=Giving Hope
WorldVenture is devoting funds raised this #GivingTuesday to one of our ministry partners in Southeast Asia that is able to provide food, shelter, clothing, and basic medical care to Afghan Refugee women and children for as little as $110/month for individuals and $190/month for families. This ministry creates opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with refugees from Afghanistan. Will you consider giving a meaningful contribution to cover a week, one month, or even one year of living expenses for Afghani refugees?
The Need Continues Long After The News Media Leaves…
Before our very eyes and in the midst of chaos and war, thousands of Afghans were displaced from a place they called home. Words can’t describe what our Afghan neighbors experienced. Violence and destruction. Families separated. Jobs lost. Homes and possessions left behind. For many Afghans today, the day-to-day reality is the difficult life of refugees trying to rebuild their lives in poverty in foreign countries.
But as the world grappled with how to help the Afghan people, WorldVenture was ready along with our network of partner ministries already serving people in diaspora. Many followers of Jesus answered the call to pray and give to Afghan Refugee Relief. And it made a difference then! But the need continues long after the news media leaves.
This #GivingTuesday, we invite you to join us in supporting the specific efforts of a partner ministry in Southeast Asia that is leveraging their unique location – along with a favorable currency exchange rate – to provide rent, food, living expenses and basic medical, dental, and vision care to Afghan refugee women and children. And by doing so, they open the door to opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with refugees from this unreached people group. We invite you to join us in loving our Afghan neighbors by responding to this crisis with courage, compassion, generosity and solidarity. Together, we can be Good Samaritans to the Afghan people as Jesus calls us to be and make #GivingTuesday a day for Giving Hope!
Choose Your #GivingTuesday Gift…
Can’t Wait For
Together, we are engaging the world for gospel impact!
WorldVenture’s Good Sam Fund
Jesus paints a picture of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) that goes beyond our cultural definition of “good.” The acts of the Samaritan were courageous, compassionate, generous, and exemplified boundary-breaking solidarity with another. Jesus concludes the story by saying “go and do likewise.” What would our world look like if we acted with courage, compassion, generosity, and solidarity with those in need? WorldVenture’s “Good Samaritan Fund” exists to help answer that question, offering relief to those in immediate need when disaster strikes. Compelled by the love of God, we will love our neighbors as ourselves and offer help and hope to those in need. We will “go and do likewise.”