Vida Nova (New Life) is a leading publishing ministry located in Sao Paulo. The goal of the ministry is to provide pastors, seminary students, and other church leaders in the Portuguese-speaking world with academic resources. Vida Nova has over 450 titles in its catalog, helping church leaders and pastors develop their faith and ministries.
Vida Nova
New Life Editions is a publisher that publishes evangelical theological literature. The mission statement that guides the actions of EVN is: Publish and promote high quality theology to empower and edify the churches and their leaders. • Publish and promote: besides publishing books, EVN is a provider of theology as it also works through congresses, conferences and events held. • Theology: theology is the study of God and the relationship between God and the world. EVN seeks to publish and promote the truths of God and their relationship with men. • High quality: the theology on which to base the products and services of EVN seeks always be grounded in God's Word and seeks to understand the truth, doing everything according to the highest standard of quality. • Train and build: our products are a means to a larger goal that is the training and building of churches and their leaders. • Churches and their leaders: products and services aim to achieve both EVN leaders, seminars and institutions that prepare leaders, the churches and their members. New Life Issues: 50 years publishing the best of evangelical theology. OUR HISTORY New Life Issues (EVN) had its origins in Portugal in the 50s Missionary Arthur Brown was shocked by the lack of books, commentaries and theological in Portuguese which should assist pastors willing to prepare messages ever entertained their flocks resources. Brown was involved in many activities. So when the Shedd family landed in Lusitanian lands in 1959, he saw fit to give me the care of the new editor. I had no reason not to accept responsibility, however, after releasing a few titles, I decided it would be more advantageous publish in Brazil, heavy works such as The New Bible Commentary and the name The New Bible Dictionary. When we make sure of the lowest cost, we decided to move on to the continental country, who received us with great affection. The success of EVN a cause for great joy and gratitude to God, who has financially supported this house and directed his ways since 1962, and it exists solely for His glory. At first we thought of returning to Portugal, after founding a subsidiary of EVN in São Paulo, but plans were changed when we decided to prepare a study Bible to help the workers unable to attend a Bible school. In the 60s, difficulties in import of paper to print the Bible New Life and problems with assembling the pages 14 years delayed the launch of the work. However, even considering the disappointment of having to wait until 1976 for the launch of the first evangelical study Bible in Portuguese, never doubt that God, in His sovereignty, controlled events. After the success of the New Life Bible and the surprising acceptance of such books as Bible Handbook Panorama and the New Testament, plus the comments of Biblical Culture Series, EVN entered a new phase of growth. The dream of making the publisher the leading supplier of reference books for the seminars was held in Brazil in the 80s There are many reasons to thank God. Despite the difficulties and problems in the past, EVN continues to fulfill its role of providing the evangelical world of the Portuguese language that is best in theological works. Without the unyielding support of countless employees, EVN would have never achieved the prominence it currently enjoys. We would be lacking space to mention the name of all the people who gave and have given so much of themselves to keep EVN among the most important evangelical publishing of Brazil.
New Life Editions is a publisher that publishes evangelical theological literature. The mission statement that guides the actions of EVN is: Publish and promote high quality theology to empower and edify the churches and their leaders. • Publish and promote: besides publishing books, EVN is a provider of theology as it also works through congresses, conferences and events held. • Theology: theology is the study of God and the relationship between God and the world. EVN seeks to publish and promote the truths of God and their relationship with men. • High quality: the theology on which to base the products and services of EVN seeks always be grounded in God's Word and seeks to understand the truth, doing everything according to the highest standard of quality. • Train and build: our products are a means to a larger goal that is the training and building of churches and their leaders. • Churches and their leaders: products and services aim to achieve both EVN leaders, seminars and institutions that prepare leaders, the churches and their members. New Life Issues: 50 years publishing the best of evangelical theology. OUR HISTORY New Life Issues (EVN) had its origins in Portugal in the 50s Missionary Arthur Brown was shocked by the lack of books, commentaries and theological in Portuguese which should assist pastors willing to prepare messages ever entertained their flocks resources. Brown was involved in many activities. So when the Shedd family landed in Lusitanian lands in 1959, he saw fit to give me the care of the new editor. I had no reason not to accept responsibility, however, after releasing a few titles, I decided it would be more advantageous publish in Brazil, heavy works such as The New Bible Commentary and the name The New Bible Dictionary. When we make sure of the lowest cost, we decided to move on to the continental country, who received us with great affection. The success of EVN a cause for great joy and gratitude to God, who has financially supported this house and directed his ways since 1962, and it exists solely for His glory. At first we thought of returning to Portugal, after founding a subsidiary of EVN in São Paulo, but plans were changed when we decided to prepare a study Bible to help the workers unable to attend a Bible school. In the 60s, difficulties in import of paper to print the Bible New Life and problems with assembling the pages 14 years delayed the launch of the work. However, even considering the disappointment of having to wait until 1976 for the launch of the first evangelical study Bible in Portuguese, never doubt that God, in His sovereignty, controlled events. After the success of the New Life Bible and the surprising acceptance of such books as Bible Handbook Panorama and the New Testament, plus the comments of Biblical Culture Series, EVN entered a new phase of growth. The dream of making the publisher the leading supplier of reference books for the seminars was held in Brazil in the 80s There are many reasons to thank God. Despite the difficulties and problems in the past, EVN continues to fulfill its role of providing the evangelical world of the Portuguese language that is best in theological works. Without the unyielding support of countless employees, EVN would have never achieved the prominence it currently enjoys. We would be lacking space to mention the name of all the people who gave and have given so much of themselves to keep EVN among the most important evangelical publishing of Brazil.
Brazil, Americas
Brazil, Americas