The object of Khudawandpur Boys Hostel is to provide living facilities in a Christian atmosphere, with adequate food every day, Christian education such as Sunday School, daily private and group devotions, producing literate and educated boys. KBH is for boys studying in 5th through 12th grades.
Every year at least one or two boys accept Christ as Savior. In the 10 years since KBH was restarted, at least 15 boys have matured enough in their Christian walk to be baptized and are local leaders.
There are more applications for admission than funds allow to be accepted.
This project furthers the purposes of making disciples of Jesus Christ, demonstrating compassion, and equipping future leaders for the Church.
One donor organization is able to pay $20 per month for 18 boys. The Hostel facilities with present staff could maintain up to 30 boys if funds are available. There are presently 22 boys in KBH and four are unsponsored.
KBH needs $20 per month for an additional 12 boys. Also one-time gifts help supplement the major donor’s giving, for maintenance and replacement of equipment.