Two core components define this mission.
Shane and April aim to explain the gospel to the lost and help prepare future church leaders for service in Spain. They have served there since 2014.
Because just one percent of the forty-six million people in Spain are trusting Jesus as their only way to heaven, they are compelled to proclaim the good news of salvation. They like to use rock climbing as a means for making friends with a variety of people that have not yet heard the gospel.
Teaching in an official evangelical seminary near Barcelona enables them to train future servant leaders for the church. Because they enjoyed first-rate preparation at Dallas Theological Seminary, Shane and April aspire to use theological education in a similar manner to train Spaniards how to read and apply the Bible.
God has blessed them with three healthy boys: Asher, Benjamin, and Levi.
Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the LORD builds a house the work of the builders is wasted. . . .”
Please pray that God will build not only their home, but that their effort at outreach and education is built up so that there is spiritual fruit because of this mission. Above all, pray for the success of the gospel in Spain.