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6491-906-Americas’ Strategic Initiatives

The purpose of this project is to create a source of readily available funds to invest in strategic initiatives that are connected with the Americas Ministries.

In light of the under-support that many missionaries live with in the Americas Fields, these funds could help them participate in significant events that they might otherwise be unable to attend.

These funds will be used to give upcoming leaders opportunities for growth, advancement, and training.

It will provide funds to minister to missionaries in their physical and spiritual needs. Funds could be used for resources that missionaries need (books, DVD, etc) as well as helping with leadership retreats.

Our hope is that it can also be used to mobilize Latinos (or expatriate Christians living in the States) for the work of missions around the world. For example, these funds might be used to help with some of the expenses of a missionary/vision trip either by missionaries to other countries or by national leaders who might become missionaries some day.

Churches or individuals can contribute to this fund for the following needs:
–Help to attend specific conferences that benefit workers ($1,000-$1,500)
–Resource materials per missionary ($50-$100)
–Vision trips ($1,000-$1,500)
–Leadership retreats ($500-$1,000)