We’re the Yee family (Eric, Tina, Caleb & Micah) and, by God’s grace, we’ve been building healthy churches that make Christ’s disciples to reach the unchurched, unwanted, unreached & unengaged in Indonesia.
When we first arrived in Indonesia on June 17, 2010, we never would’ve expected that we’d be here 11 years later, let alone that the first church we helped plant (HMCC of Tangerang) would plant a second church (HMCC of Jakarta); that our church members would start their own Bible studies with their family members, friends, and co-workers, and that they’d start different missional initiatives to reach students, refugees, street children and their families, those enslaved in the sex industry, and those who have little access to healthcare; and that our churches would partner together to prepare to send out our own local members to an unreached, unengaged people group near us.
To see what our ministry in Indonesia was like in 2021, you can watch our church’s End of the Year video here.
Why Jakarta, Indonesia?
Indonesia is the fourth largest populated country (over 270 million) with more than 300 ethnic groups and is the largest Muslim populated country (over 80%) in the world. Indonesia boasts the largest economy in Southeast Asia and the 10th largest in the world, much of which centers in the capital city of Jakarta (over 10 million people) and the larger Jakarta metropolitan area (over 35 million people).
Jakarta, Indonesia is like no other place on earth. As the economic, political, and cultural center of Indonesia, it has been described as New York, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles all in one. Therefore, what happens in Jakarta has potential to influence not only the rest of Indonesia but also much of Southeast Asia.
How did we get to Jakarta, Indonesia?
In 2010, we were sent to Indonesia to be part of HMCC’s first international church plant, HMCC of Tangerang in the suburbs right outside the capital city of Jakarta. And in 2015, HMCC of Tangerang sent out another church plant team that Eric led and a core group of about 25 people to start HMCC of Jakarta in the capital city. And as our core group began reaching out to their family, friends, and co-workers, we began to grow where we now have about 100 members at HMCC of Jakarta, where Eric serves as a pastor.
What are we doing in Jakarta, Indonesia?
A simple way to think about our ministry is to “the uns”: the unchurched, unwanted, unreached & unengaged. We mobilize our members to reach and disciple the unchurched (their acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, friends, and family who they regularly interact with), the unwanted (those on the margins of society that are often forgotten or mistreated), and the unreached & unengaged (people groups that are especially spiritually impoverished).
Why are we in need of support?
When we were first sent to Indonesia 11 years ago, we were passionate about all that God would do in Indonesia (and we still are!) but we did not anticipate the many struggles we’d face ministering overseas—burnout, overwhelm, isolation, relational strains, among other things. Therefore, the primary reason we joined WorldVenture (with over 75 years of experience) was for overall support for our long-term health as we minister overseas, which we’ve benefited from in terms of being part of a larger family of overseas workers in Indonesia and around the world, gaining outside perspective, mentoring, counseling, and overall care for our family.
Because our compensation from HMCC of Jakarta covers our cost of living in Indonesia, our WorldVenture budget is significantly lower than that of others and is set up specifically for expenses related to being WorldVenture ministers overseas.
In closing …
Our goal is not just a one-time event, but we’re in it for the long-haul (11 years and counting!). We’re here to build healthy churches that make Christ’s disciples to reach the unchurched, unwanted, unreached and unengaged in Indonesia. We’re here to transform lost people into Christ’s disciples who will then transform the world … with your help.
Help us be sustainable over the long-term as a life-giving church in the heart of one of the most influential cities in the world. Help us invest in the long-term work of building healthy churches and making Christ’s disciples in Indonesia.
Eric, Tina, Caleb & Micah
For more information about our ministry
* Church Video 2020-2021 End of Year Video
* Email: ericandtina718@gmail.com
* Church Website: jakarta.hmcc.net
* Church Instagram: hmcc_jkt
* Church Video: 2019-2020 End of the Year Video
* Article: How a Jakarta Church is Living 360 Discipleship
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(NOTE: Only regular commitments, as opposed to one-time gifts, are counted towards our Partner Development goal of being at 100% of our total WorldVenture budget)
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