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6488-902-Church and Leadership Development

This project’s goal is to provide biblical growth and physical resources for churches in lesser-developed communities of Southern Africa.

Many churches within Southern Africa are under-resourced and do not have the financial ability to offer Bibles and other biblical materials to help their pastor or congregations grow in knowledge and understanding of the Word of God and leadership.

These funds will provide resources to pastors and church leaders as well as be used to build appropriate structures to facilitate worship in the local context.

The project funds will be used for such needs as biblical resources and materials for pastors and lay leaders within a church, spiritual growth opportunities, and needs that undergird the mandate of the church for biblical teaching and worship. When the physical structure of the church is unable to meet the needs of the congregation, funds can be appropriated for building materials.

Lawley Church needs $500 for Bibles and new believer study materials. Another $500 would contribute to the pastoral study fund for informal pastors to acquire biblical training. An Orality Conference scholarship for pastors and church leaders is $400.