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MK / International School Faculty & Staff

Teach at Dakar Academy, a college preparatory, K-12 missionary boarding and day school. The central campus is in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. With about 500 students, Dakar Academy is accredited by both Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Association of Christian Schools International and is the only accredited boarding program in Africa. Your opportunity is to come teach in your area of accreditation and expertise at this school.

Able to graciously teach and be taught. Good interpersonal skills. Passionate about God’s Word. Daily devotional life and consistent Christian life. Come as a supported missionary or Direct Hire. 2-year contract. Qualified/certified teachers. Student teachers welcome.
Sample Needs: Elementary: K-5 Teachers; Secondary: Science, Math, English, History; Specials: French, ELL, Elementary Art, Middle School Specialist; Administrative: IT Specialist. For most current staffing needs and to learn more, check website: Teachers take pleasure in sharing in the lives of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, including sports, drama, youth group, and outreach. On longer stays learn French and learn culture. Participate in team life especially prayer, but also help with our facilitating functions in areas of expertise or need.
Stipend and other benefits including furnished apartments for singles, couples and families provided by the school, either on or near campus. July through October hot and humid. Coastal areas more moderate December through May.
A six acre central campus, two campuses on the ocean, or a satellite location. WorldVenture, The United World Mission and the Assemblies of God Mission each are one third members of Dakar Academy governance’s structure. Missionary kids make up approximately 70 percent of the student body, and about 40 students live in boarding homes on campus. One of the school’s primary goals is to cultivate a Christian worldview among its students while challenging students intellectually. Join a healthy, well-functioning team of missionaries who are growing in their faith and enjoy being together and praying together. Our team’s top priorities include: Foster sustainable, healthy, reproducing churches, develop professional and vocational people, and Make Disciples of Jesus Christ. We regularly pray for the growth of the church. You could be an answer to our prayers by training children of missionaries, business and embassy people. Come join us.
Senegal, Africa
