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6486-905-Asia Pacific Sign Language Development Association

The Deaf of Asia and the Pacific desperately need a Bible in their own language. Since the early 1990s, Japan and Australia have been working on translating the Bible into their Sign Languages (SLs). In 2011, Asia Pacific Sign Language Development Association (APSDA) was born with charter members representing work in 12 countries.

APSDA is owned and led by Deaf people themselves. This group has immense potential but little operating funds.

Asia-Pacific needs an organization that will connect projects, share expertise, develop translation consultants, inspire new startups, and even send people to start spreading the word where no Deaf churches even exist yet.

Are you someone with the vision to support an organization that supports, enables, and empowers startups and ongoing translation projects? As a Deaf-led organization with broad representation across Asia, APSDA is uniquely positioned to do just that.

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