Ministry Summary
At Galway City Baptist Church we work primarily with youth. Our focus is on discipleship and training of teenagers and young adults. We want to instill in these future leaders of the Irish church that they are able to lead. We want to equip them with the necessary skills to be able to hand off the ministry to them to ensure it is a truly Irish ministry.
Ireland is a beautiful country but behind the breathtaking landscapes and beautiful countryside are a people clouded in darkness and despair. We realized we had seen a hopelessness in Ireland we had not experienced anywhere else.Where the Gospel was once proclaimed, churches now stand empty and the Irish are turning their backs on God in increasing numbers and many youth have never even touched a Bible. Fewer than 2% of Irish are Evangelical Christian, which is the lowest percentage for all English speaking countries in the world. Because there are so few Evangelical Christians in Ireland, youth often cannot find like-minded individuals in their social circles giving them no one to walk with them or hold them accountable.
We do not believe God is done with the Irish. We have felt the Lord point our hearts to this people and we continue to follow His direction here in Ireland where we desire be used as His tools to bring the Irish back to Him.
-That our ministry team will be unified and will work together for God’s glory.
-That God will protect our marriage and build us up together in unity.
-That God will turn the hearts of the people of Ireland back to Him.
-That we will seek God’s wisdom and guidance with the ministry.