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6426-911-Afghan Refugee Relief

Afghan Refugee Relief

Before our very eyes and in the midst of chaos and war, thousands of Afghans are being displaced from a place they called home. Words can’t describe what our Afghan neighbors are experiencing. Violence and destruction. Families separated. Jobs lost. Homes and possessions left behind. For many Afghans, their best option will be the difficult life of a refugee trying to rebuild their lives in poverty in foreign countries. For others, the grim reality of resettlement camps. They may escape with their lives, but little else. Our Afghan neighbors are in great need.

As the world grapples with how to help the Afghan people, WorldVenture is ready and engaging the world for gospel impact right now. We invite you to join us in loving our Afghan neighbors by responding to this crisis with courage, compassion, generosity and solidarity. Through WorldVenture’s vast network of Global Workers and community centers already ministering to displaced peoples, we will serve Afghan refugees by offering food, shelter, clothing, care, counseling and other critical needs. Together, we can be Good Samaritans to the Afghan people as Jesus calls us to be.