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MK / International School Faculty & Staff

Teachers are needed at Kathmandu International Study Centre. KISC is an internationally accredited Christian school in Kathmandu, Nepal. At KISC, we are passionate about ISAIAH 61: 1-3, to see lives transformed by the Holy Spirit so that as a community we can bless others.
Founded by United Mission to Nepal (UMN) and International Nepal Fellowship (INF) in 1987 to educate children of missionaries, KISC is now owned by the Nepali NGO, Human Development and Community Services (HDCS).
In 2007, KISC began its teacher training program called the Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) to help transform Nepali schools. KISC is now looking to expand EQUIP training into an accredited college degree in education by establishing KISC Transformational Education College (TEC), the first Christian college in Nepal.

Teaching Staff at KISC are required to have an internationally recognized teaching certification, such as a BA in Education, from an accredited university. Our international staff work as volunteers and are not paid a salary. Instead they are sent and supported by a Christian sending organization or a home church. Stipends are available to persons who commit to two or more years of service.
Teach in your area of certification and experience. Sample Needs: Primary: ELL Teacher; Secondary: Career and College Counsellor, Drama, Economics/Business Studies, English, History, ICT, Mathematics, Psychology, Senior Visual Arts, Spanish, Student Support Teacher; Staff: EQUIP Teacher Trainer, Human Resources and Recruitment manager, Short-term Network Systems Administrator For most current staffing needs and to learn more, check website:
School setting
Nepal, Asia
