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When Missions and Marriage Come Together

From biblical accounts to modern-day missionaries, many marriages have been profoundly impacted by the unique calling of God that leads people into missions. The richness of the developing relationship, with all its risks and the struggle of grappling with the questions as a team, builds layers in the marriage. For some, missions conversations began before the vows; for others, they happened at mid-point in marriage. You've followed Bobby and Brianna Brown through the last two online events (How to Walk Faithfully Forward and Difficult Transitions). They met at fifteen and sixteen years old while on a three-month international mission trip.…
April 2, 2022

Faithfully Walking Forward: The Browns

A Facebook live from February 24, 2022. Video Length: 60 minutesRelated Articles:  Learn more about the Browns by clicking here.  Befriending Refugees in the City Book Recommendations on Understanding refugees How to Befriend Refugees The Brown's Story
March 1, 2022

Faithfully Walking Forward: The Story of the Brown Family

If you’d like to hear more of the Brown’s story in their own words, join us for a special LIVE STREAMING event on Thursday, February 24th at 7pm (Central Time). Click here to learn more! If you’ve ever had the world turned upside-down on you and wondered “how do I faithfully follow God and walk forward now?” this story is for you. This is the story of the Brown family – Bobby, Brianna, Killian, Titus, Leo and Layla – and how God brings beauty from ashes. Even before they said “I DO” at their wedding, the idea of serving together…
February 8, 2022