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Maintenance and Construction

In northern Ivory Coast less than 1% of the people are believers. Join WorldVenture and the national church reach out through construction and maintenance.

Skill in construction and maintenance. Willing to learn African construction methods and supervise and train people in construction and maintenance while discipling and bringing some to faith in Christ. Cooperative, dependable, industrious, adaptable, with stamina, having solid prayer support base. Mature believers, interested and experienced in local church ministry.
The national church wants you to improve living standards and help provide jobs. As you build and work you would also learn African construction methods, train nationals in construction and disciple them too. You could win non-believers to Christ. Supervise construction projects, such as a proposed Christian university. Participate in local churches to encourage them in outreach and ministry. Maintain your personal spiritual disciplines. Pray for the people and ministry. Participate in team and field activities.
French learned in France or Quebec Dioula or a Senoufo language learned in Ivory Coast
French and Dioula or Senoufo
Live on the former ICA (International Christian Academy) Campus or other mission compound. As peace comes one might live in town. Northern Ivory Coast is generally hot and dry or hot and humid depending on the rains. Supplies are somewhat difficult to get but not impossible. Roads, phones, internet and electricity exist especially in cities but services may be sporatic.
Very few missionaries and few westerners because of the conflict that has gone on in the country. We believe now is the time for people to begin training for work and ministry in northern Ivory Coast. In a worst case situation of continuing conflict you could use the same languages to serve with similar skills in neighboring countries. Work with Rod and Angelika Ragsdale who are passionate and very skilled at outreach and dream with the nationals of creating a Christian university that would teach in agriculture, business and missions. You would learn tons from them and gain from their experience. They want people to join with them in their ministry.
Cote d'Ivoire, Africa
