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6405-931-New Hope Center for Grieving Children

This project provides funds to the New Hope Center for Grieving Children and Teens, a safe place where children orphaned by civil war find hope.

The estimates are over three-and-a-half million people died either directly or indirectly during the civil war in Congo from 1998 to 2003. As a result, there are many orphans and widows especially in Eastern Congo. Many of the children need medical attention and scholarships to be able to atend school.

We use special skills to help the children with their trauma and grief. The center is there to give hope for the future to kids in Congo, many of whom have lost one or both parents and often other family members as well.

Staff help the orphans work through their trauma and grief and provide activities that focus the children on healing. At the center, we will also be able to train facilitators who wil start grief groups in other places, especially in schools.

Funds will be used to provide scholarships for the children to attend school, pay for much needed medical care, food and clothing. Donations will also pay for ministry expenses, furniture, and upcoming construction projects on the property.