Other Resources:
- Sign up here or text Gospelimpact to (720) 282-0640 to receive encouraging messages.
- Find our workshops and online events by clicking here.
- Looking for our live streams? Click here.
- #AskAMissionary video series. Click here.
- Summit 2023: If you missed it last year, click here to watch the videos!

Praying For Children 2024

(Published, January 1, 2024)
A guide for our annual daily prayer prompts.
Finding Peace in Difficulty
(Published, March 2022)
From our online event “Difficult Transitions.”
Every Good and Perfect Gift: Finding Joy in Our Trials
(Published, Christmas, 2021)
30 Days of Prayer For Our Muslim Neighbors (2021)

Our Hope is Greater Than the Pandemic: 7 Days of Prayer for our World

(Published 2020) We believe the eternal mission of God is to make Himself known among all the peoples of the earth. Central to God’s redemptive plan, He sent Jesus to live among us. Therefore, WorldVenture strives to live among the people we are sent to reach.
Simple Christmas: Reminders for Complex Times

(Published 2020) Twenty-eight devotionals written by missionaries from around the world. May these words remind you of the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, and help usher in a simple time of celebration and reflection.
The Gift of the Gospel: 31 Days of Prayer

(published 2017) This is an invitation to change the realities of our world and to impact eternity through prayer. WorldVenture has compiled 2017 prayer needs from around the world.
Prayer for the Muslim: 30 Days of Prayer

(Published 2017) A prayer guide from our colleagues working and living among colleagues.
Video Resources

Church on Mission Video Series

Links to Videos and Blogs:
Coming Soon!
Here at WorldVenture we hope to add more resources so you can make disciples, deepen your relationship with Jesus, and be a part of what God is doing in the world. Meanwhile, please read our blog for more stories and devotionals.