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By Bruce Swanson

While in Kenya in June 2014, we were reminded of some very important truths.

One of these reminders came during a seminar on starting a business we led the first Sunday we were there. These seminars were offered to the members of a church we partner with who are in or interested in business. About forty-five men and women joined us for the seminar. As we began to make our way through the curriculum, we were impressed by the interaction of the participants. They had many great ideas and thoughts and were quickly able to apply the curriculum’s principles to their business. 

One particular section in the seminar stood out to us: differentiating your business. This can be a challenging concept to practically apply to your business, no matter how experienced you may be or what business you may have.

The students came up with many innovations to differentiate themselves. Frankly, we were blown away by how creative and practical the ideas were and how effective they will likely be. 

During those few weeks, we heard from Josephine, the local leader, how those who attended the seminars were applying what they learned and the positive impact this had on their business. 

As we reflected on this seminar, we recognized again how the Lord has created each of us with distinct gifts and abilities. During the workshop, we saw the natural business acumen of so many of these participants. Sometimes we forget that our strengths and talents are from the gracious hand of the Lord. We get caught up in education or experience, which is very helpful, but we all have natural talents that God has entrusted to us.

We need to remember this as we interact with emerging business people around the world. Many of them have not had the education or experience in business that we have access to, but they absolutely have very unique and valuable gifts given to them by our heavenly Father.

We count it a privilege to teach, encourage, and learn from our business colleagues all over the world. We are always looking for more people to join us. If this interests you, contact us today to learn more about becoming a T-Ventures coach. 

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 NIV

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