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6421-902-Theological College Building Project

This project provides funds to a theological college in Taiwan for improving their facilities. This includes constructing a multi-purpose building and new student housing.

The Conservative Baptist Bible College in Hsilo is in the process of improving its facilities for the future. The school has insufficient office, housing, and classroom space. Half of the present facilities are from before WWII and are in serious need of renovation or rebuilding.

The board’s long-term vision is to eventually move the school to a new location and build a center for ministry to the Chinese of the world.

The administration is raising funds from among the churches of Taiwan as well as Chinese churches in the United States for the construction of a new building. Taiwan missionaries are also raising funds among our supporting churches.

The new facilities will enable the school to plan for the future and develop new ministry training programs. They will provide an attractive facility for students and enable the school to host seminars and make best use of modern technology for training the next generation of church and missions workers.

The full building project is approximately $1.2 million. The amount of this project, which seeks to raise $3,000, will equip classrooms and offices as well as a set of apartments on one floor as needed.