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4000-351-Rudolph, Michael and Emily

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022)
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Mike and Emily have been called to serve as educators in Ukraine—Mike in the area of theological education while Emily will be teaching in a Christian school. Their desire is to be used by God to empower leaders in the Ukrainian church as they pursue the opportunities God has laid before them.

Mike and Emily were both blessed to be raised in Christian homes and to come to know Christ at an early age. Originally from the Midwest (Iowa and Ohio), they did not meet until God brought each of them to North Carolina.

Mike’s focus is upon the application of linguistic and pragmatic principles to the study of the original languages of the biblical text in order to discern more sharply the biblical author’s intended meaning and to translate that meaning more effectively to modern readers.

Emily‘s passion is to teach children and youth about Jesus. She has both a Bachelors and Masters degrees in the field of education, and has taught students from Pre-Kindergarten to the college level. Emily loves the gift of worship as well as the chance to meet and build relationships with people.

Pray for the Rudolph family as they make this transition to Ukraine and begin language studies. Pray that they may learn the language well in order to bridge the cultural gap and to speak more effectively into the lives of the Ukrainian people.

Please pray that financial partnerships will make it possible for Mike and Emily to serve in Ukraine and utilize the gifts God has given them.

Ukraine, Europe MENA
