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By Ginny Jensen

All year we have been making adjustments because of the pandemic. I have often heard the frustration of making these adjustments. Some changes involved technology, travel plans, and even ministry focus. It reminds me of a time in my life where I had tunnel vision.

I was happily doing what I thought the Lord intended for me. In reality, I was comfortable where I was and had forgotten to ask and listen to Him. I had tunnel vision. Even when it seemed my world came crashing around me, I still struggled to get out of the tunnel. It took several wise counselors to point out to me that God was doing something new. That something was a job change, which included a move. I was not happy about the move but finally was in a place to obey Him. Now, a couple years later, I have a much clearer view of what was happening.

God used the disruption to wake me up. He had something for me to do that I was not watching for because I was settled. Someone else may have required the move of me, but it was more for me than the organization. He had a new thing for me, and the move was part of it.

Moses was content in his life when God called him to a new thing. The Israelites wanted to return to slavery because they could not see beyond the challenges of leaving Egypt. Not only were they struggling with tunnel vision, but they were also looking back into the tunnel instead of looking forward. The pandemic has made us all stop short, get out of the tunnel, and consider…

  • “What is He doing in me?”
  • “What am I supposed to be doing for Him?”

To find these answers, we must invite Him in to do His transforming work in us. We must be open to hearing what He is saying. Only then will we know how we will glorify Him in our next steps. What spiritual practices are you participating in that draw you closer to Him? Do you love Him more, despite the disruptions? Are you in a tunnel?

If so, step out and see the wide-open spaces He has for you.

Positive Outcomes of Adjustments to Ministry


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  1. What spiritual practices are you participating in that draw you closer to Him?
  2. What kind of tunnel are you in right now? And what is keeping you from being open to God’s new plan for you?

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