19 Changed Language Learning For Me

  By Sam Knutson During this coronavirus lockdown, God has shifted our plans and I am beginning language learning from the States instead of in person.  I was very nervous about my first lesson in Spanish because, even though I have been trying my best to learn on my own, I am still such a novice!  At the end of my lesson, we could only shake our heads and laugh at God's humor.  My online language lesson went from shaky introductions to sharing the Gospel in my bumbling Spanish. My tutor, Nico (a pseudonym) lives in Guayaquil, the city we…
May 26, 2020
Sheltered Under His Wings Features

Sheltered Under His Wings

  By Ginny Jensen We have been sheltered in place for weeks; for some, it's been months. Slowly the world is beginning to “re-open”. If your isolation is a physical location, you may be seeing the light at the far end of the tunnel. If you are like Hannah in social isolation, you don’t know when it will end. Staying in isolation has its stressors. Stepping out of it will bring new stressors. Is it safe? What if there is a second wave? What effect will social distancing have on relationships? The questions, fears, and anxiety are as unique as…
May 21, 2020
Seeking Peace During a Pandemic Features

Seeking Peace During a Pandemic

  By Emily Roth The last 10 days of Ramadan began on Tuesday, May 12. More than at any other time of year, Muslims seek God during these 10 days and nights. Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic calendar, and the final 10 days of the month are the holiest days of this month. A saying attributed to Muhammad instructs Muslims, “Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan.” Laylat al-Qadr, also translated as the Night of Destiny or the Night of Power, is honored by Muslims as the…
May 16, 2020
A Snapshot Into Cambodian Orphanages Features

A Snapshot Into Cambodian Orphanages

If orphanages are where the resources are, won't they provide the best nutrition, health care, and education? By Lisa Yunker My degree program in seminary required me to do an internship and, by that time, I sensed the Lord was calling me to work in Cambodia. I joined a team for a seven-week mission trip to Cambodia. During that time we were exposed to, and given the opportunity to work with, a broad spectrum of ministries. One of the ministries we encountered was a large well-respected orphanage. The woman who was in charge was a lovely Christian lady with many…
May 15, 2020
For the First Time in 1400 Years Features

For the First Time in 1400 Years

By Emily Roth It is a special time of year for 1.8 billion people around the world. Something in the atmosphere makes this season different from any other. Those who celebrate it hang festive lights and exchange gifts. They host big dinners, serving seasonal dishes, and inviting honored guests. People give generously to the poor and needy. Everyone strives to be the best version of themselves. They reflect on the past year and feel hopeful for the year to come. And children watch out the windows with anticipation to see if they can spot...the moon. It is Ramadan. Based on…
May 6, 2020
The Courage and Sacrifice of an Indonesian Church Features

The Courage and Sacrifice of an Indonesian Church

How a Jakarta Church is Living 360 Discipleship By Bruce Swanson Eric and Tina Yee’s church members are creating exciting impacts in all of their circles – personal, professional, and community. Eric has been discipling the church to obey all Jesus commanded, including living as salt and light. It is so cool to see them doing that with courage and sacrifice. From the Eric & Tina Yee’s Update | 04/22/2020 When COVID-19 began to enter Indonesia last month, everyone was unprepared for how quickly it escalated from precautions to closures to deaths. While it has been a difficult season, including the…
May 2, 2020
How Many Hot Dogs Does It Take to Unlock a Heart? Features

How Many Hot Dogs Does It Take to Unlock a Heart?

When God Locks Us in to Unlock Hearts in Ecuador By Matt and Kristy Messick We work with marriages.  And, in this culture, they are tough. Since 2016, we’ve been reaching marriages through an 8-week course called MAS en Mi Matrimonio (More in My Marriage).  It originally attracted mostly believers. In the last year, it has had a strong draw for non-believers. Graduates began to recommend the course around the city. We love building relationships here. When we first moved to Ecuador in 2014, Matt found a small store downtown that sold hotdogs--a cheap and fast snack he could grab…
May 1, 2020
2 Ways to Create Solitude and Silence Features

2 Ways to Create Solitude and Silence

  By Ginny Jensen “How to Actually Concentrate” by Carolyn Yates addresses concentration in our everyday life. It also has a great application to how we approach our relationship with the Lord. Time with the Lord requires more than going through the motions. We often struggle to concentrate on the mundane things of life. So, how do we focus on the Lord? Yates provides several tools in her article to help build concentration or focus. She points out that we are so used to multi-tasking that we struggle to focus on one thing. In our time with the Lord, do…
April 29, 2020
3 Principles For Times of Anxiety Features

3 Principles For Times of Anxiety

  By Ming Perrello, MS, LPC I confess that I have been anxious. My sleep has often been fitful. My body is tense and I feel restless. I am easily irritated. I feel busy yet I am busier in my mind than with my hands. Who can blame me?  I live near the epicenter of the COVID-19 hotspot of New York City. The climate here is tense; just about everyone knows someone who has the virus. I am a caregiver to my husband who has multiple sclerosis, a memory-impaired 88-year-old father, and a brother who is a paraplegic.  I am…
April 28, 2020
Hot and Cold Climate Cultures Reviews

Hot and Cold Climate Cultures

By Bruce Thomas  Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot and Cold Climate Cultures by Sarah Lanier is an especially important book for all beginning global workers. It explains several basic cultural differences encountered by people across the world. If a person has never been exposed to a culture other than their own, this is a particularly good place to start. The book is in no way exhaustive of cultural differences. It also does not cover the specifics of every culture or country. The book is meant to provide a general overview of how cultural differences can affect thinking…
April 27, 2020
Meme, Myself and Isolation Features

Meme, Myself and Isolation

Health for the Whole Person by Christy Otten, MA, LCPC The internet has been awash with memes about the coronavirus. You may have seen the one(s) about Isaac Newton: He discovered theories of gravity and motion during a plague—the message clearly being that you can do a lot while staying inside. Then, there are the ones especially for parents—one tells us that while you, as the parent, know this is a crisis, your children may only remember scavenger hunts, family game nights, and the immense amount of together time. Imagine the family memories you can create! If I’m being honest,…
April 24, 2020
Shelter in Place: Hannah Features

Shelter in Place: Hannah

  By Ginny Jensen Sometimes, when we feel like we are captive, it has nothing to do with our location. Loss, physical limitations, or broken relationships (to name a few) can hold us captive. Consider Hannah. She was barren in a society that gave honor to childbearing. She was provoked by her rival. Her husband deeply loved her, but her deep desire for a child left her anxious, grieved, and frustrated. In the midst of her grief, she poured out her heart in the temple and was seen by the high priest, Eli. Hannah told Eli the priest about her…
April 20, 2020
Shelter in Place: Jesus Features

Shelter in Place: Jesus

  By Ginny Jensen Shelter in Place usually means home. When Jesus left heaven, it was like leaving his home. He was perfect yet living in a broken world. Jesus remained close to the Father while on earth. He made choices based on the word of the Father. He was abiding. Jesus’ time alone prior to Satan’s tempting him gives insight into his practices to maintain intimacy with the Father. It included fasting and solitude. He was able to refute Satan, showing his familiarity with Scripture. Imagine those days alone in prayer and meditation; silently listening to the Father. Solitude…
April 19, 2020
The Inner Life, World, and Vision of Healthy Cross-Cultural Servants Features

The Inner Life, World, and Vision of Healthy Cross-Cultural Servants

  By Dr. Dennis Ahern, Director, Paraclete Services  “You really like your work,” observed an eager short-term missionary after a few days of serving alongside me in Asia. In that moment, her question perplexed me and so I replied, “If I didn’t like my work, I’d change jobs. What led you to this observation?” She responded, “Our team travels on short-term assignments and we serve many career missionaries living in Asia. I’ve decided that many missionaries hate their work.” How accurate is this young woman’s observation today? Is ministry to be enjoyed or do we discover God’s will only after…
April 17, 2020
Shelter in Place: Joseph Features

Shelter in Place: Joseph

  By Ginny Jensen  Shelter in Place can mean very different things for people. Some live in mansions, small homes, or on the street. Joseph had several places during his lifetime. He lived in his family home until his brothers threw him into a pit. From there, he traveled with traders and was sold as a slave. The extremes of his lodging went from prison to the king’s palace. Imagine how disruptive life would have been for Joseph. Consider the unmet dreams for his life. We may wonder, during those years of captivity, if he thought about the unfulfilled dreams…
April 16, 2020
On Canoeing The Mountains Reviews

On Canoeing The Mountains

  A commentary on Canoeing the Mountains  By Drew Brown Full disclosure: I hate leadership books. Ok, maybe hate is a wee bit too strong. I find them overpromising and underdelivering. The last thing I have time for is 7 keys to this or 12 secrets for that and how to have a megachurch like me in 3 easy steps. So, when I picked up Canoeing the Mountains, I had expected more of the same. I was willing to read up to 25% before I gave up. To my surprise, I didn’t give up but just finished it! Using Lewis…
April 14, 2020
Shelter in Place: Daniel Features

Shelter in Place: Daniel

  By Ginny Jensen  Most people these days can be grateful for being at home. For some, they may be “stuck” someplace else. They, like Daniel in the Old Testament, have an added amount of discomfort. Daniel was in exile, taken to Babylon. Nothing was normal for Daniel and his fellow exiles. Daniel remained faithful to his prayer time. He continued even after the king’s decree. Prayer is never more crucial than at times like these. We serve a God who hears; he knows, and he is in control. The Psalms offer examples of prayers of lament. Honestly tell the…
April 13, 2020
Shelter in Place Features

Shelter in Place

  By Ginny Jensen  Shelter in place, quarantine, and stay at home are words heard repeatedly these days. For many, it feels like a prison sentence; others feel imposed upon and inconvenienced. As believers, these times can draw us closer to the Lord or disrupt all spiritual practices leaving us drifting away. This feeling of being in captivity and isolation are not new. Over the centuries, others have experienced the same feeling during plagues, slavery, imprisonment, or exile. Bible stories we know and love give us examples of thriving in such difficult situations. Some early church fathers even chose a…
April 9, 2020
When the Occasion of Disruption Becomes an Opportunity for Distribution! Features

When the Occasion of Disruption Becomes an Opportunity for Distribution!

  WorldVenture sees how the gospel can be a catalyst for justice in the world.  Karen Shogren, Professor at Seminario ESEPA, Costa Rica began teaching a new program to train church leaders to combat the scourge of sexual abuse.  She has been developing this critically needed training for some time and was excited to release it this year.  The course began as an in-person pilot program; plans to take the program online for wider distribution would have to wait for another 1-2 years. But the disruption of the coronavirus quarantine nearly stopped the program entirely.  Professor Shogren shared that “exactly…
April 7, 2020
13 Ways to Effectively Work From Home Features

13 Ways to Effectively Work From Home

Serving While Sheltering by Dennis Ahern Yesterday was a strange day in the midst of our new normal. After checking in with the IM team at 7:30 a.m. (California time), my wife, Denise and I went to buy groceries. We experienced the push of the cart during the early morning “senior” shopping hours. Truthfully, my wife does not accept invitations from anyone or anywhere that begin with, “Dear Senior Citizen.” But, she accepted my invitation because I invited her to join me as my guest. Does it seem strange to others besides me that before entering a supermarket, we put…
April 5, 2020
Staying Home, But Not Alone Features

Staying Home, But Not Alone

  By Grace Sandeno, Director of Public Health Initiatives Battle back against isolation and stress! Here are some practical suggestions for making our current isolation less isolating: Whether you are alone or “isolated” in a house of seven, as I am, reach out to people not in your house. Other people need a hug, even if it is a virtual one. Learn some new “tricks.” I admit to being an “old-timer” when it comes to technology. But, as it turns out, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. I’ve messed up technology stuff a number of times, but I…
April 4, 2020
How to Worship Together in Quarantine Features

How to Worship Together in Quarantine In the past, Zachary Galyen enjoyed multiple opportunities during the week to worship in community. Since moving to the Czech Republic last May, he "...could count on one hand..." the opportunities to worship. "I just missed it." He said. "What pushed me over the edge is seeing all the people coming out of the woodwork, sharing their corporate or personal time of worship because of the restrictions to meet publicly, etc. I thought it was so cool that people were posting encouraging songs of worship FOR each other, but it would be so much cooler if we could…
April 3, 2020
The Ideal Team Player Reviews

The Ideal Team Player

A Commentary on The Ideal Team Player, Patrick M. Lencioni By Drew Brown Patrick M. Lencioni’s team strengthening methods have been popular across many different organizations. It’s no secret that interpersonal conflict is a leading cause for international colleagues to return home, so I’m interested in anything that will decrease attrition and increase cooperation. The Ideal Team Player is his 2016 addition to his Dysfunctions series. The first part details an imaginary manager who has just inherited his family’s construction business and is tasked with new projects and getting it done in the midst of high staff turnover. The manager discovers that ideal team…
March 31, 2020
This Way We Have Never Been Before Features

This Way We Have Never Been Before

By LeAnn Custer Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over. After three days the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.  Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” – Joshua 3:1-8 I thought how applicable the verses are to our present Corona Virus pandemic situation since none…
March 30, 2020
Accepting Reality, Accepting Grace Features

Accepting Reality, Accepting Grace

By Drew Brown In the span of just a few weeks, I’ve observed how all of my friends back in America suddenly find themselves homeschooling and working remotely. Routines have been disrupted, plans have been dramatically changed, and we all wonder what the new normal is going to look like. This is certainly an unprecedented world situation. It also reminds me of normal life as an international colleague. Certainly, there are the obvious parallels: We have been homeschooling for years. I’ve been working remotely basically since 2013, and our routines are, well, routinely disrupted. In 2018, we also experienced a…
March 24, 2020
Continuing Ministry Online During COVID19 Media

Continuing Ministry Online During COVID19

by Nikole Hahn A simple guide on how to use social media and technology to keep life on some sort of normal in this period of church closures, quarantines, self-isolation, and social distancing due to COVID19. Bible Studies: Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, and Discord can be used to lead a video Bible Study like your face-to-face. This is an opportunity to invite people from your community. Hold the Bible Studies during times when the rest of your community can join you, too. Think of the working class in your planning. Small Groups: Your small groups are going to need your…
March 19, 2020
Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels
Open Letter From Jeff Denlinger To The WorldVenture Family Regarding COVID-19 NewsPress Releases

Open Letter From Jeff Denlinger To The WorldVenture Family Regarding COVID-19

To The Extended WorldVenture Family, All of us are acutely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. In the midst of the challenges to adapt to the new realities in which we find ourselves, I find great peace in the anchoring truth that God alone is sovereign. He always has been, he always will be, and he is sovereign today. The virus is not sovereign though it covers nearly the whole earth; nor is the accompanying fear of the virus sovereign; there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. It is to him we turn regardless of our circumstances. It is because of…
March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Can’t Stop The Great Commission

The following is from an email sent recently to our partners: Well, 2020 has been quite unexpected, hasn't it?  COVID-19, the "Coronavirus," is impacting and disrupting our lives and plans, locally and globally.  It's good at these times to remember that God is not disrupted; He is sovereign and even this will be worked out for His glory and our good.  All praise to Him! With hundreds of WorldVenture workers throughout Asia and across the world, we've been monitoring the situation for several weeks.  You'll be pleased to know that we have leaders and protocols in place to provide information…
March 13, 2020
Theology in the Context of World Christianity Reviews

Theology in the Context of World Christianity

By Christie Stalcup A commentary on, Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the global church is influencing the way we think about and discuss theology by Timothy C. Tennent (Buy this using Amazon Smile) As a child, I thought that vanilla ice cream was basic, normative, universal ice cream and that all other flavors were offshoots of vanilla. Want strawberry ice cream? Take vanilla and add strawberries. In later childhood, I realized that vanilla is itself a flavor made from the vanilla bean. Vanilla ice cream is not normative and universal. It is a flavor added to the…
February 19, 2020
How Internships & Short-Term Mission Trips Are Meaningful Features

How Internships & Short-Term Mission Trips Are Meaningful

As we began our descent into Tegucigalpa, Honduras, we passed over the roofs of shanties, saw the laundry hanging on the lines, and the streets that the missionary from One Collective described as like a plate of spaghetti. Trips like this one forever changed how I viewed missions, people, and ministry.  Now, almost five years later, I am a Digital Engagement and Disciple-Making Coordinator with WorldVenture wanting to help others know that life-changing experience of serving. One of the ways to experience God at work in the world is to become a Pathfinder. Pathfinders is a 4 week to 1-year…
February 13, 2020
How The WhistleBlower Motivated Adrienne Livingston Features

How The WhistleBlower Motivated Adrienne Livingston

The Whistleblower (2010) was inspired by true events. A Nebraska cop in the late 1990s became a United Nations Peacekeeper in Bosnia only to witness sex trafficking by the very officers and organizations pledged to keep the peace in the aftermath of the Balkans war. This movie helped motivate Adrienne Livingston to find her calling as director of Anti-Sex Trafficking Initiatives with WorldVenture. “It’s a God-thing.” She said. After working at a non-profit and graduating with a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Western Seminary, she felt burned out. “I was the executive director for 9 of the 14…
February 5, 2020
When Pastors Learn the True Gospel Features

When Pastors Learn the True Gospel

By Laura Pearce In Rwandan churches, it’s common to hear pastors teaching the prosperity gospel and salvation by works (especially tithing). Prophecy, rather than the Bible, is often treated as the primary way to hear from God. Most pastors in Rwanda have little or no Biblical education. The lack of Biblically literate, spiritually transformed leaders has meant a general lack of discipleship and genuine faith in many Rwandan churches. Therefore pastoral training and leadership development continue to be critically important for the growth of the Church in Rwanda. The Pastoral Training School of New Creation Ministries exists to meet these…
January 28, 2020
3 Takeaways From “The Mission of God” Features

3 Takeaways From “The Mission of God”

A commentary By Keith Sellers (Hungary) on J.H. Wright’s, The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative The main takeaway of Wright's monumental text is that the Bible is a book about mission. Mission is not just a subtopic of Scripture. The Bible in its entirety portrays the mission of God to redeem humanity and compels us to join God not only in the partaking of redemption but in his mission. Wright develops his presentation in four sections: The Bible and Mission, The God of Mission, The People of Mission, and The Arena of Mission. The book breaks down…
January 26, 2020
The Taal Volcano Aftermath News

The Taal Volcano Aftermath

Spewing an eruption column 3,281 feet into the air, Taal interrupted life in the Phillippines on Sunday, January 12, 2020. Images of evacuations, ash-covered homes, and roadways as well as animals dead and alive plastered the internet. The ash cloud spread as far away as Manilla (60 miles to the north), felt by our colleagues 41 miles from the eruption site. (read our update from January 15, 2020) The Philippine field and our national partners in ministry gave us a new update on the Taal Volcano eruption.  The Philippines, January 23, 2020: Most people in the danger zone are evacuated…
January 24, 2020
Taal Volcano: January 15, 2020 Update News

Taal Volcano: January 15, 2020 Update

Spewing an eruption column 3,281 feet into the air, Taal interrupted life in the Phillippines on Sunday, January 12, 2020. Images of evacuations, ash-covered homes, and roadways as well as animals dead and alive plastered the internet. The ash cloud spread as far away as Manilla (60 miles to the north), felt by our colleagues 41 miles from the eruption site. We reported on Facebook on January 12, 2020, that our colleagues said, “…ash falling in our area. Schools are closed tomorrow, and the airport is closed right now.” The people who live near the volcano have inadequate structures. As…
January 15, 2020
Has God Called You To Be A Missionary? M

Has God Called You To Be A Missionary?

Every follower of Jesus is called to make disciples.  A better translation of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, normally rendered "Go and make disciples...," is probably:  "In your goings, make disciples..."  But like the apostles, some disciples are called to a "greater going," one that involves leaving your home, your people, your way of life, and becoming one with others for the sake of taking the good news to them.  For hundreds of years, Christians have used the term "Missionary" to describe that type of person, that type of calling.  Is that you? If that's something you'd like to…
January 1, 2020
Broken Before Him Features

Broken Before Him

Photo image Credit: WT (picture from Bolivia) by Ed Eby Ps. 51:17 “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” Matthew 5:2 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Who are the poor in spirit? These are people, like the psalmist, who realize that they’re messed up and need God’s mercy and grace. They’re people who rely on God for every decision and perhaps even for their daily bread. Our culture rewards independent, confident, self-sufficient people who have all the answers to their problems.…
October 2, 2019
How Oral Storytelling Brought Me Deeper into Scripture Features

How Oral Storytelling Brought Me Deeper into Scripture

About a year ago, I was off to Orlando, Florida to a Bible Story workshop called “Simply the Story.” I wanted to know how I could share God’s Word effectively in a culture that prefers oral modes of communicating. I was growing discouraged at a lack of connection between my style of teaching (Western, literate) and my community’s style of learning (African, oral). In other words, I wanted to know how to teach people to understand the Bible even when they aren’t comfortable reading the Bible.
September 28, 2019
How Peter in Africa Came to Know the Lord Features

How Peter in Africa Came to Know the Lord

by Nikole Hahn “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” – Psalm 95:1-2  Jan’et and Lloyd Chinn met Peter in 2010 when they returned to Ghana after their first Home Assignment. The mission house and leadership center were under construction. Peter approached the Chinn’s about a job. “We hired him to maintain the property, to use his machete to keep things from growing too tall. His job was to make sure the things that…
September 19, 2019
Restoration in Madagascar Features

Restoration in Madagascar

An Interview with Jamie Shattenberg of Eden Projects by Nikole Hahn Deforestation is a constant threat to the environment and the people living in it. The world loses about 8.3 million hectares per year of forest, often spurred by increasing poverty in developing countries like Madagascar. In 2015, we shared how Eden Projects doesn’t just replant the forests, but also helps Malagasy families combat poverty. Today, stories of hope continue and the forest is growing! Eden Reforestation Projects is an organization that started in Ethiopia in 2004. Dr. Stephen Fitch understood the “third world culture” and the cycle of poverty.…
September 5, 2019
The Gift of Business Features

The Gift of Business

By Bruce Swanson While in Kenya in June 2014, we were reminded of some very important truths. One of these reminders came during a seminar on starting a business we led the first Sunday we were there. These seminars were offered to the members of a church we partner with who are in or interested in business. About forty-five men and women joined us for the seminar. As we began to make our way through the curriculum, we were impressed by the interaction of the participants. They had many great ideas and thoughts and were quickly able to apply the curriculum's principles to their business.  One particular…
August 30, 2019
What You Should Know Before Your Short-Term Trip Features

What You Should Know Before Your Short-Term Trip

By Emily Roth So you’re preparing to go on a short-term mission. Maybe you’re visiting missionaries that you support. Maybe you’re going with a team from a church. Short-term missions can have many different goals and plans. Our WorldVenture colleagues host short-term mission teams every year in locations around the world. As you are packing your toiletries and checking the dress code, there are certain pieces of advice that will help you prepare for your trip. Five of our colleagues have shared from their years of experience what you need to know before you go. POLANDLinda Thomas: “I'd advise people…
August 21, 2019
“I Hold My OWN Hand!” Features

“I Hold My OWN Hand!”

By Grace Sandeno There she stood in the parking lot—my remarkably stubborn oldest child who was, indeed, holding her own hand. She did not want to hold my hand because she was three, independent and tired of getting dragged around where I wanted to go. What is more remarkable is that my youngest child did exactly the same thing when she was three. I have two adopted children sandwiched between two biological children. My adopted children have a great genetic benefit in that they are not the result of cross-breeding between a German and a Norwegian, creating what may be…
August 13, 2019
Missions in Reverse Features

Missions in Reverse

In Poland, many people share the common dream of going to the United States someday. WorldVenture colleagues Bruce and Linda Thomas first moved to Poland in 2010, and right away they began to meet locals who wanted to see America.
August 9, 2019
Prayer Around The World Features

Prayer Around The World

By WT "The reality is, my prayers don't change God.  But, I am convinced prayer changes me.  Praying boldly boots me out of that stale place of religious habit into authentic connection with God Himself." - Lysa TerKeurst A pastor at one of the churches I attended believed that an effective and healthy church prays on its knees. When he helped design the new building, the pastor put in kneelers. I remember using them a few times. They seemed like a thing for special occasions. It created a full-body posture and atmosphere for prayer. Eventually, that church moved again and…
August 8, 2019
How to Ask The Right Questions Features

How to Ask The Right Questions

...And other information to ponder as you seek God's direction in ministry and for the right missionary organization to partner with. Choosing a mission agency can be a difficult task to navigate. Not only are you looking for a group with the same beliefs and ideology as you, but you also need to be with an organization that meets your needs practically and encourages you to follow the call that God has put on your life. So how do you choose? Below are some helpful tips for choosing the mission agency that is right for you. From team chemistry to…
July 27, 2019


(Denver, CO) - WorldVenture announces the bittersweet news that Ray Buker, Jr., missionary to South Asia and well-known leader with WorldVenture, died Friday morning, July 5, 2019. He was 93. Buker was a celebrated, well-loved leader in WorldVenture and beyond.  He was passionate about global missions and recruited workers with the same passion.  More importantly, Buker modeled the WorldVenture vision of being compelled by the love of God. “The joy of the Lord was always on Ray’s face whenever he greeted people” reminisced Dennis Vogan, Vice President of Organizational Solutions for WorldVenture.  Buker was known for his joy, his encouragement, and his love.   …
July 11, 2019
WorldVenture Introduces New Global Initiatives Leader News

WorldVenture Introduces New Global Initiatives Leader

As part of a global strategy to increase gospel impact among unreached people groups (UPG’s), WorldVenture is excited to announce that a new role coordinating Global Muslim Initiatives has been filled.  This position will provide training, resourcing, and strategy development to WorldVenture workers engaged in ministry among Muslim unreached people groups (MUPG’s).  The name of the individual overseeing this important work has been redacted for security purposes. “Every Muslim should have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus,” shared.  “It’s hard to fathom that in today’s modern, globalized age, there remain who have not been given that opportunity.” With a…
July 10, 2019
The Best Way to Learn a Language? Features

The Best Way to Learn a Language?

By Emily Roth Before I moved to Spain, I described my level of Spanish as enough to be a good tourist. I could order food from a menu and ask where to find a bathroom. Many friends encouraged me that full immersion in Spanish would be the best way to master the language quickly. They recommended reading the Bible in Spanish and advised me to avoid making friends who speak English. At the time, I agreed with them. Then I arrived in Spain and met other international workers who chose to attend English church services. I couldn’t understand it. Didn’t…
July 9, 2019
How Perceptions are Changing in Ngohé Features

How Perceptions are Changing in Ngohé

By Laura Newkirk Twelve ladies from the village of Ngohé just graduated from Formation Lois. These women are courageous, formidable, determined, and amazing! Some ladies came by horse cart and others walked far distances in the hot sand. None of them could read, but most of them worked very hard to memorize verses each week. They had their children or husbands help them. A’s husband got so frustrated that he told her she was too hard to teach. She stayed up at night and worked until she got it and memorized every verse assigned! At the graduation, she and four…
June 24, 2019
The Impact of a Gospel Rock Features

The Impact of a Gospel Rock

By Nikole Hahn In 2015, Megan Murphy started “The Kindness Rock Project.” She left a rock on the beach of Cape Cod with the words “You’ve Got This” painted on it. Facebook rock painting groups began where communities did a grown-up Easter egg-like hunt for hand-painted rocks, leaving pictures with hints on Facebook groups so a family or person could find it and report it to the group. Over the past year or two, I’ve participated in this trend as a form of community outreach for online connections. Last week, my prayers yielded phenomenal results. Kairi and her mom were…
June 11, 2019
Gideon-Style Missions Features

Gideon-Style Missions

By Nikole Hahn "Come back when you have a 4-year degree from a Bible school or seminary," Four to five mission agencies said in the 1990s to Rob and Lisa Atkins (currently in Bolivia). While students are the focus of most mission's mobilization, making up a robust 1% of the world's demographic (Pipeline: Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization; pg. 14), older missionaries (Over-Forty) encounter pushback from friends and relatives in a culture where people are expected to save for a comfortable retirement. "Occasionally, we hear subtle comments from people that our age concerns them. I also have issues with…
June 4, 2019
How to Discover Contentment Features

How to Discover Contentment

By Chelsi Johnson “I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that once again you renewed your care for me. You were, in fact, concerned about me but lacked the opportunity to show it. I don’t say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who…
May 10, 2019
Oh Sunday’s Comin’ Features

Oh Sunday’s Comin’

By Patrick LaPoint Cold, dark, bound by linen Enclosed in a borrowed cave, body lay still, dead. Sorrow, guilt, despair, and fear lovers, followers, family, hearts destroyed. But Sunday's Comin' Jubilation, evil vindication, demonic triumph Every demon, devil, and evil spirit rejoicing. Sadducees, Pharisees, Chief Priests, and Law teachers Herod, Barrabas, satisfied by a lawbreakers death. But Sunday's Comin' Roman soldiers stand watch and keep warm by the fire, All stand watch to make sure the man stays dead. Windows shut, doors locked, alert and afraid, upper room filled, crowded with tensions and questions. But Sunday's Comin' Wasn't he the…
April 20, 2019
Salt of the Earth in March Madness Features

Salt of the Earth in March Madness

By Bruce Swanson Jesus commanded us to be “the salt of the earth.”  How are we to be salt in our professions?  Here is a good example from March Madness, the 2019 NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Auburn made it to the Final Four and was oh so close to winning their semi-final game against Virginia. With seven seconds to go and Auburn leading by two points, the refs missed a clear double dribble by Virginia. Calling the infraction would have given the ball to Auburn and all but guaranteed their victory and moving on to the championship game. But, the…
April 17, 2019
Why Random Acts of Kindness Aren’t Enough Features

Why Random Acts of Kindness Aren’t Enough

by Grace Sandeno The US is big enough to have many flavors to its culture.  I grew up in the northeast where one of the primary characteristics was bluntness. In the mid-west, people are “nice.” In the south, people are known for their hospitality. I’ve lived in Colorado for almost 30 years, so it’s home.  We pride ourselves on our independence here, but we also like to think of ourselves in another way – we are “good” people. That often comes with no religious connotation as we are a largely secularized society; nonetheless, we perceive ourselves as “good” by whatever…
March 29, 2019
Safely Caring For Your Missionary Features

Safely Caring For Your Missionary

By Ed Eby Do you support a missionary financially? That’s terrific! Would you like to know how to be a more active support for them? Your missionary is going through a real rough period right now. How do I know? I used to be that guy. I raised my children in a different culture, and I was always on guard for their safety. I always appreciated the financial backing of my supporters, and I coveted their prayers. But the thing that meant the most to me was when somebody reached out to me with a phone call, letter, or email.…
March 27, 2019
Loving Your Neighbor Through Cancer Features

Loving Your Neighbor Through Cancer

By Emily Roth Until last September, international workers Jon and Kathy Haley had over-the-fence friendships with their neighbors in a suburb of Barcelona. They greeted each other when they happened to be out on their back porches at the same time, and the neighbors would keep watch over their house when Jon and Kathy left on extended trips. Then during one of their trips out of town, their neighbor Eva* texted Kathy from the hospital. Eva had suffered from back pain for 15 years. Four years ago, her doctor diagnosed her with Multiple Sclerosis and prescribed medication to treat it…
March 25, 2019
Bringing Relief to Beira! News

Bringing Relief to Beira!

Make your DONATION right now and help the people of Beira, Mozambique! Cyclone Idai is being called the 'worst humanitarian crisis in Mozambique's history.' We need to raise funding to help support the communities that were affected by this disaster. And some of our very own international workers are doing ministry right in the heart of Beira! The situation on the ground in Beira, Mozambique is desperate. 35 kilometers (almost 22 miles) of the road into Beira are flooded, thousands of people are stranded, there is no electricity, clean water is extremely limited, and additional flooding in Zimbabwe puts Beira…
March 21, 2019
10 Tips for Keeping Your Computer Safe Features

10 Tips for Keeping Your Computer Safe

By Ed Eby For nearly twenty years, I was the Network Engineer for the USPS Engineering Center in Merrifield VA. One of my primary jobs was to be a White Hat Hacker for the Engineering Center. A letter signed by the Vice President of Engineering gave me the legal right to break into any machine on the engineering network. It was my job to play the bad guy. If I was able to break in, I would then notify the owner of the machine and help him to fix the problem. This would often result in upset and embarrassed engineers,…
February 25, 2019
3 Ways to Keep Your Missionary Secure Features

3 Ways to Keep Your Missionary Secure

(Photo at a church of David and Kristen Caucutt ) A Brief Guide for Partner Churches and Individuals By Ed Eby One day we had a visiting missionary come to our headquarters to share what God was doing in his field. He was from a closed country where the Gospel was not welcomed. He showed us a picture of a gathering of believers. Because of security concerns, he had all the people standing with their back toward the camera. But their name plaques were all sitting on the tables in full view of the camera. Oops. It wasn’t obvious to the…
February 23, 2019
The Impact of Jim Gould’s Death Features

The Impact of Jim Gould’s Death

By Linnea Boese Often, when things happen in one’s youth or childhood, they seem insignificant. What is thrilling is living long enough to be able to look back and understand their real impact. In 1964, during my family’s home assignment, when I was 11 years old, I had my first “call” to missions in response to a South American missionary’s message in Pontiac, Michigan. My parents had been missionaries, so I understood that God had a passion for reaching those who have not yet heard the Good News. We had gone through a traumatic evacuation from the Congo after turmoil…
February 22, 2019
Trusting God or Trusting Technology? Features

Trusting God or Trusting Technology?

by Ed Eby Do you trust God or do you trust technology to keep you safe?   What If What if that VPN, SSL, HTTPS, or encrypted message could be hacked? What if anybody could read your texts or posts? What if you could no longer trust technology to keep you secure? Would you still be okay, or does this thought cause you to panic? As a technologist, I’m often asked the question: “Is this thing (software, service, protocol, etc.) secure?” The average person tends to think in binary terms—either a thing is secure or it’s not. The reality is that security…
February 21, 2019
Going on Mission, Into Exile, and Back Features

Going on Mission, Into Exile, and Back

By Emily Roth What happens when the country God calls you to serve rejects you? After six months of waiting, Beth Horn received notice that her visa to Austria was denied. Despite this news, she held onto faith that God would open the closed doors. She had been reading Jeremiah 42 just the week before. The Israelites remaining after the Babylonian invasion asked the prophet Jeremiah to seek guidance from God. They were tempted to give up the Promised Land and relocate to Egypt, where they expected to find security and prosperity. Instead, Jeremiah delivered this message: “Do not fear…
February 7, 2019
How Francis Schaeffer Inspired 360 Missions Features

How Francis Schaeffer Inspired 360 Missions

By Bruce Swanson Forty-five years ago, Francis Schaeffer challenged all of us to do 360 Missions. “There is no dichotomy in the Bible between the intellectual and cultural on the one hand and the spiritual on the other. But often there has been a strong…tendency to divide man into two parts – his spiritual nature and everything else. We must take that conception like a piece of baked clay, break it in our hands and throw it away... God made the whole man; the whole man is redeemed in Christ, and after we are Christians the lordship of Christ covers…
February 4, 2019
Amazing God Features

Amazing God

By Emily Roth “You’re amazing,” she said. Immediately, I recoiled inside. We had been talking about my work in Spain, and this was her response. At first, I didn’t know how to explain why her compliment made me uncomfortable. Such compliments encourage self-pride, that much I knew, but it wasn’t until the next day that I realized the deeper truth. More than a temptation to pride, such compliments invite me to take credit for what God has done. It puts me in His place, steals from His glory, and ascribes it to me. This is exactly the sin that so many of the…
December 28, 2018
2018 End of Year Giving and Office Hours News

2018 End of Year Giving and Office Hours

Dear Partners, Thank you for your faithful support. God uses your prayers, encouragement, and financial gifts to take the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world! Our WorldVenture offices will be closed from 11:30 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Friday December 28, 2018 through January 1, 2019 in observance of the New Year holiday. Our offices will reopen at 8:00am (MST) on January 2, 2019. During that time, our online giving platform, the "Partner Community," will be available to receive any last-minute year-end financial gifts at If you would like personal assistance with your 2018 year-end giving,…
December 12, 2018
The Vendors of La Cancha Features

The Vendors of La Cancha

By Robert Atkins  The mom is what is called a cholita here. They are indigenous women, Aymara or Quechua. The term was originally a derogatory one--women of mixed blood; usually half Spanish or other white race. Even as little as ten years ago, they were not allowed to do many things like riding public transportation. They can be recognized by their long, twin braids and their hats. Their hats tell where they are from if you know the “code” (which we do not). The more typical bowler hats you often see in pictures are typical of La Paz, and you…
December 4, 2018
Ireland: Story of an Irish Couple Features

Ireland: Story of an Irish Couple

By WT The Emerald Island—a place where the history is rich and reminders of it are everywhere. You can easily find ancient stone artifacts lying in someone’s field or moved a few feet to be used as an addition to someone’s stone fence. This is where the people are incredibly warm and friendly but still enjoy privacy, where little white dots of sheep are spotted on green mountains and hills or through open stretches of bog. The churches in Ireland are a bit of a complicated puzzle with a thorny history. The Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland…
December 3, 2018
Lessons Learned News

Lessons Learned

By Grace Sandeno The death of U.S. missionary, John Allen Chau, on North Sentinel Island has provoked a firestorm of criticism over his, or anyone’s, attempts to make contact with people groups that reject outside contact. Much of the criticism has focused on the potential health impact of introducing new diseases to an isolated people group with no previous exposure and thus no immunity. While a new report reveals that Chau was concerned about this specific matter and spent years in training, preparation and prevention (1), the larger issue is critically important; examples of significant de-population due to introduced disease…
December 1, 2018
Aha Moments in Ministry Features

Aha Moments in Ministry

by Grace Sandeno Years ago, I took a semester off from college and traveled to Burkina Faso (West Africa for those of you who aren’t geography buffs). It was an “aha moment.” Actually more of an “aha four months.” I was planning to be a doctor and went to work in a medical clinic to see what it was like. It was amazing--everything I hoped for and so much more! There were snakes, scorpions, wild dogs and millipedes the size of a hot dog. I saw malaria, hepatitis, river blindness, mental illness, birth, and death. We had no doctor, but…
November 15, 2018
How Busyness Consumed My Life Features

How Busyness Consumed My Life

By Rachel from Africa In America, we drill busyness into our heads from a young age. It isn’t enough just to go to school and study. We need to be involved in sports, music, and theater. On top of that, some of us had a job in high school. And it isn’t just a stage of life, it is the start of a lifestyle. We continued by always being busy, not resting. Who needs sleep when you can just drink coffee that at some point doesn’t affect our bodies anymore? We seek other ways to keep us going and turn…
November 13, 2018
Wearing God’s Name Features

Wearing God’s Name

By Doug Hazen I love the Shema.  It’s the blessing that Moses commanded the Levites to speak over the people of Israel.  And because it is SO personal, it is the primary blessing I use to bless people. “The Lord bless you     and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you     and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you     and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 The personal nature of God blessing or increasing me and keeping or protecting me is incredible.  And the fact that he would make his face to shine on me recalls a Bible school professor who described…
November 10, 2018
Two Pictures Features

Two Pictures

By WT in Jordan I want to tell you two stories by painting two pictures in your mind. The first might not catch your attention, but continue to read, the second will. Imagine a living room. We are sitting around a coffee table that is filled to the edges with food and I have a cup of tea in my hand. I sit with my friend whom I am staying with as well as a husband and wife who, after several years of marriage and five children, clearly still adore one another. We talk about their children, how each of…
November 8, 2018
Our Greatest Prayer Motivators Features

Our Greatest Prayer Motivators

By Doug Hazen  My prayer mentor says there are two things that motivate prayer: crisis and vision. Both are packaged in the person of Jesus through the cross and the resurrection and are our greatest prayer motivators since they affected both earth and heaven. Bigger than the awful storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis we have been seeing in past days, the cross was the convergence of unparalleled evil allowed, and even approved, by God, the Father. Isaiah says it pleased him! I’ve sensed the truth of this profound sacrifice before. Hopefully, it brought most of us to a saving knowledge of…
October 6, 2018