Pray with
ramona simons
Russ and I have an American cultural Jew, atheist friend, here in the Philippines. For the past year, nothing we have tried gives an "in" to his heart. We are good friends already but can't seem to break through the barriers to his soul. Recently, we thought about Russ and him having a simple discussion on a specific topic. He is extremely well read and loves to talk. He said he will think about it.
The prayer request is for wisdom for Russ and Les as they think of a possible topic, philosophy or current situation to discuss in a friendly manner. And praying that a discussion of something will eventually lead to issues of the heart. One topic that came to mind is "difference between fear and panic". (taken from a recent politically directed message from him against an American news station.) We need God's direction for a topic that will be good, not divisive, not political, but interesting enough to grab hold of. Thank you so much.