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4000-543-Slebodnik, Jesse & Kylee

“We love because he first loved us” 1 John 4:19

We were appointed by WorldVenture in 2024 as global workers to Europe and the Middle East. Today, we are preparing to share the Gospel with Muslims in France who have little or no access to a Christian witness. Our mission is to partner with the local church, build meaningful relationships through practical help and friendship, and disciple new followers of Jesus.

How We Got Here:
In 2023, God used an earthquake in West Asia to grip our hearts for Muslims who are living without the hope of Christ and trying to know God through Islam. For many, it’s not that they’ve rejected the Gospel—they’ve never had the chance to hear it.

Deeply troubled by this, we began asking, “Is God calling us to go?”

This question led to many months of discernment, seeking biblical wisdom and guidance from our community. Eventually, we took a vision trip to West Asia and spent time with workers in several cities. Through this trip, God confirmed our calling as global workers and redirected us to a different field with more stable visa options. We began praying and seeking a place where our family could establish a long-term presence among Muslims who have little or no access to the Gospel. God’s answer was France.

Our Family:
Our family of three calls Arizona home. Jesse loves studying and teaching the Bible and is in his final year at Phoenix Seminary, pursuing a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Biblical and Theological Studies. Kylee enjoys building relationships. She has completed coursework in counseling at Phoenix Seminary and works as a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Judah, our 3-year-old, loves dinosaurs and is easy to delight in.

You can hear more of their story and explore recent ministry updates by clicking here.

Europe MENA, Global
