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WorldVenture Relief Efforts

WorldVenture Relief Efforts

Current Relief Efforts

WorldVenture’s Relief Funds are called “Good Sam Funds”

Jesus paints a picture of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) that goes beyond our cultural definition of “good.” The acts of the Samaritan were courageous, compassionate, generous, and exemplified boundary-breaking solidarity with another. Jesus concludes the story by saying “go and do likewise.” What would our world look like if we acted with courage, compassion, generosity, and solidarity with those in need? WorldVenture’s relief funds fall under a special designation called “Good Sam Funds.” They are created to offer relief to those in immediate need when disaster strikes. Compelled by the love of God, we will love our neighbors as ourselves and offer help and hope to those in need. We will “go and do likewise.”

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