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4000-139-Hoglund, Karen

Strengthening the church through mentoring, discipleship, and short-term teams.

It is my privilege to partner with Ugandan pastors and leaders, as well as my fellow missionaries to create, coordinate and lead short-term missions opportunities. The goal is both to build up the Ugandan church and to stretch and strengthen the faith of American believers. I also get to help lead a young women’s Bible Study through my church in Kampala. In addition, I am currently developing a month-long missions immersion/study experience for people to come, learn and be exposed to what it’s like to live and do ministry cross-culturally.

My Testimony
I grew up in a great Christian home, and at an early age, I learned about Jesus and my need for a Savior. Ever since then, I have been growing in both my understanding of that decision made with child-like faith and in my faith. Missions has always been an important part of our family. My grandparents served in northeast India for 30 years, and I have enjoyed getting to know missionaries and hearing their stories my whole life. In high school, I remember a missions speaker asking us to stand if we would be willing to do whatever God might ask us to do. Feeling this was a simple act of telling Him we would obey Him–I stood.

After graduating from college, I began to serve in youth ministries and go on short-term missions trips. God used these things to reveal to me two of my passions: investing in the lives of others, and mobilizing and challenging the church with what God is doing worldwide. I have had the privilege to see many lives impacted through short-term missions. I was blessed to also serve two different one-year terms in Moscow and Hungary.

For years I had been open and looking for a long-term opportunity to serve. I was introduced to WorldVenture and encouraged to look at opportunities available on their website. When I read about this job/ministry opening, it seemed a perfect fit. This was confirmed again and again by those who knew me. When people ask me how I ended up in Africa, I always say it was, “baby steps of faith.” God clearly led and directed each step of the journey. I obeyed and followed…and now – here I am; loving the adventure of serving Him in Uganda (Ok, maybe “most days” loving the adventure)!

Children’s Downloads
* Uganda Word Search

Blogs and Articles on
* What You Should Know Before Your First Short Term Trip

Uganda, Africa
