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6498-903-ABLE Project

Children In Families (CIF) is a local Christian non-governmental organization in Cambodia which provides
family-based care for orphaned and vulnerable children. When possible, CIF provides support to equip
and strengthen vulnerable families to prevent family separation, but, in cases where a child has no family
or cannot be safely cared for by his/her own family, CIF places children into carefully screened and
trained Cambodian foster families. As is the case in many developing nations, Cambodia has for years
been overly dependent on orphanages to respond to the needs of vulnerable children. CIF is helping to
provide a safer, healthier option and to reduce the number of children in orphanages, which have
repeatedly been shown to be detrimental to child wellbeing. The ABLE Special Project helps to fund
rehabilitative and support services for children with disabilities and/or chronic health conditions in order to
make Children In Families’ family-based support program inclusive of children with disabilities. In addition
to in-home rehabilitation and counseling and education for family members, support services include
medical accompaniment and follow up, nutritional support, support for and access to special education
services, support for acquisition of adaptive equipment, and provision of developmental toys and
equipment. The ABLE staff includes one Cambodian physiotherapist and four community rehabilitation
team members who are supported by a WorldVenture worker, Lisa Yunker, who is a physical therapist
and serves as technical advisor to the ABLE team.