Make an Impact
Around the World
Ways to Give
At WorldVenture we have numerous way to make your giving simple. Please read below and select the option that is best for you. Thank you for your support!
Quick Online Gift
For a quick gift, you can access our general donation page, where you can give to WorldVenture and/or a worker using a credit card or via ACH (e-check). Click here to make a general donation today.
Create a Partner Community Account
WorldVenture has a dynamic Partner Community, which is the simplest way to manage your giving with WorldVenture. You can access your full giving history, print tax-receipts, update personal information, manage your commitments, and more! Plus, making new commitments or one-time gifts has never been easier. Click here to sign up for a Partner Community account
Mail a Check
If you prefer to give by check:
- Make your check payable to “WorldVenture.”
- Write the seven-digit number and title in the lower left portion of your check.
- Mail your check to:
20 Inverness Pl E
Englewood, CO 80112-5622
By Phone
If you need to manage any aspect of your giving, including the option to give by phone, please contact us at (720) 283-2000 ext. 2600 or send us an email requesting assistance to
Anonymous Gifts
We want our workers and partners to share the special relationship that comes from engaging the world for gospel impact together. However, if you would like to make an anonymous donation, please call or mail a check with instructions. We do not accept anonymous gifts online.
Asset Gifts, Estate Gifts, and More
There are many other ways you can give. Consider contributing Stocks and Bonds, Real Estate, Personal Property (such as jewelry and vehicles), Donor Advised Funds, Business Interests, Corporate Giving, or Employer Matching Gifts. You can even make arrangements for legacy gifts and planned giving from your estate that may include tax relief and benefits. Get more information by visiting our Asset and Planned Giving page.
Financial Accountability
ECFA membership and stewardship standards
WorldVenture is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), which provides leading Christian nonprofits with accreditation and financial accountability. As a member, WorldVenture adheres to ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship. We are committed to conducting business and raising funds with only the highest standards of excellence and integrity.
Where your money goes
Why missionaries need financial support
A missionary support package looks very similar to a small business start-up. A missionary requires more than just food and shelter to minister well in their country. They also need materials and transportation and sometimes a ministry building. Read more on our Costs of Going page.
A missionary requires more than just food and shelter to minister well in their country.
How WorldVenture utilizes your financial support
92 cents of every dollar given to WorldVenture goes directly to missionaries and their programs. We use the remaining funds for administrative purposes or fund-raising, as the ECFA can verify. In addition, WorldVenture distributes approximately 9.5 percent more of its income to the ministry, as compared to other similar organizations.The bottom line is that WorldVenture missionaries are benefitting from 92 cents of every dollar donated, and even the money used for assessment fees will directly benefit them through the services WorldVenture offers.
92 cents of every dollar given to WorldVenture goes directly to missionaries and their programs.
Tax Deduction Information
Basic IRS regulations regarding charitable deductions include the following:
- Under current IRS regulations, only donors who itemize may take a charitable deduction.
- For gifts of cash, the donor may take a charitable income tax deduction up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income and excess deductions may be carried over for up to five years.
- For gifts of other property (not cash), donors may claim a charitable income tax deduction equal to fair market value up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income and excess deductions may be carried over for up to five years.
- Gifts of real estate and certain non-marketable securities over $5,000 must be appraised to determine fair market value for tax deduction purposes.
- Generally, gifts of tangible personal property (autos, artwork, etc.) over $5,000 must be appraised to determine fair market value.
FAQ’s About Committed Support
What is committed support?
WorldVenture is a faith mission with no central funding. Therefore, missionaries are responsible to raise their own support from churches, family, businesses, organizations, and friends. Commitments are registered with WorldVenture via a commitment form indicating annual amount, frequency, and start date. When commitments equal the support level set by WorldVenture’s overseas fields (based on cost of living and ministry needs), the missionary receives final clearance for departure. Such commitments, though not a legal contract, are almost always fulfilled. Seldom does WorldVenture have to bring a missionary home because of lapsed commitments.
Why do people make support commitments?
There are many reasons. Most churches make such commitments out of a sense of vision and mission to accomplish the Great Commission. For individuals, it usually starts with the word “relationship.” Many partners also give out of gratitude to God for what He has done for them through Christ. Many partners also give out of obedience to I Corinthians 4:1 to fulfill our stewardship of the Gospel. Many partners have a strong passion to see the Gospel spread among certain people groups or through certain types of ministry. We welcome your partnership with us as together we expand the harvest.
How long am I expected to continue a commitment of support?
It varies. Support commitments from both churches and individuals have continued for the entire career of some missionaries—as long as 40 years. For practical reasons, WorldVenture suggests that support commitments continue for at least one full term, usually four years. At the conclusion of each term, missionaries return to the U.S. for what is called “home assignment,” an extended time to report to partners, gain new support, renew relationships with extended family, and take additional training. WorldVenture understands that changes in church or family situations may force some commitments to be dropped or changed.
What happens if committed support falls short?
The short answer is, “Ministry effectiveness is compromised.” One unique feature of missionary support is that it includes funds for the work (ministry) in the field on which each missionary serves as well as funds to support the family. Thus, a shortfall in support affects both. A significant shortfall makes it difficult to continue ministering and living overseas, and a trip to the States or an extension of home assignment may be necessary to find additional support. If support does not come in for new missionaries, they cannot begin ministry overseas.
What missionary and mission services are covered under committed support?
Monthly support includes all of the items that your budget at home might cover—and then some. For example, this would be food, clothing, shelter, transportation, salary, social security, utilities, applicable income taxes, health and life insurance, and retirement. Committed support also includes overseas cost of living adjustments, travel, children’s education, transportation, ministry funds, etc. A flat rate of all total support goes toward missionary and mission care, including the operation of the mission, publications, overseas supervision, administration in the U.S., board meetings, medical emergencies, recruiting and deploying new missionaries, research and planning, training, and counseling.
How do partners send their support?
Like many people pay their bills, missionary support is received monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, via checks, credit cards, electronic funds transfer, money order, stocks and bonds, and even cash. Gifts and commitments can be made, managed, and reviewed online using our partner community.
What should I expect from the missionaries I support?
In a word, “partnership.” As a partner in ministry, you should expect the communication and relationship necessary to assure you that your financial, time, and prayer support are producing the results you pray for and expect. This usually includes prayer letters, e-mail, personal letters, notes, phone calls, visits, and reports of ministry results. In addition, we also know missionaries are inclined to pray for your needs, hopes, and plans as they become aware of them.
Can I make personal, non-tax-deductible gifts to the missionaries I support?
It is very common for support partners to give personal gifts on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas. However, WorldVenture no longer receives those gifts on our workers’ behalf. Personal gifts are not tax-deductible. Should you wish to give a personal gift, simply contact the worker directly and make arrangements with them, much as you would with a relative or friend. They’ll be happy to hear from you!
Whom can I contact with questions?
Please contact us at 720-283-2000 with any questions you may have. WorldVenture has donor relations personnel whose goal is to act as your advocate to the mission. We believe it is a miracle that people willingly and joyfully send financial support for a missionary month in and month out over many years. Our goal is to foster a long-term relationship, satisfying to you and to the WorldVenture missionaries you support.