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4000-247-Worker Name Withheld

The B People treasure hospitality especially serving coffee. They are strongly self-reliant. They feel it is a shame to accept help unless they are truly needy. They are resourceful, tough, generous, and enjoy socializing.

They have no church, no pastor, and even the New Testament is not quite ready in their language!. There are perhaps a few dozen scattered believers among 2-3 million. The gospel has hardly begun to spread here. To establish ourselves in the area we work part time with an Arabic Evangelical church to plant an English language congregation in a resort city. So we are working with an ancient indigenous people and also with foreigners whose presence is a recent phenomenon.

The B People resist change to protect their way of life. They have always found outsiders to be a threat and the threats have only increased in recent decades. So they have their walls up.

Pray for open doors and spiritual hunger among the B People.
Ask God to transform the hearts of the few who are hearing the gospel.
Pray for a movement of evangelism and discipleship in the English-speaking community.

About Us:
He had encountered the gospel during high school. The two of them met as freshman at the University of Wisconsin. During a struggle she was having with meaning and big questions, he suggested she needed a spiritual answer for this. Amazingly, the next day she was approached in the snack bar by two women who offered to share how she could know God. Both of them came to faith as a result and during their college years, grew as Christians through a campus ministry and church.

After graduation they served with Cru for twelve years in Africa. They moved back to the US with three children in 1996 so he could finish seminary. They moved to the Boston area where he served as an associate pastor for several years.

She is a registered nurse who has worked in early intervention for ten years. This involves helping parents and children from birth to age three who have developmental delays.

Europe MENA, Global
