Officially retired, living stateside, engaged in ongoing writing, editing, publication projects in India through the Mylapore Institute.
At present I continue as Managing Editor of DHARMA DEEPIKA, A South Asian Journal of Missiological Research. Two issues per year, 100 pages each, focusing on various contextual themes.
I also served as Chief Editor of the OXFORD ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF SOUTH ASIAN CHRISTIANITY, published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi, covering aspects of Christian history, beliefs, personalities, institutions and traditions in all of the South Asian countries, i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well as Burma/Myanmar and the South Asian diaspora. A separate but related Companion Volume is under construction as a supplementary handbook.
Apart from the above, I am revising two book manuscripts for possible publication. From time to time I have opportunity to serve as an academic adviser or external reader for doctoral dissertations in Missiology and Christian Studies. Recently in India I gave a lecture at the Mylapore Institute for Indigenous Studies and presented a paper at the Madras Christian College Conference on Mission Today celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Tambaram International Missionary Council conference of 1938. Both the paper and the lecture are intended for publication.