The first time I remember hearing about God’s heart for the nations was right after I had come to faith at a campus ministry conference. It blew my mind that I had never heard someone preach on this topic even though it’s intertwined throughout all of scripture as part of God’s heart and core desire – to make his glory known amongst all peoples. God took my initial curiosity and conviction and grew it through many different people and opportunities over the past couple of years.
Along this journey, the words of a past missionary named C.T. Studd have stuck with me: “One life ‘twill soon be past. Only what is done for Christ will last.”
I want to use my life to see Muslim background believers raised up out of people groups that have no access to the gospel, nor anyone else amongst them sharing the gospel. Jesus gives us the vision in the Book of Revelation of all people groups worshipping him – my hope and desire is to be used by God to make disciples amongst people groups that aren’t currently worshipping him.
I am looking for people to join me in this ministry, people who have a similar desire to see Jesus glorified in all the earth, by partnering with me in prayer and giving. If this is something that interests you or that you have questions about, please reach out.