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6402-907-Ministry Leaders Training (MLT)

Most people in ministry in Rwanda (even pastors!) have little or no Biblical education. As a result, many teach salvation by works and the prosperity gospel. A lack of Biblically literate, spiritually transformed leaders means that Rwandan churches are full of non-believers and immature, undiscipled Christians. The Ministry Leaders Training (MLT) is a two year, partially residential program in which students learn Biblical theology and practical ministry skills. They also benefit from courses on marriage, family and agriculture, as well as one-on-one discipleship and mentoring. Our aim isn’t just to provide MLT students with knowledge and skills. We want them to be transformed by what they’re learning – to become true disciples of Christ.

You can come alongside an MLT student by becoming their sponsor. Sponsors make a two-year commitment to cover the cost of a student’s training. The full cost is $175/month, but if that’s too much for you to do on your own, consider asking your small group or a friend to join you! You’ll also receive regular updates and prayer requests from your student so you can pray for them on their journey of transformation.

Check out the video to hear firsthand the difference you can make by sponsoring an MLT student! Click here.