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6419-902-Pakistan Bible Correspondence Institute

The Pakistan Bible Correspondence Institute seeks to help people understand the teachings of the Bible through 10 correspondence courses. Funds from this project will be used to provide Bible study materials to people who may otherwise never have an opportunity to study God’s Word.

Through wide advertising, the PBCI wants to give as many people as possible the opportunity of reading the Word of God in the Sindhi language and coming to a saving faith.

One PBCI newspaper ad can generate up to 500 responses. Each of these people is sent a Sindhi New Testament and the first correspondence course. The Jesus video in Sindhi is also sent out to those completing the third course. No fees are charged from the students. All the courses, books, and videos are sent free.

About 400 people are consistently studying the courses. Among these people will be those who genuinely appreciate the opportunity to study God’s Word and will go on to study a number of the courses as they earnestly seek to know the Truth.

Many people write to ask questions arising from their studies. These questions are replied to personally, and meetings are arranged for further Bible teaching and an opportunity to chat informally. Those showing special interest are followed-up more closely.

One newspaper advertisement costs $32. One Sindhi New Testament can be sent for $1, and one Sindhi Jesus video is $2. The cost of everything one student receives completing all 10 correspondence courses is $40.