About us
We met at a local church in the Chinatown neighborhood of Chicago. We have a heart to serve the children mainly from the working class. Steve was an elementary school teacher and Shirley was a high school Mandarin and math teacher. After we tied the knot in 2011, we spent the first four years of our marriage enjoying playing video games, traveling, and serving the youth fellowship. We have two beautiful children; a 4-year-old toddler named Stefany who loves school and sings songs to the Lord, and a 1-year-old named Stefen (pronounced Stephen) who loves to play with his big sister and sucks his thumb. We were appointed as missionaries to Taiwan through WorldVenture and now are in the partner development process.
Why mission?
Growing up from the neighborhood, Steve saw how the kids were following in his footsteps. Parents working long hours, there is a lack of communication and social skills between parents and children, and kids wander around the neighborhood with their peers. The Lord answered Steve’s prayer to become a counselor for the youth fellowship at his church. Shirley joined the ministry for her love of children. The two of us loved to serve the kids that the Lord put in our lives. God put the children of Taiwan on our hearts through our short-term mission trips. We were challenged by the missionaries on these trips who were passionately serving the Lord by sharing the Gospel with the lost.
Why Taiwan?
Through our short-term mission trips to Taiwan, we fell in love with the people and culture. Less than 4% of the population are evangelical Christian. The majority of Taiwanese people will die without ever hearing the Gospel. Therefore, God has put Taiwan on our hearts and our love for Taiwan has grown ever since.
What will we be doing in Taiwan?
We love children and we want to serve the children of Taiwan. Many Taiwanese children lack parental supports due to long working hours, long school and tutoring hours, affairs, divorces, and lack of parenting skills. We would like to bring our love, abilities, and experiences to help minister to these children. Some of the possible ministries we would like to be involved in are serving the missionaries’ kids, running summer camps, Vacation Bible School, Sunday schools, youth fellowships, and discipling the children and youth.
Contact information (聯繫方式): ss.tan@worldventure.net
Newsletter in Chinese and English
有一顆服侍基層孩子的心。Steve 是一位
小學老師,Shirley 是一位教授數學和中
文的中學老師。我們在 2011 年結婚,最初
個可愛的孩子,一個是四歲的 Stefany,
歲的 Stefen,他喜歡跟姐姐玩和吮他的手
指頭。我們透過 WorldVenture 差派去台灣
Steve 看見在他社區裡的孩子們正踏上他成長的後塵:父母工作時間很長,與孩子們之間缺少溝通和互
動,孩子們只能與朋友在社區裡閒晃。主回應了 Steve 的禱告,讓他在教會裡成為青少年團契的導師,
Shirley 也同樣喜愛孩子,後來更一同加入了青少年事工。我們都喜歡服侍主安排在我們生命中的孩子。
透過數次台灣短宣,我們愛上了這裡的人以及文化。在這裡,福音派基督徒所佔的比例少於 4%,大部分台