By Ginny Jensen
Charlie is my little lap dog. He is now old and losing his sight. He is still the most loyal, cuddly pet I have ever had. Through the years, there have been many challenges with him. He was a rescue and came with many issues. In watching Charlie, I have seen parallels to my relationship with God. After doing something wrong, Charlie comes sheepishly to me for forgiveness only to turn around and do it again. Sounds like me. How about you?
When Charlie escapes the yard and runs free, it is beautiful to watch him. Yet, I fear for his life. He has no regard for vehicles or other obstacles. What is interesting is that, even though he is running free, he keeps an eye on me to make sure he knows where I am. Like Charlie, I often want to run free, doing life my way, but keeping an eye on the Lord to make sure He is still aware of me.
Despite Charlie’s idiosyncrasies, and he has many, he is the most loyal and loving dog. While working at home, he lays at my feet. When I am reading or relaxing, he is in my lap or cuddled right next to me. He may get distracted and chase after a squirrel or bark at another dog, but then he is right back next to me. He wants to be with me all the time.
I want that kind of relationship with God. I want to know he is near. I want to feel the safety of curling up in His lap. I want the confidence that even when I am running free, I know He is watching over me. I want to abide with Him.
God tells me he wants that, too. He pursues me for that relationship. There are things I can do to build and maintain that relationship–those practices that keep me open to His transforming work, drawing me closer to him.
Can you relate to Charlie? What are the practices you use to move closer to the Lord?
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, – Hebrews 12:1
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