Azamino Chapel (a church plant of Denen Grace Church) began gathering for regular worship in July 2020.
Christians from Denen Grace Church along with other area Christians have partnered with Justin & Lindsay Mitchell (commissioned to Japan March 2017) and have since incorporated other area WorldVenture missionaries.
In teamwork with local Christians, Azamino Chapel aims to be a church that Loves the Gospel and Lives the Gospel. We love the gospel through Gospel Proclamation to new and mature believers, reminding them of their identity in Christ and empower them unto mission.
We love the Gospel through Gospel Invitation to not-yet-Christians addressing man’s sin, teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, and calling people to a relationship with God through Christ. We live the gospel through challenging Christians to obedience to God’s Word and pursuing holiness. We see this vision executed through frequent and regular lifestyles of evangelism with our national partners and missionary colleagues. This includes incarnational living serving out of our core values and giftings. We also have one-on-one and small group Bible Studies we facilitate on a regular basis for both Christians and non-Christians. All of these efforts we aim to filter back into our regular worship gatherings and other corporate gathering opportunities, walking by faith that Jesus will indeed build His church in Azamino.
Interested in Joining Our Team?
juijka Project
Team Members
– Justin and Lindsay Mitchell
– Jeff and Malia Walker
– Alissa Bauer