Once considered a Catholic country, Spain is stretched between the tyranny of tradition and the seduction of secularism. According to the World Factbook of the CIA, 70.2% of the Spanish are Roman Catholic. The majority of these were born and raised as Catholics, yet few know a personal relationship with Christ. The Spanish Church has a desperate need for leaders who will spread the gospel and the love of Christ.
Soraya Marin has a passion for women’s ministry and Christian leadership development. She serves as chaplain and assistant dean of IBSTE, a Bible institute and seminary based in Barcelona. While Soraya is discipling the future leaders of the Church, her position also allows her to form relationships with women of many different countries who have come to live in Spain. Soraya prays that the Lord will provide meaningful friendships which in His due time will lead women to His grace and salvation.
God has opened the doors for a wide-reaching ministry supporting national churches. Besides her service in IBSTE, Soraya also translates worship services, hosts disciple-making trainings, mobilizes women in prayer, and promotes the planting of new churches. Serving on mission is an exciting challenge for her. Whatever difficulties she may face, knowing Christ and sharing His love outshines all else.
How you can pray:
1. May an outpouring of the Holy Spirit all over the nation lead a Spanish revival.
2. May denominations have greater cooperation to advance the gospel and provide a wide range of opportunities to demonstrate the love of Christ.
3. May God raise influential voices to bring truth and righteousness to the community.
“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” Colossians 1:28-29