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1200-008-Jamison and Kathryne Pals Memorial Fund

The Jamison and Kathryne Pals Memorial Fund will be used to accelerate Appointees in their departure for their missionary assignments.

With great sorrow we share that WorldVenture appointees Jamison & Kathryne Pals, along with their three children, three-year-old Ezra, 23-month-old Violet, and 2 ½-month-old Calvin, were killed in a multi-vehicle crash on Sunday, July 31. The Pals were traveling in their van from Minnesota to Colorado to participate in their final training before deploying to serve as missionaries in Japan, when a semitrailer truck in Nebraska struck their van.

Their WorldVenture supervisor notes, “Jamison & Kathryne were all about the people of Japan being reached for Jesus that they might know the joy of salvation.” Jamison & Kathryne were looking forward to joining the ministry of Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya City. Following their language acquisition training, they anticipated sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and discipling new followers of Jesus.

In speaking with WorldVenture President Jeff Denlinger, Jamison and Kathryne’s fathers each echoed this sentiment: “Though we are devastated, we are praying that God would bring many to Christ through their testimonies and this tragedy.”

Jamison & Kathryne were committed to sharing the good news of Jesus. During their college days and more recently with their home church, Bethlehem Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minn., they served in local ministry and in several other international locations.

In a letter to Kathryne on June 15, 2013, Jamison wrote about his desire to bring the Japanese people to Christ:

“It may cost us much, but would you have it any other way? Whatever we lose will be worth it if we gain more of Christ. I believe the Lord is sending us. I am asking you to trust me. More importantly, I am asking you to trust God’s sovereign guidance and care. He will be with us, and he will go before us. Surely, his goodness and mercy will follow us all of the days of our lives. We will dwell with him forever, wherever we dwell for this life. You will never be without your God and your Savior.”

While we sorrow in the deaths of Jamison, Kathryne, Ezra, Violet, and Calvin, we also look to the promise of the One, Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead, for He has prepared for them a place in heaven for their good and for the glory of Jesus Christ.