While much aid has already been provided to Haiti, thousands of Haitian men, women and children have an ongoing need for food, water and medical treatment . It is our prayer to replenish our Good Samaritan Fund so our partners can continue to provide basic supplies as necessary to the Haitians, and have a substantial crisis fund that allows them to respond quickly and in the greatest time of need. The Good Samaritan Fund enables WorldVenture to respond with Christian compassion to the physical and material needs of people, especially in disaster or crisis situations. The funds may also be allocated for longer term disaster-related development projects The Good Samaritan Fund has been used for war relief in DR Congo and Sri Lanka, and flood relief in Brazil, Argentina and the Philippines. Funds have also provided medical care and medicines in Africa. The love of Jesus compels us to give aid to our neighbors in desperate need and the Good Samaritan Fund is a crucial component of WorldVenture’s first response. Your one-time or regular gift to The Good Samaritan Fund will help WorldVenture missionaries provide the necessary resources to respond rapidly to human suffering and needs.
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