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4000-020-Allen, Rod and Jackie

Serving in Northwest Argentina through leadership development. The Allens work with all classes of people in Northwest Argentina, from the wealthy to the poor, from the highly educated to the illiterate.

Pray that God will give them the opportunity to motivate North American Christians to reach the world for Christ.

Rod and Jackie Allen are both passionate about seeing people grow in their personal relationship with the Lord.

Rod first accepted Christ as a young child, but it wasn’t until college that Rod realized his need to serve Him. As a result, he left his plans to be a doctor and went into short-term missions. While serving as an interim pastor at a medical base in Alaska, Rod realized God was calling him to specialize in people’s spiritual health in addition to their physical needs.

Jackie accepted Christ at age eight. Her desire to be an overseas missionary grew as she matured and understood the need for spreading the good news. Her passion for young kids to learn about missions stems from her childhood where she attended annual missions conferences and developed a love for reaching people for Christ in other parts of the world.

The Allens find the most exciting aspect of mission work is seeing the people they train put biblical principles into practice. The Allens feel very privileged to witness a strong group of Argentines who are taking evangelism, church planting and missions beyond the theoretical.

Argentina, Americas
