Mobilizing future missionaries!
Pray for open hearts on both sides of the ocean and close relationships that lead people closer to Jesus and doing God’s will.
About Me:
Tony Perrello is serving WorldVenture as a missions mobilizer for the churches on the East Coast. He seeks to develop powerful partnerships with churches and individuals here and abroad to see people transformed by Jesus Christ.
Tony was born and raised in New York and became a Christian in high school. His wife, Ming, was born in Taiwan and raised in New York. They married in 1987 and have two children: Micah and Kristen.
The Perrellos served as missionaries in Taiwan and Macau for eight years with WorldVenture. They focused their ministry on planting churches and helping in leadership development. In 2001 the couple helped start the Great Praise Church in Macau. About a year after the first service at the church, the Perrellos were forced to return to the States because Tony developed multiple sclerosis. After returning to the States, Tony became the pastor of English ministries at the Chinese Christian Church in Somerset, New Jersey. He served in that position from August 2002 to August 2005 until he became a missions mobilizer with WorldVenture.
Blogs and Articles on
– 3 Principles For Times of Anxiety