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6426-907-MEGA II Conference

Missional Educators in a Globalized Age (MEGA) is a professional symposium for WorldVenture missionaries and nationals partnering with WorldVenture. This project will help cover the conferences expenses. Costs may include travel and accommodations, program resource materials and conference follow-up networking.

MEGA II will strengthen the Church of Christ, help in making disciples, and encourage theological education to become more missional.

Participants work in the areas of church-based training, institution-based education, theological education by extension, missionary preparation education, educational associations and community education. The purpose for the gathering is three-fold.

First, the MEGA II conference seeks to expand the Church of Jesus Christ. In order to make disciples for Christ and fulfill its mandate in the world, the church needs trained leaders of all kinds. At the same time, those training and educating church leaders and workers, need a renewed vision of what it means to be missional.

Second, MEGA II will provide a critical convergence in fulfilling the Great Commandment in Matthew 28:18-20, as well as emphasizing going into all the world. Missional educators (WorldVenture missionaries and nationals) from formal training institutions, church-based training ministries, and others working in various types of formal and informal educational ministries will share how their ministries are missional. These educators will also receive additional training and motivation as to how they can better fulfill their ministries in the context of being missional.

Third, MEGA II will provide an extremely valuable opportunity for participants to network with other theological educators from five continents. MEGA II conference organizers seek to increase the educators’ passion and vision for being missional as well as teaching them how to apply that passion and vision in their ministries.