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6448-929-Music Ministry Tiner

Music ministry includes evangelistic outreaches, recording CDs to give out during concerts and training, and developing national music ministries.

Most of the churches here are small and cannot afford to sponsor an outreach event.

By partnering with churches, we can help give them a platform in their community to present the gospel.

Music is a great tool, especially in Austria, for presenting the gospel. Through partnering with national churches who help sponsor these concerts, we have some great open doors for musicians to develop their talents. By passing out our CDs during our concerts, people who do not attend a church have something in their hands that may continue to speak to them after we are gone.

We also will be training a team of nationals to run the studio and expand its ministry. We are excited about training other nationals in the various areas of music ministry.

Minimum order for CDs costs $1,500 per project. Additional studio and sound equipment is $3,500.