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Rich Peterson offers up a downloadable Church Leadership Covenant. 

After more than our fair share of issues pertaining to poor leadership in one church I pastored, we created a Church Leadership Covenant that the Pastors, Elders, and Church Staff members were asked to sign on an annual basis.

Perhaps your leadership team could benefit from the following?

Download printable PDF Document or copy and paste words below. 


Before the Lord and together with my fellow (name of church) Leaders, and with the intent to strengthen our church, I sincerely enter the following covenant:


I now commit “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you (I) have been called.” I commit to being loyal to my fellow team members, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” When the group has made a decision, I will support it although I may have voiced opposition or even voted against it. I will be careful not to criticize the activities of the team or any individual member unless it is face-to-face. If a problem develops between another team member and me, I will seek to faithfully follow the steps set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17.


I now commit to speaking in love and acting with grace toward my fellow team members. I also recognize the importance in this group of speaking openly and honestly. As I exercise the privilege of thinking aloud to help sort out my thoughts and feelings, I will give that same privilege to others without taking offense. As I interact with members of the congregation, I will do so without gossiping, increasing conflict or speaking negatively about any person in our Church, nor will I be part of a group where this occurs.


I now commit to holding in confidence the privileged information I receive because of my position as a (name of church) Leader. This includes the discussions in group meetings. I understand that I may share privileged information with my spouse only if they are committed to this standard of confidentiality.


I now commit to serving faithfully for _______________________. I will arrange my schedule as best I can so that I can attend meetings regularly. If something should arise that will keep me away, I will notify the Chairperson or Pastor of said Team.


If the time comes when for whatever reason I can no longer carry out this covenant, I will seek to reconcile whatever issue if possible and if this proves to be impossible will resign my position without causing strife and/or dissension.

Check out the new Church Relations page! 

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