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By Rich Peterson, Church Relations 

Read 1 Samuel 1 and 2. 

A Godly Mother Prays Fervently

Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11 And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.

“Oh no, sir!” she replied. “I haven’t been drinking wine or anything stronger. But I am very discouraged, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:10-11, 15).

Why is it that we can ask God 999 times and He doesn’t seem to respond, but then we pray the same prayer the thousandth time and He hears and responds?

Hannah had “in bitterness of soul wept much and prayed to the Lord.” – This is an excellent description of fervent and impassioned prayer!

1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

Give it all to God – He can handle it. All your disappointments, anger, confusion, fear, doubt, suffering – everything!

God wants it all because God cares about it all – most of all he cares for you!

A Godly Mother Trusts God Absolutely

Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life.” And he worshiped the Lord there (1 Samuel 1:28).

  • Hannah gave her son completely to the Lord God for God to do whatever He pleased. This is complete and irrevocable dedication to God. Hannah kept her promise even at great sacrifice.
  • As we give ourselves to God as Christ-followers, we need take our vows and promises to Him seriously.

Total dedication amazes people. How breathtaking to be so devoted to Christ that people would say, “Now THAT is a Christian!”

A Godly Mother is Steadfastly Devoted to Her Family

Read 1 Samuel 1:24; 1 Samuel 2:18-21

When the child was weaned, Hannah took him to the Tabernacle in Shiloh… (1 Samuel 1:24).

But Samuel, though he was only a boy, served the Lord. He wore a linen garment like that of a priest. Each year his mother made a small coat for him and brought it to him when she came with her husband for the sacrifice. Before they returned home, Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife and say, “May the Lord give you other children to take the place of this one she gave to the Lord.” And the Lord blessed Hannah, and she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord (1 Samuel 2: 18-21).

The formative years of our children (grandchildren) are so important. This passage provides a warning against waiting for “religious training.”

“The spiritual battle is on from the moment a child takes its first breath. Satan wages war against every newborn child because he knows (better than do we) that what a child learns, or does not learn, about God during the formative years – the child will take with him – throughout life!” (The New Dare to Discipline by Dr. James Dobson) 

As parents we desire that our children have the best possible lives – education, health, security, shelter, food, clothing. We prepare them socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally, but for many, when it comes to spiritual training, they are on their own! No guidance, direction, or support.

The results can be disappointing – even somewhat tragic with no degree of real moral grounding, or ethical compass provided. The worst thing is they might very well miss out on the most significant relationship ever – the one with God – made possible in and through the Lord Jesus!

Sad to think that Christian children should be more exposed to the Simpson’s than to the Savior; to sports more than to the Sovereign God; to “good times” more than to the Good News.

  • Pray fervently
  • Trust God absolutely
  • Stay devoted to your family


Discussion Questions:

On your social media, share the link to this blog post with an answer to one of these questions. Or leave your answer here in the comments. 

  • Write out a prayer for your children and include verses from the Bible.
  • How do you relate to Hannah?
  • How are you training your children to know Jesus?