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6440-955-Good Sam Indonesia

A horrific earthquake and tsunami occurred in Donggala, Palu, Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. The current death toll is nearly 1,500. The special project will help to provide physical, emotional and spiritual aid to the survivors, working towards expansion of God’s kingdom by using Disciple-Making Movement practices.

This is one of the unreached and unengaged provinces of Indonesia. We already have crosscultural workers on the ground and have others slated to go into this area. We believe we can be effective in the short-term relief and long-term needs such as job-training, re-allocation of people, and career-training. We will also aggressively follow-up with discipleship with spiritually responsive people.

The special project will help to provide physical, emotional and spiritual aid to the survivors, working towards expansion of God’s kingdom by using Disciple-Making Movement practices.

Phase 1 – Emergency disaster relief, trauma counseling, looking for persons of peace

Phase 2 – Re-building and healing of individuals and communities, Discipleship and follow-up of persons of peace and their families

Phase 3 – Reconstruction, Stabilizing, Training up leaders for house churches

We will have a strong spiritual basis to all of our relief efforts through daily listening, prayer and worship. In all efforts over three years we will incorporate Disciple-making Movement practices looking for persons of peace who are open spiritually.

Central Sulawesi is an area where we have planned to move into for years prior to the tsunami disaster. There are seven large-sized unreached people groups and four unengaged, unreached people groups in this area, making it an extremely spiritually-needy province. This disaster situation provides an excellent opportunity for cross-cultural workers to assist with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It creates a natural avenue for believers to enter with God’s love and gospel message.

We will work in three phases over a three-year period, adopting communities where the survivors willingly participate in their own recovery. The immediate phase includes setting up a base camp to run operations, distribution of supplies such as food, drinking water, medicines, tents and tarps. It will also include initial clean-up efforts, trauma counseling, restoration of light and water sources, installing electricity, and meetings with duty relief officers. The second phase will be continued clean water projects, reconstruction of housing, and helping with interim shelter sites for schools. Long-term will include resettlement of displaced persons including orphans and widows, and job training for employment opportunities through micro economic loans, and home industry projects.

Three-year Budget Plan with possibility of Five Years: Total $300,000

Contract or purchase of facility for base camp – $30,000
Initial truck for aid distribution and transportation of volunteer teams – $7,200
Optional second work vehicle – $7,000
3 motorbike – $3,000
Immediate supplies – tents, tarps, food, water, emergency supplies, generators – $8,000
Long-term national coordinator – $3,500 annually
Transportation for WorldVenture personnel & national personnel overseeing relief, and
assisting – 8 Round-trips annually for 3 years – $2,400 annually
Maintaining base camp facility – $5,000 annually – water, electricity, telephone, internet, office

Clean up projects – $5,000
Reconstruction of houses – 20 crude basic homes $5,000 each – $100,000
Interim shelter site – 2 schools $5,000 each – $10,000
Public bath/ toilet facilities – 4 for $3,000 each – $12,000
Reconstruction of churches – $10,000 each – $30,000

Job training for employment opportunities.
Micro loans – $30,000
Home industry training – $15,000