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360° Missions


We can point to eight areas influencing a society.

When we talk about Christian vocation, we see the way God can use a person’s deep passion to meet the deep needs of the world and share the good news at that point of confluence. From educating children in Hungary to growing forests in Madagascar, our missionaries’ unique gifts collide with their sincere faith, creating examples of gospel impact all across the world.

That’s because we don’t ask our interested missionaries to fit the mold of what they think a missionary should be. We ask them what they love, what they would do if they could pick any kind of work. Once they have identified an area where God has gifted them, we send them to be effective agents of change for the gospel.

We’ve identified eight societal inroads for influence: the arts, media, education, church outreach, family and medicine, science and agriculture, business, and government. From this framework, we strategize how to engage these areas with Christ’s love. It requires the widest range of skills and talents from our missionaries.


A local church enfolds people of all sectors into a community that models Kingdom life, providing an anchor for its members who venture out into their sectors as faithful witnesses. The church is the fulcrum of Kingdom impact in all sectors of society.


Education greatly influences people’s ability to process information and transmit knowledge and beliefs to future generations.


This sector carries messages at a deep, emotional level. It’s a powerful shaper of values and assumptions. Story-telling in various forms permeates this sector.


Media is an important vehicle through which information and ideas flow and opinions are shaped.


Business creates an extensive network of relationships in communities and drives much of the activity in other sectors. In much of the world, agriculture is a foundational area of commerce that needs development.

Science and Medicine

Science and technology bring the ideas and models of all the sectors down to earth and make them work, greatly impacting health and general quality of life.


Values and worldview become enforced policy in this sector, greatly shaping freedom, opportunity, security, and justice – or the lack of them.

Social Sector and Family

This sector usually focuses on serving others and can powerfully express grace and fill gaps resulting from social issues and family needs.