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6462-915-Church Roof

This project provides money to purchase materials to put roofs on church buildings. Church members typically do the bulk of the work clearing the land, making or buying bricks, building walls, making windows and finishing off the building. The roof tends to cost more than what the church can afford.

Because of the high cost of roofing materials and the fact that most of our churches are composed of subsidence farmers raising funds for a church roof can be difficult.

Completing the church building encourages the members and more people attend, contributing to the church’s growth.

This project provides a way for groups from North America and Europe to raise both funds and short term teams to send to Côte d’Ivoire to help roof a church. It is a great way to involve men and women from churches outside of West Africa. It is also a great encouragement to our local churches to see people interested in their church. Normally a church roof project is between $4000 and $6000.

An average church roof in Cote d’Ivoire costs between $6,000 and $7,000, which includes materials and transportation.