“The Poisoning of an American City” (Flint, MI)
“1 of 7 Babies Exposed to Zika Has Birth Defects”
“Tuberculosis Remains World’s Deadliest Infectious Disease, Says World Health Organization”
What do these headlines have in common? They represent public health issues…issues that can’t be solved by treating one person at a time, issues that need to be addressed in a more comprehensive way, often over a long period of time.
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live and work. Public health efforts solve problems to bring long-term, health-related benefit through sustainable changes at the community, regional, national or even global level.
Notice that the focus is not on the individual but on the community! An unhealthy environment, one with air pollution from open fires or mosquitos that carry disease or water contaminated with parasites, is an environment where no one has the opportunity for optimal health.
Join the public health community we are building! Contact me at g.sandeno@worldventure.com if you would like to join a global public health community. Please contact me at graceinpublichealth@gmail.com if you would like to get my personal ministry newsletter.
“…Act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8.