Though Spain is known as a Roman Catholic country, spiritual apathy is widespread and Spanish evangelical believers are few in comparison. Meanwhile, a large majority of leaders in the Spanish evangelical churches are bi-vocational, with limited time, energy, and resources to devote to church development and Biblical studies.
In 1996, Jon and Kathy Haley began to assist the church-planting movement in Spain through leadership development and mobilization. They have been privileged to serve alongside the Spanish church in a variety of ways: promoting church health as national partners for Natural Church Development; coordinating the start of an online Bible school; translating and publishing theology and church health books; and developing a tool ( to mentor bi-vocational, non-seminary-trained pastors in expository sermon preparation.
Their current ministry focuses on: (1) providing resources and training through the website, (2) translating into Spanish the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series (see The Spanish ZECNT project for more information), and (3) preparing resources for Koine Greek studies.
– 6422-907-ZECNT Translation
– Project Video